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Junior Prom

Started by hismajesty, March 18, 2006, 11:49 PM

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How long before this shindig starts are you supposed to ask someone to be your date?


And how do you do it?
Quote from: brew on April 25, 2007, 07:33 PM
that made me feel like a total idiot. this entire thing was useless.


Quote from: Joe on March 18, 2006, 11:57 PM
And how do you do it?
You take a piece of paper with 3 boxes on it and lable one box "Yes" one box "no" and one box "Maybe."  Then you just write "Will you go to the prom with me?  Check one:"
Say it with me:


The sooner the better, as you could get shot down. Also you need to ask early so the girl can have time to go dress shopping and make her hair and makeup appointments. Three weeks would be good. Just be yourself and ask. You are not asking for a long term commitment or intimate relationship, you are just asking her to go to a formal so present it as such. If she has a good time it could potentially turn into more, but just approach it like a 'just as friends' kind of thing.
Quote(00:04:08) zdv17: yeah i quit doing that stuff cause it jacked up the power bill too much
(00:04:19) nick is a turtle: Right now im not paying the power bill though
(00:04:33) nick is a turtle: if i had to pay the electric bill
(00:04:47) nick is a turtle: id hibernate when i go to class
(00:04:57) nick is a turtle: or at least when i go to sleep
(00:08:50) zdv17: hibernating in class is cool.. esp. when you leave a drool puddle


For prom, just hire a really bangin' hot stripper. You'll get ALL the attention - everyone will be jelous.


Think of the film "The Girl Next Door".


Um this girl is already my friend, and a teacher and some other people said I should ask her to prom. Two of my friends think I should ask her out. We go places together (but her best friend, who's also my friend, always come) Last night we went to dinner and then I invited them to go see a movie. Her parents were iffy on the movie and I finally had to meet them last night. Her entire family thinks that we're dating, and her best friends mom (who I've met and she thinks I'm "cute" and "nice") thought her daughter was just going to cover up for a date between me and the other girl.

I'm pretty sure she'll say yes (because all the signs point to her liking me) plus she's a sophmore so she can go to JP a year early.

I had mentioned to her that my debate coach and some other people were saying I should ask someone to JP on the phone, and she wanted to know who and after saaying no at first I told her. She wasn't like "uh, well that's not going to happen" or anything. So, I think timing is more of a concern for me then her saying no - because really I hadn't even planned on going.

(I'm not going to post it here, but if you're interested in the full story then it's here.)


Haha, dude I think you got it in the bag. You're already calling her and stuff. I'm sure she knows anyway since you're not making it much of a secret and well, it is high school after all.. So just go for it.


Quote from: Trance on March 19, 2006, 07:48 AM
Haha, dude I think you got it in the bag. You're already calling her and stuff. I'm sure she knows anyway since you're not making it much of a secret and well, it is high school after all.. So just go for it.

For reference: girl1 = girl I like; girl2=best friend of girl1, also a friend of mine.

Actually I didn't have her number until yesterday, but she had mine. I got hers when she text messaged me. We hadn't started talking on the phone until Friday night I don't think. I had debate then too and after I was finished with my part (ended early, had to wait for others to finish) I called girl2 and we 3-way'd with girl1 for an hour and a half.

And I don't think I'm making it that obvious. It'd be better if I could go somewhere with girl1 alone, but it's always been with girl2. One reason for this is everytime (except like twice) girl1 had to get permission from her parents to go to girl2s house, but then I would take them to lunch or something. I went over girl2s house twice, and the last time on Thursday they were trying to get me to skip my lacrosse game and stay. :\

Now that I've met her parents, it's either going to be easier to do stuff  or worse. I'm not sure yet. She said she'd call me today and tell me what her parents said about me, but I'm thinking I'll probably call her about it.


Ah still though, you're talking to her on the phone now so you're doing fine. Just ask her to get some food with you or something. Is there stuff to do at her house? If you hang out there a few times and get along with everyone you should earn the parents trust and then you'll be good to go.

Where do you live anyway? Parents seem a lot more conservative where you are than here.

:P It's obvious when people start to tell you to take her or ask her out.


I've eaten dinner with her 3 or 4 times, including last night. I've had lunch with her outside of school many times, and I eat lunch with her in school every day. The problem is that her best friend has been with her every time. Every other day I go to the library during my study hall, and both of them have been going to...but her best friend has to go back to gym (sprained ankle couldn't participate for a couple weeks.) So it'll just be us in there for the rest of the year, so that should help some.

I live in Virginia. I just think certain parents are more conservative about it, I haven't even told my mom I've been hanging out with them. I told her I was going to lunch with some lacrosse guys the other day and I actually went with them, and then yesterday I said I was going to dinner w/ debate people and I totally left out the fact that they were going to the movies with me. I know my mom would just jump to conclusions like everyone else is.

The thing about people telling me is weird too:
A good friend of mine seriously thinks she likes me and he thinks I like her.
My other friend said I was moving in "the negative direction" by liking/hanging out with her (because she's a sophmore, and not in this group of really slutty girls he likes but has no chance with. And because she doesn't hang out with the people I "should" hang out with (not that he hangs out with them either, and they're all people I was friends with in middle school but don't really like.) On Friday he said I should just go ahead and ask her out because there's nobody left. So it was hardly sincere.

At debate they were talking about junior prom. My debate coach, and 3 or 4 girls said I should ask this girl. However, it also happens to be that none of them (including the coach) like her that much. So I don't know what's up with that. I was talking to Warrior about it and he thinks she definitely likes me and she didn't seem to object to everyone saying I should ask her to prom and she was interested in WHO they said to ask. She also (I'm guessing jokingly) suggested we might as well tell everyone we're together since everyone thinks that already. I guess that also shows she's not fully against it maybe? I'm just wondering about timing.


Well I meant just the two of you as far as lunch or whatever is concerned. Don't wait for it just try it out.

Don't read too much into her asking who you're taking to prom, girls are interested in that stuff in general usually. Also she may be just messing around when she said you guys should tell everyone you're together, so don't read too much into that either.

The only real sign I can see is that you guys have been talking on the phone a lot (unless I'm mistaken). But what you really need to do is just get some one on one time, is there an ice rink where you live? Those are great for this kind of thing. If things go well then ask her to go to prom. I wouldn't suggest asking her out just yet.


Ice rink isn't open anymore, it's only open in the winter. There's another one but it's in a neighboring city and it's not that great.

We haven't been talking on the phone much, but we did talk for 5 hours on AIM (split between two days, 3.5 one day 1.5 the next.) Her family all thinks we're dating/somethings up because she never talks to people online, especially for that long, and she generally doesn't mention guys around the house that often either. I'm really anxious for her to call me and tell me what her parents said about me, but she's at her sisters birthday party...where she expects her whole family will be questioning her about me.

She also told her parents we were "engaged and expecting" The engaged part was my idea but the expecting part was hers. I didn't think she'd actually tell them that though.


Eh she just called me. She's at her sisters birthday party at laser tag, she got bored in the middle of the game and sat down in the corner and called me while 30 12 year olds sat there and shot her.

She told me that her Dad called her down this morning for breakfast and he made pancakes in the shape of an "L" and "M." When she went over her grandparents house before going to the party I guess, her grandpa was like "So I heard you went on a date last night!" and Lauren said that she didn't, and he said "that's not what your mom said."

I'm guessing her parents aren't totally against me...


According to your x86 post she already knows people (& probably you) think you should ask her...I think she's expecting it.  Ya might want to do it decently soon so she ain't left hanging, does anyone else concur with that?
rebundance - having or being in excess of sheer stupidity
Quote from: Spht on June 22, 2004, 07:32 PMSlap.
Quote from: Adron on January 28, 2005, 09:17 AMIn a way, I believe that religion is inherently evil, which includes Christianity. I'd also say Christianity is eviller than Buddhism (has more potential for evil).
Quote from: iago on April 19, 2005, 01:06 PM
CrAz3D's ... is too big vertically, at least, too big with ... iago ...
