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Funny Clips from Channel Op [vL]

Started by Invert, December 27, 2002, 07:45 PM

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Hmm, probably he was having a bad day.  Anyone who knows anything about our channel is aware that non-member bans are just a fact of life.  Nothing to get upset about, unless there's a reason to get upset other than the ban itself.

Grokism:  "A ban for no reason is considerably better than a ban for cause."

With the former, no member took issue with you personally, as in the latter, in which a member didn't particularly like something about you.  Thus, a ban with cause will probably result in more bans or more permanent ban status.

I hope this will be a chill pill for our future visitors.


[18:40:52] Loe)Manwe@USEast joined the channel using Starcraft: Brood War (1 win).
[18:40:55] <Loe)Manwe@USEast> hey ny1 here?
[18:41:01] <BinaryChat@USEast> ny1?
[18:41:05] <Loe)Manwe@USEast> any one
[18:41:08] <Grok[vL]> ny ny!
[18:41:14] <Grok[vL]> go mets
[18:41:24] <[vL]Kp@USEast> heh
[18:41:31] <Loe)Manwe@USEast> so do you know how to fix that msgvb... shit for the stealth bot
[18:41:33] <Loe)Manwe@USEast> i forgot lol
[18:41:39] <Grok[vL]> what is msgvb?
[18:41:39] <[vL]Kp@USEast> um?
[18:41:42] <Loe)Manwe@USEast> i traded an original name for a stealth
[18:41:47] <[vL]Kp@USEast> and why're you asking us about a bot we didn't even make? =p
[18:41:47] <Loe)Manwe@USEast> and he cant fix that error
[18:41:53] <Grok[vL]> who made stealth?
[18:41:53] <Tara[vL]@USEast> hmm
[18:41:56] <Loe)Manwe@USEast> nightwing[vl]
[18:41:57] <Loe)Manwe@USEast> lol
[18:42:01] <Grok[vL]> who the hell is that?
[18:42:04] <[vL]Kp@USEast> We have no member by that name.
[18:42:05] <Loe)Manwe@USEast> ..........
[18:42:08] <Loe)Manwe@USEast> lol dude
[18:42:12] (BotNet) <[vL]Kp> This guy is majorly misinformed. :p
[18:42:13] <Loe)Manwe@USEast> he was in ops yesterday
[18:42:22] <Grok[vL]> someone's fucking with you, and its not us.
[18:42:27] <Loe)Manwe@USEast> .......
[18:42:28] <Grok[vL]> thats a shame, cause you'd be fun.
[18:42:34] (BotNet) <[vL]Kp> Nightwing[vL] doesn't even *EXIST* on the server
[18:42:34] <Grok[vL]> er i mean
[18:42:36] <Loe)Manwe@USEast> lol
[18:42:43] <Grok[vL]> seriously, there is no nightwing[vl].
[18:42:46] <Loe)Manwe@USEast> im going to go away b4 sum1 tried to rape me
[18:42:48] <Loe)Manwe@USEast> ...
[18:42:50] <Grok[vL]> someone probably gave you a trojan.
[18:42:51] <Loe)Manwe@USEast> FREAKS....
[18:42:53] Loe)Manwe@USEast left the channel.
[18:42:59] <[vL]Kp@USEast> Well, we got rid of him
[18:43:01] <Grok[vL]> nice.
[18:43:06] <Grok[vL]> that goes on vL funniest videos
[18:43:14] <[vL]Kp@USEast> It's sometimes an interesting game to see how hard it is to get rid of someone without actually using Zerobot to do it :P


Quote[15:29:11] GruNt)hW( has joined the channel using Warcraft II Battle.net Edition.
[15:29:16] <GruNt)hW(> Hello?
[15:29:27] <GruNt)hW(> is there anyone i could talk to for suggestions on eternal chat?
[15:29:34] <Spht[vL]> Maybe
[15:30:18] <Spht[vL]> Although appreciated your suggestions are, it is possible that some things may never be added.
[15:30:53] <GruNt)hW(> well if anyone could tell the creator... tagbans and anti-flood.
[15:31:06] <Spht[vL]> What about it?
[15:31:10] <GruNt)hW(> those are the ones we need to keep them out, b/c in clan channel we cant keep the flooders and shit out.
[15:31:15] <GruNt)hW(> :-\
[15:31:19] <GruNt)hW(> Clan xHWx
[15:31:24] <Spht[vL]> I think it has tagbans and anti-flood
[15:31:34] <GruNt)hW(> wut version is it on now?
[15:31:40] <GruNt)hW(> k?
[15:31:40] <Spht[vL]> I think it's at version 2.16k
[15:31:44] <GruNt)hW(> i have that
[15:31:50] <GruNt)hW(> and i dont see it as commands...
[15:31:58] <Spht[vL]> Read the web site
[15:32:08] <Spht[vL]> It has about how to add database users
[15:32:15] <GruNt)hW(> i have
[15:32:20] <GruNt)hW(> i've looked at that
[15:32:27] <GruNt)hW(> I didnt see floodprotect or nuffin.
[15:32:33] <Spht[vL]> It's automatic
[15:32:38] <Spht[vL]> You don't need to configure it
[15:32:42] <GruNt)hW(> well tell him and whisper me sometime? or my aims chops4dinna
[15:32:48] <GruNt)hW(> oic...
[15:32:53] <Spht[vL]> I'll tell the creator of EternalChat that you dropped by...
[15:32:53] <GruNt)hW(> but wut bot tagbans...
[15:33:03] <GruNt)hW(> bout*
[15:33:10] <GruNt)hW(> are they automatic?
[15:33:16] <Spht[vL]> See web site about that
[15:33:23] <Spht[vL]> You need to set up a database
[15:33:24] <GruNt)hW(> or is tagbans just like
[15:33:29] <GruNt)hW(> setuser name@useast b
[15:33:30] <GruNt)hW(> ?
[15:33:31] <Spht[vL]> right
[15:33:33] <GruNt)hW(> thats tagban?
[15:33:35] <Spht[vL]> yeah
[15:33:47] <Spht[vL]> if you wan to to autoban a tag, do setuser *thetag* b
[15:33:49] <GruNt)hW(> im sayin can we do.. *KiLaZ*@useast b
[15:33:53] <Spht[vL]> right
[15:33:58] <Spht[vL]> if the bot is on War3
[15:33:59] <GruNt)hW(> will it ban every useast user ?
[15:34:03] <Spht[vL]> no
[15:34:05] <GruNt)hW(> yes its w3...
[15:34:06] <Spht[vL]> only if you did *@USeast
[15:34:27] <GruNt)hW(> so if i wanted to ban every KiLaZ user
[15:34:50] <GruNt)hW(> i would do setuser *KiLaZ*@useast? oir *KiLaZ-@useast*
[15:34:56] <GruNt)hW(> hm...
[15:35:02] <GruNt)hW(> im guessin n*KiLaZ*
[15:35:05] <Spht[vL]> If they're on non-Warcraft III, then *KiLaZ*USEast B
[15:35:11] <Spht[vL]> *KiLaZ*@USEast*
[15:35:11] <GruNt)hW(> ok
[15:35:14] <GruNt)hW(> Thank alot
[15:35:17] <GruNt)hW(> i appreicate it
[15:35:26] <Spht[vL]> Ok, I try. I've never used the bot before
[15:35:44] <GruNt)hW(> Tell skywing or the creator thx a bunch for the great bot, i dont understand why u guys dont want clan channel
[15:35:49] <GruNt)hW(> like old times is how we felt :-D
[15:35:57] <GruNt)hW(> l8er
[15:36:03] <Spht[vL]> I'll make sure the creator of EternalChat, Spht, gets the message.
[15:36:07] GruNt)hW( has left the channel.



When you meet your maker, will you recognize Him?


Maybe not, after all, I don't have "Made In Heaven" stamped on my ass.


Cuphead: Maybe your creator didn't wish to take credit!  ;)


Or maybe he was not made in heaven.


You have been banned on the bases of rule 7 under section Reasons You May Get Banned of the Visitor Guidelines article.

FROM: "Michael Lepilov" <[email protected]>
DATE:    Sun, 29 Jun 2003 20:52:46 -0400  
TO:    <[email protected]>  
SUBJECT:    ...  

Please unban my Starcraft: Brood War username:  Mlepilov_123

I will also ask you to please not kick/ban me or/and other people from your channel for no reason. I realize that it is in your clan rules that you can kick/ban people without any apparent reason, but it is quite annoying to me that you have banned me and then bragged about access to the bot.

My business in the channel was to ask Skywing/Yoni about giving me a BNLS ID/Password, but you have impeded my business by banning me. Now, I require to halt my bot progress and wait more because you have banned me from the
channel for no apparent reason. The above was just a suggestion, not a requirement as it states in your clan rules.  

That got him on the Ban list.

His 2nd e-mail. This made me laugh.

FROM: "Michael Lepilov" <[email protected]>
DATE: Thu, 24 Jul 2003 11:56:54 -0400  
TO: <[email protected]>  
SUBJECT: Ban me for all I care.  

Go ahead, I've answered your email. Ban me. Go ahead.

First of all, you need help, not me. You have problems with banning people,
you need to learn how to talk to people without resorting to banning them.
(And answering at least one of their questions.)

I got over the incident, but people like you just piss me off.

Go ahead, ban me, as I've said, for all I care I don't even go on bnet
anymore, as it's filled with freaks like you threatening everyone to get
ipbanned from your precious little network. You don't even own the domain
server, and you should get a firewall. I've been able to ping you and scan
your ports via sending packets.



QuoteMy business in the channel was to ask Skywing/Yoni about giving me a BNLS ID/Password, but you have impeded my business by banning me. Now, I require to halt my bot progress and wait more because you have banned me from the
channel for no apparent reason.

QuoteGo ahead, ban me, as I've said, for all I care I don't even go on bnet
anymore, as it's filled with freaks like you threatening everyone to get
ipbanned from your precious little network. You don't even own the domain
server, and you should get a firewall. I've been able to ping you and scan
your ports via sending packets.

Lemme Get This Straight...
-He Gets Banned Before Asking For BNLS ID/PASS
*Most Likely From Bot Idle
-Why Is He Coding A Bot If He Never Goes On Anymore Anyways...
-Why Is He Asking For BNLS ID/PASS If He Claims He Knows What Packets Do
-Www.ValhallaLegends.Com Is Obviously More Secure Than His Box. Since The Leetest People On Bnet Are Clan [vL] Members.


I've been able to ping you and scan
your ports via sending packets.

Oh no! He's gonna be able to tell us the server latency! A ruthless hacker is he! ;)


This entire subnet gets port scanned 24 hours a day, 7 days a week from all over the world.  It clogs up my log files really makes reading them a bit of a pain in the ass.  Good thing I can filter that crap so I can focus on the cool stuff like who's email I need to read. >:D
That sucking sound you hear is my bandwidth.


[18:57:28] Death-LoD joined the channel using Starcraft: Brood War (23 wins).
[18:58:06] <Death-LoD> Hey are u guys interested in allying a clan?
[18:58:14] <Yoni[vL]> there is no such thing
[18:58:33] <Death-LoD> o
[18:58:41] <Death-LoD> u guys don't ally
[18:58:45] <Death-LoD> ?
[18:59:07] <Yoni[vL]> if we did, what would it mean?
[18:59:21] <Death-LoD> It for the purpose of clan wars
[18:59:36] <Death-LoD> we help u defeat ure enemies u help us
[18:59:37] <Yoni[vL]> explain?
[18:59:52] <Death-LoD> Like say there is a gay clan
[18:59:57] <Death-LoD> that u don't like
[19:00:05] <Yoni[vL]> we don't have clan wars, nor collective enemies
[19:00:08] <[vL]Kp> Why would we care about a clan's sexuality?
[19:00:13] <Death-LoD> We spam there channel and game against there players
[19:00:28] <Yoni[vL]> spamming their channel sounds pretty lame and futile
[19:00:32] <MacBinaryBot> Spamming is annoying, why would vL want to do it to others?
[19:00:42] <Yoni[vL]> gaming against their players sounds pretty friendly
[19:00:45] <[vL]Kp> Yes.  Any decent client can filter out spam pretty quickly, even if the opbot doesn't ban it.
[19:00:47] <Death-LoD> If they do it to u why not?
[19:01:02] <[vL]Kp> because they're extremely ineffective when they do it to us?
[19:01:04] <Yoni[vL]> we don't care?
[19:01:04] <MacBinaryBot> Because it's dumb?
[19:01:08] <[vL]Kp> and it consumes our resources to spam them?
[19:01:11] <Death-LoD> OK
[19:01:18] <Death-LoD> sORRY FOR THe bother
[19:01:22] <Yoni[vL]> if it makes you feel any better
[19:01:25] Death-LoD left the channel.



[13:27:02] <WeSt!> is the account [vL] for trade?



Should've said yes just to see what other hillarity would ensue..... ;)
