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Funny Clips from Channel Op [vL]

Started by Invert, December 27, 2002, 07:45 PM

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Quote from: Skywing on March 28, 2003, 11:37 PM
Quote from: Spht on March 28, 2003, 07:26 PM
Quote[21:40:50] Joining private channel CLaN [vL].
You can thank UserLoser for that (or UsErLoSeR?)...
It's either UserLoser or USeRLoSeR :P - Also, Sorry about the channel!


Quote[16:45:08] <DarkDragoon1234> how do i join?
[16:45:12] <DarkDragoon1234> or can i?
[16:45:14] WhiteRider_AAX_@Azeroth has left the channel.
[16:45:15] <[vL]Kp> f / F for forward / back
[16:45:22] <[vL]Kp> Drag: meeting reqs would be a good start
[16:45:33] <[vL]Kp> and knowing how to join is an excellent second step
[16:45:49] <DarkDragoon1234> iwish i knew lol
[16:45:52] <iago[vL]> And kicking yourself in the head would be a great third step
[16:45:54] <DarkDragoon1234> is it on ur site?
[16:45:56] <iago[vL]> I'd love to see that
[16:46:00] <[vL]Kp> No, we expect candidates to guess it.
[16:48:15] <DarkDragoon1234> damn so i guess how to join right?
[16:48:29] <Yoni[vL]> You have 3 guesses
[16:48:32] Spht[vL]@Azeroth has joined the channel using Warcraft III Reign of Chaos.
[16:48:36] <DarkDragoon1234> wtf
[16:48:39] <DarkDragoon1234> thats bs
[16:48:59] DarkDragoon1234 has left the channel.
[16:48:59] DarkDragoon1234 was banned by [vL] (I spit on your mother's grave).

It's too bad he got banned, I rather wanted to see what he would guess :)
This'll make an interesting test for broken AV:


-1 for that. It was stupid. Why don't you look at my funny posts and try to figure out for yourself what is funny and what is not. This is too common in our channel to be considered funny.

And what about the ban message: "I spit on your mother's grave"?

That's not funny, that's just a plain old insult. That guy did nothing bad to any of you for you to be saying that shit.

I mean when I talk shit to people it's funny because I make it be funny, I don't insult them with shit like; "I spit on your mother's grave".

You are fucking up my topic that I started.


btw, that was kp's ban, not mine.

Also, you completely missed the funny part, it was him thinking he had to guess the requirements to get into the clan, missing kp's sarcasm completely :P
This'll make an interesting test for broken AV:


Quote from: iago on April 13, 2003, 02:52 AM
btw, that was kp's ban, not mine.
04/12/2003 16:53:23 0 <*DarkMinion[vL]> ban *dragoon* i spit on your mother's grave

Next time, check the command log before accusing me of banning someone.
[19:20:23] (BotNet) <[vL]Kp> Any idiot can make a bot with CSB, and many do!


lol you're right, that was a false memory.  It happened to long ago! :-(
This'll make an interesting test for broken AV:


I understood the "funny part" and i said that it was not funny and too common in our channel to be considered funny.


[03:37:57] WindWolf(FMC) joined the channel using Starcraft (7 wins).
[03:38:30] <WindWolf(FMC)> hello
[03:38:34] <WindWolf(FMC)> is anyone here?
[03:39:19] <WindWolf(FMC)> clan (FMC) is threatening to attack you
[03:39:37] <WindWolf(FMC)> channels are
[03:39:41] <WindWolf(FMC)> clan FMC-
[03:39:41] WindWolf(FMC) was banned by [vL] (spam).



Wow, this topic got lost. Never fear, its back!

[02:22:07] DeCa- was banned by [vL] (SELECT * FROM Users WHERE Clue > 0).
[02:22:08] DeCa- left the channel.
[02:22:14] <SoulTaker@Azeroth> Ooo MySQL
[02:22:23] <BinaryChat> SQL ban.  Very nice.
[02:22:24] <Invert[vL]> no, it's just SQL
[02:22:33] <SoulTaker@Azeroth> Well, bleh
[02:22:35] <Invert[vL]> thank you
[02:22:36] <From: DeCa-> how come u banned me?
[02:22:41] <From: DeCa-> ?
[02:22:44] <Invert[vL]> [02:22:36] <From: DeCa-> how come u banned me?
[02:22:48] <From: DeCa-> im just curiouse
[02:22:52] <Invert[vL]> I guess he does not know SQL
[02:22:55] <BinaryChat> Heh...  It even fits your ban message.  =P
[02:23:06] <From: DeCa-> -.^
[02:23:11] <Tuberload> lol
[02:23:14] <Invert[vL]> Yeah, this can go on the channel fun thing.
[02:23:26] <To: DeCa-> SELECT * FROM Users WHERE Clue > 0
[02:23:30] <To: DeCa-> thats why
[02:23:56] <BinaryChat> Make sure you put "Mad props to CupHead, because he's my muse and inspiration."  ;)
[02:24:05] <SoulTaker@Azeroth> So the mask comes off
[02:24:08] <From: DeCa-> that dosnt make snse
[02:24:15] <Invert[vL]> my mouse?
[02:24:16] <From: DeCa-> sense*
[02:24:23] <Invert[vL]> [02:24:08] <From: DeCa-> that dosnt make snse
[02:24:24] <Invert[vL]> lol
[02:24:40] <From: DeCa-> random ban?
[02:24:57] <BinaryChat> Your muse, fool.  Sheesh.


Funny.  DeCa is right -- it doesn't make sense.  If you were selecting users to ban, it should have been:

SELECT UserName FROM Users WHERE Clue = 0

or possibly,

DELETE FROM Channel INNER JOIN Users On Channel.UserName = Users.UserName WHERE Users.Clue = 0


How did that not make sense? I was selecting users to keep in the channel.


Edited for brevity:

[21:00:54] <MysT_DooM> any1 here
[21:00:54] <Yoni[vL]> .find yoni[vl]
[21:01:17] <MysT_DooM> looks like yoni wasnt found
[21:01:18] <MysT_DooM> heh
[21:01:28] <MysT_DooM> .find yoni[vl]
[21:01:31] <MysT_DooM> nope
[21:01:43] <Yoni[vL]> Kp, fix botnet for a second?
[21:02:07] <Yoni[vL]> I need to +B MysT_DooM
[21:02:09] <Yoni[vL]> oh
[21:02:15] <MysT_DooM> ?
[21:02:17] MysT_DooM was banned by [vL] (hmm).
[21:02:21] <Yoni[vL]> ah that works



[23:27:16] LW-HornDog joined the channel using Starcraft.
[23:27:27] <LW-HornDog> can someonoe here help me get my account back/
[23:27:44] <Stealth> No, but they can help you in channel Blizzard Tech Support on USWest during normal business hours.
[23:27:54] <Stealth> err, not-so-normal business hours.
[23:28:11] <LW-HornDog> i dont have the cdkey it was made on
[23:28:22] <UserLoser.> Then you can't really get your account back.
[23:28:31] <UserLoser.> You could bruteforce it, good luck with that.
[23:28:38] <Stealth> UserLoser. is wise.
[23:28:42] <LW-HornDog> how you do that?
[23:28:46] <Stealth> Don't even bother
[23:28:50] <Stealth> it's not worth your time
[23:29:19] <UserLoser.> You find about 5000 proxies or more, you generate a list of every possible combination for a password, then you try to log on with each password.
[23:29:49] <LW-HornDog> oh
[23:30:04] <LW-HornDog> no oen here couldnt just hack it back?
[23:30:29] <LW-HornDog> i heard [vl] was a hacking clan
[23:30:44] <Stealth> I heard Bill Clinton say he didn't have sex with Monica
[23:30:52] <LW-HornDog> lol
[23:30:53] <Stealth> do you believe everything you hear?
[23:31:06] <Eibro@Azeroth> But TV said so :(
[23:31:08] <LW-HornDog> yea i do until i find out otherwise
[23:31:08] <UserLoser.> Well, there is a website you can goto: www.MyBNetAccount.com/password.aspx?AccountName=YourAccountHere
[23:32:27] <LW-HornDog> that website dont work
[23:32:50] <UserLoser.> Oh, I think I gave you the wrong URL
[23:32:52] <UserLoser.> Try this one...
[23:33:18] <UserLoser.> http://www.youreabrightone.com/Battlenet/Accounts.aspx?RetrievePassword=YourAccountName
[23:33:25] <UserLoser.> Try that one
[23:34:16] <LW-HornDog> that one didnt work either says cannot find server
[23:34:23] <To: Stealth> This is funny, LW_HornDog is going to these sites, lol
[23:34:25] You are UserLoser., using Warcraft II in a private channel.
[23:34:27] <From: Stealth> hehe.
[23:34:30] <UserLoser.> Ugh, you sure?
[23:34:30] <From: Stealth> poor guy
[23:34:34] <LW-HornDog> yea
[23:34:39] <To: Stealth> Yep, usually I get kicked for doing this
[23:34:59] <From: Stealth> being a bastard can be really fun though
[23:35:03] <To: Stealth> lol, yes

I removed some of the other activity in the channel, otherwise it's really long. :o


[19:02:49] <From: Malea[iS]> wtf?
[19:02:55] <From: Malea[iS]> Why did I just get banned
[19:03:06] <From: Malea[iS]> vL has major problems: [22:02:21] Malea[iS] was banned by [vL] (afk walker).
[19:03:13] <To: Malea[iS]> the channel rules say that you cannot be afk
[19:03:17] <From: Malea[iS]> I wasnt afk
[19:03:38] <From: Malea[iS]> I was ATTEMPTING to fix my bot
[19:04:03] <From: Malea[iS]> Damn vL has mad homo rules, You cant even program and be in there channel at the same time, that's worse than blizzard and their servers
[19:04:23] <To: Malea[iS]> what do you think, we owe you something?
[19:04:32] <To: Malea[iS]> do you think we must help you?
[19:05:02] <From: Malea[iS]> No, but I think that if I sit in a channel I should be able to program
[19:05:10] <From: Malea[iS]> Rather than get banned for actually trying to multi-task
[19:05:18] <To: Malea[iS]> I think what you think does not matter to us
[19:05:24] <From: Malea[iS]> I don't ban people for trying to multi-task in my channel
[19:05:27] <To: Malea[iS]> We make the rules here
[19:05:34] <To: Malea[iS]> those are your rules
[19:05:36] <From: Malea[iS]> It's called respect, you guys have NONE
[19:05:46] <To: Malea[iS]> should we and why?
[19:05:58] <From: Malea[iS]> It's called if a guest comes, and dosen't do anything against the natural laws of natrue, there should be no reason to ban him
[19:06:10] <From: Malea[iS]> Because if people dont respect people you know how as this world would be?
[19:06:13] <To: Malea[iS]> says who?
[19:06:19] <From: Malea[iS]> If I didn't respect you, I'd come up and blow up your house
[19:06:57] <From: Malea[iS]> Respect is even visible on the smallest levels such as banning another user from your channel, vL may be one of the smartest clans, but they sure as hell lack respect.
[19:06:58] <To: Malea[iS]> heh
[19:07:09] <From: Malea[iS]> Maby not all members
[19:07:13] <From: Malea[iS]> But whoever banned me does.
[19:07:32] <From: Malea[iS]> It's not like I came in saying FUCK YOU GUYS YOU GUYS SUCK
[19:07:35] <To: Malea[iS]> who ever banned you does not care about you or your problems or helping you
[19:07:43] <From: Malea[iS]> Than they should of Said so
[19:07:47] <From: Malea[iS]> rahter than banning me
[19:07:51] <To: Malea[iS]> even if you did no one would care and just ban you
[19:08:07] <To: Malea[iS]> they did not want to take the time
[19:08:14] <From: Malea[iS]> I guess since you guys are so busy programming you can't tell someone that they don't want to help you
[19:08:19] <To: Malea[iS]> you came to our channel
[19:08:20] <From: Malea[iS]> to busy "MUST PROGRAM MUST PROGRAM"
[19:08:24] <From: Malea[iS]> Fucking robots
[19:08:32] <From: Malea[iS]> "NO TALK NO TALK NO TALK"
[19:08:36] <To: Malea[iS]> ever hear of helping yourself?
[19:08:38] <From: Malea[iS]> Put on fucking quiet-time or something
[19:08:56] <To: Malea[iS]> you have a problem
[19:08:58] <From: Malea[iS]> If you guys can't even express yourselves, you'r probally the next group of shooters
[19:09:12] <From: Malea[iS]> No, I don't you guys can't even talk out your problems, you'r going to get fucked in the long run.
[19:09:24] <From: Malea[iS]> You don't like someone your going to end up shooting them
[19:09:29] <From: Malea[iS]> Rather telling them you don't like them
[19:09:38] <To: Malea[iS]> maybe if that someone is like you
[19:09:41] <To: Malea[iS]> heh
[19:10:01] <From: Malea[iS]> no, I actually express how I feel, or I wouldn't be telling you this
[19:10:15] <From: Malea[iS]> I feel pissed off because you guys have no respect, or some of you don't.
[19:10:38] <To: Malea[iS]> you think we care what you feel?
[19:11:22] <From: Malea[iS]> wow Fucking servers
[19:11:34] <From: Malea[iS]> Well, enjoy your night, I sure will, see yah.
[19:11:40] <To: Malea[iS]> talk to your psychiatrist about your problems not me
[19:11:50] <From: Malea[iS]> I don't talk to sucide bombers, c yah.


Quote from: Invert on July 05, 2003, 09:22 PM
[19:11:50] <From: Malea[iS]> I don't talk to sucide bombers, c yah.

Where the heck did that come from?
