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Funny Clips from Channel Op [vL]

Started by Invert, December 27, 2002, 07:45 PM

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Quoteaaaaaaaahahahhahahaha thats classic, but whats even funnier is userloser, a regular poster here, beleived it too lol
Or perhaps he was playing along... in which case, haha at you.
Eibro of Yeti Lovers.


He was not playing along.


? right


Quote[04:09:05] <Dark.USeRLoSeR attempts to find out if short visit ban is on..>
[04:09:06] Dark.USeRLoSeR left the channel.
[04:09:06] Dark.USeRLoSeR joined the channel using Starcraft: Brood War.
[04:09:06] Dark.USeRLoSeR left the channel.
[04:09:06] Dark.USeRLoSeR was banned by [vL] (fast rejoin).


Dont forget the rest :)
Quote[20:14:26] <Yoni[vL]> Nope
[20:14:31] <CupHead> Smart guy.
[20:14:47] <Yoni[vL]> But that deserves a place in quotes.txt
[20:15:08] <Yoni[vL]> .unban dark*
[20:15:08] Dark.USeRLoSeR was unbanned by [vL].
[20:15:13] <Grok[vL]> the short visit? lol
[20:15:18] Dark.USeRLoSeR joined the channel using Starcraft: Brood War.
[20:15:18] <Dark.USeRLoSeR> :-\
[20:15:37] <Dark.USeRLoSeR> thanks yoni
[20:15:44] Dark.USeRLoSeR was banned by [vL] (fast rejoin).
[20:15:44] Dark.USeRLoSeR left the channel.
[20:16:01] <Grok[vL]> haha typical :)


Quote[15:30:28] <Yoni[vL] wonders if his parents let him on Battle.net>



A clear example of a quote taken way out of context. :(
Full quote to clear the misunderstanding:
Quote[01:29:10] <Yoni[vL]> [01:28:11] <From: WuRd-Towely> well im 11 -.-
[01:29:26] <Yoni[vL] wonders if his parents let him on Battle.net>
[01:29:37] <Invert[vL]> [15:30:28] <Yoni[vL] wonders if his parents let him on Battle.net>
[01:29:42] <Yoni[vL]> no!
[01:29:44] <Invert[vL]> lol
[01:29:48] <Yoni[vL]> I can't believe I did that!
[01:30:02] <Yoni[vL]> I'm always being careful about stuff I say so they won't be quotable
[01:30:06] <Invert[vL]> this is going on our forum Yoni!
[01:30:11] <Yoni[vL]> nooooooooooo


Quote[10:42:17] EMOTE <Yoni[vL]17 gives up>
[10:42:18] EMOTE <Yoni[vL]17 is from Isral>
اگر بتوانید این را بهخوابید ، من را "پی ام" کنید


Quote[14:31:13] <Grok[vL]> poor userloser, the guy never catches a break in here.
So true :-/


Quote[19:48:16]<Invert[vL]> We own most of the midia here in the US and almost every lawer is jewish
[19:48:19] <Invert[vL]> so thats a good start
[19:48:21] <Invert[vL]> ;)
[19:48:28] <iago[vL]> lawyer*
[19:48:41] <Invert[vL]> no fool
[19:48:56] <Invert[vL]> the "y" is silent
[19:49:03] <iago[vL]> Yes, but not invisible
[19:49:11] <Invert[vL]> your eyes just suck

Invert: iago, you bird brain.
This'll make an interesting test for broken AV:


Quote[22:10:52] <Thunder> lol
[22:10:54] <Thunder> i dont care
[22:10:57] <Thunder> take all the SS u want
[22:11:06] <Thunder> and put it on ur bots
[22:11:11] <Thunder> i could care less =p
[22:11:23] Thunder was banned by [vL].
[22:11:23] Thunder has left the channel.
[22:12:08] <From: Thunder> dude wtf was that about
[22:12:23] <From: Thunder> thats what u people do u take snippits and put them on bots
[22:12:29] <From: Thunder> and then  u ban me
[22:12:32] <From: Thunder> thats bull shit
[22:12:40] <From: Thunder> fucking dumb ass faggot
[22:13:12] <To: Thunder> I didn't ban you, not sure who did, but thanks for the quote :)
[22:13:20] <From: Thunder> see ur are a homo
[22:13:25] <To: Thunder> I am?
[22:13:27] <From: Thunder> fucking faggot ass bitch get me unbaned
[22:13:51] <To: Thunder> I didn't ban you, silly goose!
[22:13:20] <From: Thunder> see ur are a homo
[22:14:03] <From: Thunder> then get me unbaned
[22:14:14] <To: Thunder> Why? You were mean :(
[22:14:20] <From: Thunder> i dont give a flying fuck
[22:14:28] <From: Thunder> ur little bitch clan baned me for no fucking reson
[22:14:30] <To: Thunder> then why are you still talking to me?
[22:14:35] <From: Thunder> cause i need unbaned
[22:14:39] <From: Thunder> so unban me
[22:14:39] <To: Thunder> why?

That's all he said, but nevertheless it was his own idea for me to save this, so here it is!
This'll make an interesting test for broken AV:


Not from the channel, but still funny:

grompf says:
lemme see if the lackey has his digicam here today
Adron says:
good idea
Adron says:
*gets regular camera*
Grok says:
you've seen mine.
Adron says:
bah, picture count says 36
Adron says:
it's still not rewinding
Adron says:
i thought i'd finally get that film developed
Grok says:
you're on 36th frame.
grompf says:
lackey not answering
Adron says:
hmm right
Adron says:
maybe it starts on 1, not 0
Adron says:
evil non c++-like array indexing
Grok says:
grompf says:
Grok says:
yes stupid consumer products :P


This is  "Funny Clips From Clan [vL]" but um ok.

Maybe that would go better in the fun forum?


Well being that "Funny Clips From Clan [vL]" has been 90% "Funny Things Invert Thought Were Funny About What Invert Said", I didn't see any harm in this.


I love you Grok!  ;)

P.S. I dont think i was the only one that thought what i had said is funny.
