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Funny Clips from Channel Op [vL]

Started by Invert, December 27, 2002, 07:45 PM

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Should try posting some funny ones, then maybe people would be interested  ;D


Fine DM, here's a somewhat recent one:
Quote[23:36:39] <Drive> woah Yoni ur in Israel?
[23:36:41] <Yoni[vL]> yes
[23:36:50] <Claimed> whoa
[23:36:55] <Claimed> see any jews?


Hahahaha, now that is funny ;D


um lol 8\


There are too many Jews in [vL] lets kick DarkMinion out.




that's not week... this is:


\ | /
Check it out its me and my fireman


Quote[20:58:56] <Invert[vL]> .ban ^___________^ you cant come here with an account like that
[20:58:56] ^___________^ was banned by [vL] (you cant come here with an account like that).
[20:59:16] <From: ^___________^> Perhaps you should post something about certain restrictions.
[20:59:36] <To: ^___________^> it's not the clan restriction it's my restriction
[20:59:41] <From: ^___________^> You don't even know who this is.
[20:59:43] <From: ^___________^> Hmm.. Weird. I hope you have more than a good explanition.
[21:00:04] <From: ^___________^> I'll let you think, enjoy the hole you dug youself in son.
[21:00:35] <From: ^___________^> Your nothing, you got a tiny access and you act like a bigger moron.
[21:00:42] <From: ^___________^> I feel sorry for your pathetic little ass.


I feel sorry for his ass, too, but it has nothing to do witih banning people ;-)
This'll make an interesting test for broken AV:


What? I did not say i feel sorry for him, he was doing all the talking... notice <From: ^___________^>


I meant I feel sorry for your ass, but I worded it very badly.  My fault!
This'll make an interesting test for broken AV:


Although I disagree with the reason you banned him in the first place, he definatly proved he was worthy of banning afterwards.


Quote[00:46:26] <Sky> so wut did u invent for bnet?
[00:46:27] <Sky> =\
[00:46:53] <Invert[vL]> I invented the little lag bars
[00:47:05] <Sky> the little lag bars?
[00:47:07] <Sky> -_-
[00:47:09] <Invert[vL]> yes
[00:47:40] <Invert[vL]> I called Pat(when he was working for Blizzard) and told him that it is a good idea to have lag bars
[00:47:49] <Invert[vL]> i told them how it would work
[00:47:55] <Sky> oic
[00:47:57] <Invert[vL]> and he said ok, we will think about it
[00:48:14] <USeRLoSeR> good idea :D
[00:48:16] <Invert[vL]> so when Diablo came out they added lagbars
[00:49:21] <Invert[vL]> I also invented the plug icon
[00:49:48] <Sky> is invert ur only sn?
[00:49:51] <Sky> or do u haev an aka?
[00:49:52] <Sky> haev*
[00:49:54] <Sky> have*
[00:50:13] <Invert[vL]> MichaelS of Blizzard North
[00:50:37] <Sky> u work for blizz?
[00:50:42] <Invert[vL]> Blizzard North
[00:51:21] <Invert[vL]> In San Mateo, CA
[00:51:25] <USeRLoSeR> what's the difference between north and south?
[00:51:33] <USeRLoSeR> i mean, blizzard north/south
[00:51:56] <Invert[vL]> South is in the south North is in the North
[00:52:01] <Sky> lol
[00:52:03] <USeRLoSeR> er
[00:52:03] <Invert[vL]> I work in the North
[00:52:20] <Invert[vL]> Blizzard South is normal Blizzard
[00:52:25] <Invert[vL]> they were the original
[00:53:02] <Invert[vL]> North was another company before Blizzard South bought them out
[00:53:25] <Sky> So would you know if Blizzard is ever going to release another patch for StarCraft BroodWar?
[00:53:50] <Invert[vL]> not anytime soon
[00:53:59] <Sky> sigh...
[00:54:02] <Invert[vL]> 1st patch will be the Diablo II
[00:54:12] <USeRLoSeR> 1.1?
[00:54:15] <Invert[vL]> yes
[00:54:52] <Invert[vL]> War3x beta will start soon and everyone in the office should be having fun with that
[00:54:53] <USeRLoSeR> hmm, do you know anything about it?
[00:55:15] <Invert[vL]> yes
[00:55:33] <Invert[vL]> it's actualy being tested on a private server
[00:55:33] <USeRLoSeR> are you allowed to say anything about it?
[00:55:43] <Invert[vL]> *shrug*
[00:55:48] <USeRLoSeR> you dont have to
[00:55:54] <USeRLoSeR> just curious
[00:55:54] <Invert[vL]> i wont tell you whats in it...
[01:05:46] <Sky> bleh i'm tired
[01:05:55] <Sky> Invert[vL] ty for taking the time to answer my questions
[01:07:39] <Invert[vL]> Sky: your welcome

Mesiah / haiseM

aaaaaaaahahahhahahaha thats classic, but whats even funnier is userloser, a regular poster here, beleived it too lol
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