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Zerg is the #1 Race

Started by AntiVirus, April 28, 2004, 05:56 PM

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One word for zerg vs protoss. Plague.
QuoteAnyone attempting to generate random numbers by deterministic means is, of course, living in a state of sin
John Vo


Cannons and Dragoons should be good defense for my base, as for scourges, just bring a few corsairs along and toast them. Mass zerglings isn't a very good idea for a large group of reavers since they do 125 splash damage, as the lings crowd around them to attack 1 hit from the reaver would take out alot of zerglings. DT drops are very good at taking out miners and weakening the enemy's economy. Upgraded and massed hydras could take out alot of archons but what if I decide to do a few storms right in the middle of that group? ;D


What if the health of all your units and buildings is down to 5? What if I have lurkers around my drones, and they have burrow? What if I have overlords to see invisible units? What if blah blah blah, I used to have everything down pact, I had seen it all, and was guarded against it all. Dragoons as defence isnt the greatest idea either, as they take up resources.
QuoteAnyone attempting to generate random numbers by deterministic means is, of course, living in a state of sin
John Vo


If you want to mass Reavers go for it.  I will just mass mutas.  If you want to mass reavers and high templars go for it I will just mass Mutas and lings.  Zerg is THE best race out off all of them as long as you know what your doing.
"They say that I must learn to kill before I can feel safe, but I rather kill myself then turn into their slave."
- The Rasmus


Quote from: Brandon on April 30, 2004, 08:51 PM
Zerg is THE best race out off all of them as long as you know what your doing.
Tell that to people playing *real* starcraft (non-money maps). The races are near perfectly balanced when you play how you are supposed to. Or even check out the high ranks of WGTour, you'll see that it varies. Zerg is not "the best" -- no race is better than another, everything has a counter. Starcraft is a masterpiece of balance :)

And if you're playing protoss vs. zerg, you need to get some gateways up right away and put pressure on them with zealots. Don't let them get to the point where they have a counter for everything you do.



Hitmen, that was what i posted earlier in this topic. And Brood War is a very balanced game, exept basic units, Protoss wins there. ;)


Quote from: LW-Falcon on April 30, 2004, 08:14 PM
Cannons and Dragoons should be good defense for my base, as for scourges, just bring a few corsairs along and toast them.

Cannons and dragoons get eaten mighty quick by 300 zerglings. Stopping a zerg army isn't all that easy.

Quote from: LW-Falcon on April 30, 2004, 08:14 PM
Mass zerglings isn't a very good idea for a large group of reavers since they do 125 splash damage, as the lings crowd around them to attack 1 hit from the reaver would take out alot of zerglings.

That's true, but your reavers will require some management to do good. You can't just land them in a base, they'll be killed by sunkens. As a base defense coupled with cannons, reavers can be effective, but they tend to run out of shots fast. And they fire slow.

Quote from: LW-Falcon on April 30, 2004, 08:14 PM
DT drops are very good at taking out miners and weakening the enemy's economy.

This is a money map, so the economy is infinite anyway. The assumption is that you have to kill the enemy, not take out his economy.

Quote from: LW-Falcon on April 30, 2004, 08:14 PM
Upgraded and massed hydras could take out alot of archons but what if I decide to do a few storms right in the middle of that group? ;D

Storms work fine, and a skilled player with storms can do a lot of good. But then, a few queens can take out a lot of templars, ...


QuoteTell that to people playing *real* starcraft (non-money maps).
I play both non money and money with one race (zerg).  And just cuase you play non money doesn't make you a real starcraft player that just better qualifies you for WgTour and crap like that.
"They say that I must learn to kill before I can feel safe, but I rather kill myself then turn into their slave."
- The Rasmus


DT drops will hopefully take out alot of the opponent's miners, therefore forcing him to build more miners to replace those lost. Thats the opportunity to keep the pressure on them, slowly draining out his defenses in the hope that hes still working on resources. Then come from one side with some carriers cloaked by a few arbiters and if scourges come along, put them into stasis and do a few disruption webs in his defenses followed by storm. That alone could take out alot of their base.


QuoteDT drops will hopefully take out alot of the opponent's miners, therefore forcing him to build more miners to replace those lost. Thats the opportunity to keep the pressure on them, slowly draining out his defenses in the hope that hes still working on resources. Then come from one side with some carriers cloaked by a few arbiters and if scourges come along, put them into stasis and do a few disruption webs in his defenses followed by storm. That alone could take out alot of their base.
That would only work on a newb player.  And now adays they only play vs computers so that wouldn't ever work unless you are, 1)bsing or 2) The newb is trying to get better by playing against humans..
"They say that I must learn to kill before I can feel safe, but I rather kill myself then turn into their slave."
- The Rasmus


Thats not entirely true, I've played many good players with my strategy and won. You say that it won't work but how are you so sure? After all, You've only read my strategy but you haven't seen it yet.


Every unit has a couterunit.  For every unit, there's something that can own it, and something it can own.  For the most part.

Quote from: Adron on April 30, 2004, 08:12 AM
Zerg is easy to use, especially with attack rally.

Ah, good memories there :D
This'll make an interesting test for broken AV:


Ok really, you can talk, but can you back it up? Arrange to meet online or something you're not proving anything by saying "my DTs killed your drones now you take 10minutes to rebuild drones while I kill you with carriers! I text-craft owned you!".
QuoteAnyone attempting to generate random numbers by deterministic means is, of course, living in a state of sin
John Vo


Your dts and carriers wouldn't do anything against a good zerg player.  First of all no good zerg player leaves his main base unprotected without obs and attacking units (Hydralisk, Lurkers, lings ext) next to it.  Then your dts would be usless.  And those carriers and aribiters wouldn't do as much damage to a good zerg player as you think.  For example,  when you get scourgase they come in pairs, so lets say I have 15 hatchs, each one carring three larva (3 x 15 x 2) that would be the amount of scourges that you would have to stop with the aribiters little statis field, and with that many scourges you wouldn't get them all. So If I had a combination of scourgase and hydras your aribiters would focus on the scourgase that would be after your aribiters and sense the statis field cost like 150 or 200 energy you can only do it once in a great while leaving your aribiers open for attack.  Then while this is going on your carriers would be attacking my hydralisk, and while this mess is going on your aribiters would be destroyed by my scourgase, leaving the rest of my scourgase and Hydralisk alone with your uncloacked carriers.  So when your aribiter are gone, what are you going to do?  Zerg has an overwhelming mass ability whitch should be taken seriously if you want to beat a zerg player.

And I do admit that Protoss is a really good race if you know what your doing.  But the only race I despise it Terran.  (They Suck!!)
"They say that I must learn to kill before I can feel safe, but I rather kill myself then turn into their slave."
- The Rasmus
