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Zerg is the #1 Race

Started by AntiVirus, April 28, 2004, 05:56 PM

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Play some Hunters and zerg owns to the extreme


Thats why a smart zerg player has his units out. and 2sunken colonies and 1 spore. Ta da and they got little to nothing!

I went for quick hatch and just hid my ovies, i used a drone to scout. I alrdyk now a toss would go for 1 rush, or 2 corsair. Just get 2 fast lurks, rush their ramp or get slow drops while uping lurker aspect, and voila. then when you go attack sneak the 2 fuckersi n the min patch and la de da

if they got a cannon, just move your lurker attack gas, or bettery get attack the gateways from a distance.

Terran is pretty much the same way.
