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Starcraft Keys

Started by Guest, February 16, 2003, 01:29 PM

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Has any1 had any success in getting the first digit of the private value using the product
and public yet??  Where are you guys at in that respect...
i've figured out how to get the second but it only works for 95% of public keys...but it still drops
1000 keys to 840...so its better then nothing.

anyways where u guys at , at this moment.

vb6, something about that combination of numbers and letters is sexy


Quote from: MysT_DooM on February 04, 2006, 04:36 PM
Has any1 had any success in getting the first digit of the private value using the product
and public yet??  Where are you guys at in that respect...
i've figured out how to get the second but it only works for 95% of public keys...but it still drops
1000 keys to 840...so its better then nothing.

anyways where u guys at , at this moment.

Would you mind sharing?
Quote from: replaced on November 04, 2006, 11:54 AM
I dunno wat it means, someone tell me whats ix86 and pmac?
Can someone send me a working bot source (with bnls support) to my email?  Then help me copy and paste it to my bot? ;D
Já jsem byl určenej abych tady žil,
Dával si ovar, křen a k tomu pivo pil.
Tam by ses povídaj jak prase v žitě měl,
Já nechci před nikym sednout si na prdel.

Já nejsem z USA, já nejsem z USA, já vážně nejsem z USA... a snad se proto na mě nezloběj.


um sure whynot it only works for 90% of keys and is only a filter..

temp = Mid$(ScKeyDecode(CDKey), 11, 1)
temp2 = Mid$(ScKeyEncode(CDKey), 11, 1)
If temp = temp2 Then
Print #1, ScKeyEncode(CDKey)
End If
If temp <> temp2 Then
End If

plop that bad boy into vb , load up a list of 1000 keys created off one public value
and it'll drop it down to 840....
as i stated b4 it works on 90% of the keys, which is why i made it one of my filters which
can be used or can not be used....
so wat does every1 else have?

vb6, something about that combination of numbers and letters is sexy


wow... this topic has gone incredibly far down hill.


how bout some input to roll it back up the hill
have you figured out how to get the first digit of a
private value yet?
or any of them?

vb6, something about that combination of numbers and letters is sexy


Quote from: MysT_DooM on February 04, 2006, 09:34 PM
um sure whynot it only works for 90% of keys and is only a filter..

temp = Mid$(ScKeyDecode(CDKey), 11, 1)
temp2 = Mid$(ScKeyEncode(CDKey), 11, 1)
If temp = temp2 Then
Print #1, ScKeyEncode(CDKey)
End If
If temp <> temp2 Then
End If

plop that bad boy into vb , load up a list of 1000 keys created off one public value
and it'll drop it down to 840....
as i stated b4 it works on 90% of the keys, which is why i made it one of my filters which
can be used or can not be used....
so wat does every1 else have?

In case you haven't noticed, 1000-840 is 260. 260 is roughly 25% of 1000. If you think of the private value as having four digits (eg, 1 through 1000 instead of 0 through 999), then that's pretty good. Although, that could very well change the private value which you are trying to get (eg, 799+1=800, so then no digits match)... unless the public/private checking algorithm was origionally designed for 4-digit length private values?

It's probably just a coincidence though.
Macintosh programmer and enthusiast.
Battle.net Bot Programming: http://www.bash.org/?240059
I can write programs. Can you right them?



i was talkin about public ranges, and how it works for 90% of them, i wasnt talking about the 1000 made keys, rather i was talking about each public range.

vb6, something about that combination of numbers and letters is sexy


Quote from: Savior on February 05, 2006, 10:58 PM
Look at what has happened :'( http://www.bnetweb.com/e107_plugins/forum/forum_viewtopic.php?10612

For those of you that don't have a bnetweb login... this is the topic...

Key Machine
Created By: Thieves (USEAST) (USWEST) (EUROPE)
Current Version = BETAv1.5 (Feb 05, 2006)
Download Here
Program Password = ¿Question?
What is it?

Key Machine is a program which Mass Generates Cd Keys that are Valid on Battle Net.

Key Machine generates based on similarities of working Battle Net Cd Keys and is also based on a little bit of the Cd Key Algorithm (Of what is known). Method Two generates everysingle cdkey of a given public
value range, thus giving you always 1/1000 working keys. Using Filters
can take any list mostly down to 1/840. Diablo 2 Generating is currently still under construction.
How many Cd Keys does Key Machine generate?

As many as you want.

[BETA v1.5]
-Diablo 2 Support Added
-Filter Options
-New Method of Generating
-other stuff to lazy to mention but equally important
-First Public Beta testers testing

[BETA v1.4]
-Added data for basis of generating
-Created Icon

[BETA v1.3]
-Decode Cdkey Option
-Encode Cdkey Option
-User Specified Generating
-Fixed Bug in Chat Closing area

[BETA v1.2]
-Password Verification Added
-User Specified Generating Available

[BETA v1.0]
-Added Chat Area
-Trimmed Game Area

- 3 Games
- Unfinished "Fun" Section
- Generates 1000 cdkeys per button
- This is just a beta version so a majority of similarties of working keys and the algorithm is left out but will be added in official Version 1.
- But you still have a better chance of getting keys with Key Machine rather then those "others" which still generate random 13 digits.

[Future (Version 1)]
- More Games
- Fun Section will be complete
- User specified generating; meaning you can specify the amount of keys to be generated, i.e 1000, or 10000 or even 100000000000000.
- Current knowledge of valid cdkeys and algorithm will be added into the generating.
- And a lot more surprises...

[Future Future Ideas]
- Double your list
- Automatic Cd Key Validator (Therefore no more mass testing after you finished generating keys)
- Fun Section might have E-Books, Music, Worm/Virus Generator<- most likly not.
- A lot more current games. and more multiplayer games.
- And some other nuts
Please leave some feedback and enjoy. thx for ur time..


Quote from: MyStiCaL on February 06, 2006, 01:00 AM
Quote from: Savior on February 05, 2006, 10:58 PM
Look at what has happened :'( http://www.bnetweb.com/e107_plugins/forum/forum_viewtopic.php?10612

For those of you that don't have a bnetweb login... this is the topic...

Key Machine
Created By: Thieves (USEAST) (USWEST) (EUROPE)
Current Version = BETAv1.5 (Feb 05, 2006)
Download Here
Program Password = ¿Question?
What is it?

Key Machine is a program which Mass Generates Cd Keys that are Valid on Battle Net.

Key Machine generates based on similarities of working Battle Net Cd Keys and is also based on a little bit of the Cd Key Algorithm (Of what is known). Method Two generates everysingle cdkey of a given public
value range, thus giving you always 1/1000 working keys. Using Filters
can take any list mostly down to 1/840. Diablo 2 Generating is currently still under construction.
How many Cd Keys does Key Machine generate?

As many as you want.

[BETA v1.5]
-Diablo 2 Support Added
-Filter Options
-New Method of Generating
-other stuff to lazy to mention but equally important
-First Public Beta testers testing

[BETA v1.4]
-Added data for basis of generating
-Created Icon

[BETA v1.3]
-Decode Cdkey Option
-Encode Cdkey Option
-User Specified Generating
-Fixed Bug in Chat Closing area

[BETA v1.2]
-Password Verification Added
-User Specified Generating Available

[BETA v1.0]
-Added Chat Area
-Trimmed Game Area

- 3 Games
- Unfinished "Fun" Section
- Generates 1000 cdkeys per button
- This is just a beta version so a majority of similarties of working keys and the algorithm is left out but will be added in official Version 1.
- But you still have a better chance of getting keys with Key Machine rather then those "others" which still generate random 13 digits.

[Future (Version 1)]
- More Games
- Fun Section will be complete
- User specified generating; meaning you can specify the amount of keys to be generated, i.e 1000, or 10000 or even 100000000000000.
- Current knowledge of valid cdkeys and algorithm will be added into the generating.
- And a lot more surprises...

[Future Future Ideas]
- Double your list
- Automatic Cd Key Validator (Therefore no more mass testing after you finished generating keys)
- Fun Section might have E-Books, Music, Worm/Virus Generator<- most likly not.
- A lot more current games. and more multiplayer games.
- And some other nuts
Please leave some feedback and enjoy. thx for ur time..

Sigh, the beginning of the end has arrived.  :'(
There are only two kinds of people who are really fascinating: people who know absolutely everything, and people who know absolutely nothing.


almost each command button you press generates run-times


Can you tell me some of the errors via pm, so far your the only one who has had or reported runtime errors.

vb6, something about that combination of numbers and letters is sexy


btw badblood, its not gona be a beginning to the end of SC because im not gona make it like my key scanner/bruter. that will always be kept private.  So dont wry bout that.

Edit: Hero- in method 1 those boxes next to buttons is where u put the amount of how much u want to generate
i.e 100, 1000, 23523, etc..
I shuda wrote a direction readme and tip section, also use filters especially the product filter to remove wrong product keys if ur using method 1.

vb6, something about that combination of numbers and letters is sexy




Edit: Tryin to get this topic back on the right track, any1 know of a certain area specifically in the math area to concentrate to figure out this tricky product public formula..
its crzy hard o.O    Ringo god dangit more tipsss

vb6, something about that combination of numbers and letters is sexy
