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Messages - Sveet

Quote from: rabbitI posted about it as I was developing it in my blog at ICCup.....and I have the highest rated blog.  Obviously people read it....which means people know about it...which means you're still wrong.

This means his blog is known. Just because you don't know about it, doesn't mean its not publicly known.
But the bot you're programming is not a PvPGN client?
Hdx i would be interested in learning how to "poke around" battle.snp

also, i thought this argument could have been ended by saying "this is discussion about battle.net clients not PvPGN clients"
I thought PvPGN required a loader, and the loader changed some of the packets
Yeah it was pretty odd.

"/w time what time is it?" is the correct function right?
The exact times have always been slightly off. I remember checking the time once when playing WC3 ladder and it said i was running late for work. Quit out of the game and looked at my desktop time and i still had 10-15 minutes.
please tell me LOLCODE is a real language. I want to program with that.
Battle.net Bot Development / Re: bnlstest
July 14, 2009, 12:46 PM
thank you i updated my first post with the link.
Battle.net Bot Development / Re: bnlstest
July 13, 2009, 05:42 PM
Battle.net Bot Development / Re: bnlstest
July 13, 2009, 12:24 AM
oh my bad.

its a simple connection to a local BNLS server, sends 1 packet and outputs the packet it sends and the response to the console. very basic, like 100 lines plus packet and buffer classes.
Battle.net Bot Development / Re: bnlstest
July 12, 2009, 11:52 PM
"its really basic, but i thought it might be something good for a beginner to read."
Battle.net Bot Development / bnlstest
July 12, 2009, 07:16 PM
I wrote this a little while back to do some tests on BNLS. it doesn't do any connections to bnet, it just connects to bnls server and sends a 7D packet. its really basic, but i thought it might be something good for a beginner to read.

if you're having problems with the implementation, you can always use BNLS to handle it. Check out the BNLS 0x7D thread on the same page as this.
Quote from: Mystical on June 13, 2009, 07:37 PM
Yeah, Invalid CDKey ussally result in a 2 week IPBan

orly? mine was gone in like 5-10 min....... until i did it like 5 times on all servers and i just reset my IP
Ok i just changed my packet processing loop, separating each segment into its own function so it would be more manageable. i havent finished checking it 100% but here is my problem:

i connect fine, get into channel, disconnect. reconnect without changing any settings, but this time i either get stopped at invalid cdkey or wrong password. when i get invalid cdkey i get IP banned (is that normal?)

edit:: went thru the functions and it is all good.......

edit2:: fixed! the problem was actually myndfyre's CDKey class, once you use the GetHash function i guess it is stored in the object, and is returned each time instead of recalculating. i solved by reloading the object each connection.

my question stands, is it normal to be IPbanned once you get invalid cdkey reply?