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Messages - Mephisto

Hahah.  Was just reading through some old posts to see what kind of math questions people had back in the day, and came across this.  Amazing to see what some of us once thought was difficult ;)
Heh - wonder if anyone reads this forum anymore.

Has anyone studied, looked over or at least heard one way or the other about these three books?  I'm finishing up my last lower division courses this semester (differential equations and linear algebra) after completing our school's calculus sequence (differential, integral and vector/multivariable), and then transferring to UCLA's joint mathematics/economics undergrad major this Fall.  Despite having mostly excellent math professors the last couple of years (gotta love those Russian purists), our school used one of the least rigorous calculus texts I've ever read (Stewart 6th Ed. Early Transcendentals - I used as a supplement the slightly more rigorous Varberg/Rigdon/Purcell early transcendentals text).  And since I will be starting off with Real Analysis (Rudin - which I've heard is extremely difficult if you're not well prepared with proofs and the basic underlying theories of calculus beyond what standard texts teach) at UCLA this Fall, I want to prepare by reading through an advanced calculus/pre-analysis text, and heard these three are among the best ones (used at MIT, UChicago, CalTech, etc. in their honors calculus classes).

Any thoughts from anyone who has taken upper division mathematics?
General Discussion / Re: Alive and Dead
March 07, 2010, 02:03 PM
SC2 suppose to be out this year - no D3 though.
Quote from: Invert on June 26, 2008, 12:52 AM
I just posted this on the WoW forums :)

leave it to invert to do this ;]

*braces self for another many years of addiction*
Politics / Re: Final Vote 2008
June 24, 2008, 08:12 PM
I tend to agree with Myndfyre about seeing this outcome in the long-term.

But...I don't think I could ever bring myself under any circumstances to vote for Obama.

At least McCain isn't going to tax the life out of us for an endless list of failed liberal programs and initiatives--and for that matter at least McCain isn't going to have a reckless foreign policy and will allow us to explore/drill for much needed off shore oil reserves.  His Veep pick is what I am looking forward to and to see how it will affect some of McCain's less desirable platform ideas and positions.
C/C++ Programming / Program Modeling Tool
February 10, 2008, 08:44 PM
I need a modeling tool to design my program interface so that I can present it before the programming begins.  Preferably one that has support for database modeling (Oracle specifically) and one compliant with UML would be nice.  Does anyone know of a free tool to accomplish this?
General Discussion / Science > Al Gore
January 15, 2008, 01:24 PM
I don't know if anyone posted/discussed this, but it's essentially a rebuttal against Al Gore and Inconvenient Truth.  There are some misleading things in it, and it's by no means perfect, but I think it gives some insight into how overstated Global Warming has become because of Al Gore and liberal agendas.

It's over an hour long, but in my opinion it's well worth the watch, no matter which side of the issue you are on.

http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/Ikv2TkHOPB0/ - Part 1
http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/lXaQ_kngAL8/ - Part 2
http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/zvay9ZiJ80w/ - Part 3

There are also several debate videos on YouTube and searches on Google produce results for both opposing and supporting viewpoints.

I am convinced that global warming is essentially bullshit.  However, I did have a thought.  Even if it is proven byeond doubt that global warming doesn't exist, is it such a bad thing to believe it does?  It's pushing everyone in making an effort to clean up the environment and find alternative sources of energy, all of which are independent of global warming and a very real problem we face.

I got into professional Warcraft III gaming - It's been a fun ride, and I'll be going to South Korea with some of my team-mates for 6 weeks in March again, it'll be pretty exciting.  And I'm anxiously awaiting SCII.

P.S. Long time since I've been here, hasn't seemed to change a bit!
Quote from: Spilled on September 13, 2006, 01:14 PM
There was no change in the checkRevision... The only change was the mpqFileName... Update your bot to recognize this change and your connection should be successful. I believe the change was (IX86ver0.mpq to IX86-0.mpq or some small change of that sort)

cout << Timestamp() << "MPQ Filename: " << global->_bnetData._MPQVersionFile << endl;

The MPQ file name is "ver-IX86-#.mpq" as I receive it from Battle.net, so I do ....
global->_bnetData._MPQVersionNumber = (unsigned long)atol((const char*)&global->_bnetData._MPQVersionFile[9]);
Yet, it seems to fail the version check 60% of the time and pass 40% of the time.
So please explain how we properly use the new MPQ digit number when it is sent to us?


// ...
global->_bnetData._MPQVersionNumber = (unsigned long)atol((const char*)&global->_bnetData._MPQVersionFile[7]);
// ...

(this is referring to my BNLS connection)

Maybe I just over-read the fix in this discussion? sigh...

Edit: Battle.net is still sending me the MPQ filename in the format ver-ix86-#.mpq rather than ix86ver#.mpq.  So if I set the buffer to read the digit at the [9] index it gets the correct number, but still fails the version check.  Meh...
So how is this problem resolved?
Politics / Re: Political Belief Test
June 27, 2006, 10:02 AM
You are a

Social Liberal
(65% permissive)

and an...

Economic Moderate
(55% permissive)

You are best described as a:

General Discussion / Re: Random Question
June 06, 2006, 09:11 PM
I guess it explains why my amp speakers are so broken and work so sporatically.
Politics / Re: Conservatives
June 06, 2006, 06:32 PM
Someone ought to split this thread up into a couple different threads with the appropriate topic. :P