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Messages - DeTaiLs

Your to late now Marty will officially make your life a living hell he will even stalk you for weeks making sure he can ban anything he can.
Thing-O-Rama ™ / Re: Drug paraphernalia =[
August 18, 2008, 06:33 AM
According to NORML in the state of Florida anything over 25g to a felony with a max time of 15 years which if it was a full ounce it would of been around 28.3 grams so I would say your pretty lucky he didn't find the ounce. http://norml.org/index.cfm?wtm_view=&Group_ID=4530
Fun Forum™ / Re: Clan Ls
April 16, 2008, 02:27 AM
Marty is a little bitch, him and kayla are e-dating and when ever somebody picks on her he joins the channel and bans the people, I had many friends lose their accounts to kayla making up fake quotes and stuff then marty coming in and banning mass accounts. Today I went into tech support to ask a question and I just started playing d2 again and he remembered my account because somebody in my clan was making fun of her and he banned me as soon as I joined and told me to die asshole then went and banned my cdkey I e-mailed blizzard about this problem today I am still waiting for a response. 
Battle.net Bot Development / Re: Remote Bot Linking
December 20, 2007, 06:59 PM
Quote from: Leaky on December 20, 2007, 06:22 PM
do you pay your self or other people to let you program things?
i sure dont... therefor im pritty sure that me or anyone else who doesn't pay other people to let them code... is saving money either way...
I am pretty sure he is talking about when you get out in the working world. Why would a company pay time and resources for something that is already out there and it already works, like he said everything always runs into problems so why would you waste the time on something and try to reinvent the wheel.
You guys ever smoke clove cigarettes, they smell so good it smells just like somebody light a bunch of incense. They taste so damn good also but they are 8 dollars a pack unless you live in Delaware.
General Discussion / Sidekick LX
September 28, 2007, 08:24 AM
I have always been a big fan of the sidekick and have always wanted one because they seem more of a phone for the person who is always on the go and it makes it very easy to stay in touch with friends, and I just wanted to see what you guys think about the new sidekick that is coming out and is it really worth the $500 to upgrade when I just bought a new Razar like 4 months ago. I heard the instant messaging on the phone is pretty nice and the keyboard is pretty easy to use, but I heard the new myspace feature doesn't really live up what it's suppose to be.
Well it looks like 1.15 just went live on the west server

- patch 1.15.0

  Feature Changes

- Approved organizations can now operate StarCraft leagues. See
- Replays are automatically saved as LastReplay.rep.

  Bug Fixes

- Fixed a bug that allowed burrowed units to be stacked.


- Fixed a vulture exploit that crashed games.
- Fixed an exploit that allowed the rally points of others to be set.
- Fixed a multicommand hack that crashed Macintosh players.
Yeah he is right the page just got changed to Starcraft and the background has nothing to do with diablo.
Just ftp it.
General Discussion / Re: Forum Tabstop?
February 20, 2007, 01:34 PM
Go to profile, then look and layout preferences, then it says current theme at the very top.
No thread will be serious until somebody bans topaz.
Get on Starcraft I will show you, simply changing any unit's state will cause the unit to become an invaild spirite and cause anybody who looks at it to crash.
Quote from: topaz on January 23, 2007, 06:46 PM
Quote from: Joex86] link=topic=16137.msg163504#msg163504 date=1169590731]
Quote from: topaz on December 15, 2006, 06:28 PM
Then it's either explorer or you're infected. Either way, you're a dumbass - Starcraft doesn't randomly crash unless you're doing something you shouldn't be, and there are precious few ways to modify folder options other than what I said above. I checked Google, and this looks like a pretty isolated incident - so it is you.

So, if you were the victim of a crash hack, you did something wrong by joining the game as Battle.net was created for? Oh.

Quote from: rcrockett on January 23, 2007, 03:14 PM
Probably a pirated copy of StarCraft.

You're running a pirated copy of life. I'll end your subscription to the service for you right now. *BAM*

I've never seen a crash hack, so that's an unlikely scenario. You try too hard
So just because you havent seen something that means it dosen't exist? And yes drop hacks and crash hacks are very big on Starcraft and occur almost every game you join.