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Why do people hate Christians and Jews, but are OK with Muslims and Athiests?

Started by Banana fanna fo fanna, December 06, 2004, 06:10 AM

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Quote from: j0k3r on December 11, 2004, 07:09 AM
Quote from: dxoigmn on December 10, 2004, 10:34 PM
I dislike it because of what it has done to my people. Christianity is great in theory, but bad in practice. It's like communism, except I actually like communism.
Really, I would love to hear this.

Christians, more than another other religion, are the only people who actively want to convert.  Maybe this is because they're large in number, I don't know.  The whole idea of Christianity has great morals, the only problem is very few people follow these morals because of greed or something else.  Communism is the same way.


Quote from: dxoigmn on December 10, 2004, 10:34 PM
I dislike it because of what it has done to my people. Christianity is great in theory, but bad in practice. It's like communism, except I actually like communism.

Thats so dumb that you like communism. Communism is so much worse than Christianity when it comes to great in theory, bad in practice. There has never been a successful government of true communism. If you like it so much, I suggest North Korea or Cuba for you.

Quote from: dxoigmn on December 11, 2004, 11:26 AM
Christians, more than another other religion, are the only people who actively want to convert.
Wrong. You know nothing about religions. I've got another faith that actively assimilates others, Islam.

Quote from: dxoigmn on December 11, 2004, 11:26 AMThe whole idea of Christianity has great morals, the only problem is very few people follow these morals because of greed or something else.

Thats the problem dxo, the problem is the human condition. You like communism and hate Christianity, but both have the same tragic flaw that nobody follows good moral values. How does that make any sense?

"Courage is being scared to death - but saddling up anyway." --John Wayne


Quote from: dxoigmn on December 10, 2004, 10:34 PM
Quote from: quasi-modo on December 10, 2004, 04:20 PM
Its not an attack. You do not know what you are talking about. Therefore you must be ignorant about the subject matter. Its different from being called stupid.

It's an attack.  The general connotation of ignorant is meant as an attack.  If he had included some evidence to back up the fact that I am ignorant of the issue, then I would have not seen it that way.  But he didn't.
Why did he need to provide evidence? We pretty much all agreed that you are ignorant of this subject matter, but you seem to think you know it. Therefore it is you who needs to get a nice bunch of verses and dysect their meaning and we will then see about refuting them and if you are right then we would be the ones eating our words. But I do not think it is going to work because what you are saying is wrong bible verses in context will not back you up.
Quote from: quasi-modo on December 10, 2004, 04:26 PM
Wait wait, because the man has always been the head of the household and the man owns the property so he is allowed to vote he is then a slave master? Just because a woman is not allowed to vote does not make her a slave. If you think this is slavery reexamine your definition of the word.

When did I say slaverly is when someone is not able to vote?
when you used the voting example and you were also saying that christianity allows for men to take women as slaves It is implied that not being able to vote is slavery.
You just hate the fact that christians think you are ignorant because you try to act like you understand the religion better then they do when you have not read or studied the bible and you write off the religion as a bunch of bs because your parents, friends, television, or whatever has put that image in your mind.

I don't try to understand the religion better than they do.
Bingo... then how can you say christians are wrong if you do not understand it. I believe you had an epiphhony!
QuoteI just argue against what they believe from what I know historically people have done in the name of Christianity/Jesus.
Except that we can prove that a man on Jesus died on a cross at calvary and was forced to carry his own cross for a period of time until another man helped him from historical documentation. Historical documents from the time period coincide with the new testament of the bible....

Islam is the fastest growing religion on the world. If you hate christianity because of how evangelists spread the gosple you must really hate the historically more forceful tactics of Islam.

Also dxoigmn, by what you said that means you must hate just about everyone? You must hate sin in general. Look, no one is perfect. Just because I am christian does not mean I am not going to slip up and flip a guy off in traffic or something. Its called sin. Any christian who is really a christian (someone who actually walks the walk instead of just claming to be christian) is going to feel bad about sin though and try to get it out of their life. If a televangelist is ripping people off, and he does not have a problem with it, then the spirit is not convicting his heart. Therefore I would question his salvation.  But you said in a post before that you do not try to understand christianity, so I guess you didn't get that part.

You just chose to hate christianity because of what you have heard or whatever without even looking into the underlying concepts and so you misjudged the whole thing. That is what I see. That is why we feel that you are Ignorant of this subject matter. You even admit that you do not even try to understand the religion.

PS: What has christianity done to hurt your people or your family?
Quote(00:04:08) zdv17: yeah i quit doing that stuff cause it jacked up the power bill too much
(00:04:19) nick is a turtle: Right now im not paying the power bill though
(00:04:33) nick is a turtle: if i had to pay the electric bill
(00:04:47) nick is a turtle: id hibernate when i go to class
(00:04:57) nick is a turtle: or at least when i go to sleep
(00:08:50) zdv17: hibernating in class is cool.. esp. when you leave a drool puddle


Quote from: dxoigmn on December 11, 2004, 11:26 AM
Christians, more than another other religion, are the only people who actively want to convert. Maybe this is because they're large in number, I don't know. The whole idea of Christianity has great morals, the only problem is very few people follow these morals because of greed or something else. Communism is the same way.
So you dislike Christianity because "your people" have converted, utilizing their freedom of choice?

Very few people follow these morals? I don't know what world you're living on, however most Christians I know follow the morals to the best of their abilities (and no more can be asked). Perhaps you are referring to vast majority of people who claim to be Christian for the sole reason they believe that there's a God.

Do I dislike talibans because I think they murder people and are all suicide bombers? Do I dislike muslims because their beliefs are slightly different from mine? Christianity has done nothing to you, perhaps you are just ignorant.
QuoteAnyone attempting to generate random numbers by deterministic means is, of course, living in a state of sin
John Vo


People seem to be bandying around some rather complex things here without giving much thought to them. "true christians" for example, is fraught with difficulty. I also often hear Christians saying that people who disagree with their interpretation of the bible don't know it, or haven't studied it -- why must a different understanding indicate a lack of understanding? The bible does contain some rather archaic things that can be interpreted as positive or negative depending on your viewpoint. To be quite honest, the entire thing seems rather subject to interpretation, unless you take it literally (which always seemed illogical to me), so how could people possibly avoid having different ideas about it?

As far as I'm concerned, 'disliking' Christians or muslims or jewish/hindu/black/gay/white/trashy people will always be a fairly ignorant position to take. These groups of people are so large that their ideology can never be completely representative of all their members, and their members can never all be representative of their ideology. Perhaps this debate would be more interesting and less inflammatory if people concentrated on the particular traits, actions, or opinions that they disagree with, rather than labelling entire groups of people?

Banana fanna fo fanna

Arta: here's my take on that:

I hate rap and punk rock. They're shitty, untalented "musicians" who use their "lyrics" to spread a "message". I think that punk rock's message is short-sighted and the music is noise. I think rap's message is one of stealing cars and pimping bitches, and isn't music at all.

Some of my best friends listen to rap and punk rock. They're great guys and girls, but if they talk about music, I won't hesitate to let them know how I feel. I dislike their music genre, but I think they're great people.

I think the same principle applies here. I could say that I think Islam is stupid because it spawns terrorists and has created the destabilized, uncivilized wasteland known as the Middle East. Does this mean I hate Muslims? No. Does this mean I'm going to kill people because of their religion? No. Does this mean I'll even take religion into account into my relations with someone? No, unless that relation is one of religion specifically. Does this mean that I have a problem with Islamic beliefs? Yes it does.

In my eyes, an ignorant bigot is one who hates a person or people because of one or more of their traits. I find it acceptible (though many of these people may be ignorant also) to dislike and attack a certain ideology. There's nothing wrong with that.


Quote from: dxoigmn on December 11, 2004, 11:26 AM
Christians, more than another other religion, are the only people who actively want to convert. Maybe this is because they're large in number, I don't know.
Christians are far outnumbered by middle eastern religions, maybe not given an american demographic, but in general (this is true in my school).

Arta -- Because the examples/stories and sometimes laws are archaic and hard to apply, there are people who devote their lives to understanding it in it's entirety, and go about explaining it to those who are not capable of doing so. This is similar to a scientist researching and publishing his findings.

Storm has the right idea (imo), attack the idealogy instead of stereotyping and generalizing those who support the idealogy.
QuoteAnyone attempting to generate random numbers by deterministic means is, of course, living in a state of sin
John Vo


Quote from: Arta[vL] on December 12, 2004, 09:29 AM
As far as I'm concerned, 'disliking' Christians or muslims or jewish/hindu/black/gay/white/trashy people will always be a fairly ignorant position to take. These groups of people are so large that their ideology can never be completely representative of all their members, and their members can never all be representative of their ideology.

Well said, Arta.  That was the point I was trying to get across, that one shouldn't make generalized comments against Christians while decrying generalized comments against Muslims.  And that works the other way around too.

Keep in mind, even though the Republican party supposedly "hates" gays, that there is a group of gay Republicans out there.


More to the point of what this thread is supposed to be discussing:


So, why are Kwanzaa and Chanukah acceptable to be in schools but not Christmas?


It's obviously because blacks and jews are minority groups that were wronged and those Neo-Nazi-Slave-Driving-Christians will somehow impose on their celebrations.
QuoteAnyone attempting to generate random numbers by deterministic means is, of course, living in a state of sin
John Vo

Banana fanna fo fanna

Quote from: DOOM on December 12, 2004, 05:56 PM
More to the point of what this thread is supposed to be discussing:


So, why are Kwanzaa and Chanukah acceptable to be in schools but not Christmas?

That's exactly what I'm talking about. It's the minority failing to tolerate the majority.


Quote from: Banana fanna fo fanna on December 12, 2004, 07:08 PM
Quote from: DOOM on December 12, 2004, 05:56 PM
More to the point of what this thread is supposed to be discussing:


So, why are Kwanzaa and Chanukah acceptable to be in schools but not Christmas?

That's exactly what I'm talking about. It's the minority failing to tolerate the majority.

The problem lies in so many minorities expecting special treatment because they are "different" or "special" people.

"Courage is being scared to death - but saddling up anyway." --John Wayne



Quote from: Arta[vL] on December 13, 2004, 07:40 AM

Sure. The climate in many African-American communities is one where they expect to be held to a different standard. I'll give you an example. Listen to some rap for a while or watch a movie centering on African-American communities of today. How many times do you hear the word nigger? Why do the very people who refer to each other as niggers get up in arms when somebody not of their minorities uses the word? Why is it okay for a  black man to say "Sup Niggah?" to another black man, but taboo for myself, a white man, to do the same? Why do Muslims use the argument of seperation of church and state to disallow Christian national holidays, but then attempt to argue that their holiday's be national holidays?

Another classic example, affirmative action. Minorities in general getting a built-in leg up in the system is ridiculous. Many African-American activisits who argue AGAINST affirmative action argue that it lowers the esteem of blacks and makes the community as a whole expect something. Why should blacks expect special consideration for jobs? For colleges? Why should anyone expect special looks?

The minorities in the world today exploit whatever they can in the system and demand all sorts of special considerations based on their minority status.

"Courage is being scared to death - but saddling up anyway." --John Wayne
