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Why do people hate Christians and Jews, but are OK with Muslims and Athiests?

Started by Banana fanna fo fanna, December 06, 2004, 06:10 AM

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Quote from: DOOM on December 20, 2004, 04:02 PM
Weren't the stories about King Arthur written down several hundred years after his death whereas the Gospels are believed to have been written within 100 years of Jesus' death?  I'd think it would be a lot easier for stuff to get distorted in several hundred years than it would in less than a hundred.

I don't know when they were written down really. But things get written down distorted just a few years after they happen. There's plenty of evidence of that just during this century. And someone wanting to build a new cult, christianity, would surely want to tweak everything as much as possible to his favor. In opposite to that, the stories of King Arthur were just meant to amuse, so there wasn't nearly as much reason to tweak things?

Quote from: DOOM on December 20, 2004, 04:02 PM
No... but I don't ask for Neil Armstrong to come take me away to the moon either.  I only brought up the King Arthur example to show that there is usually some basis in fact for these stories and that they shouldn't simply be dismissed.

Yeah, but it also serves as a good example that a story can be fiction even if there are some facts behind it to make it sound more realistic.

Quote from: DOOM on December 20, 2004, 04:02 PM
And, I wouldn't be very surprised if some of the clips of the moon landing were actually fakes. Some studio footage to use to embroider out the news reporting. It would make some sense to do that just to present a more interesting story.

Hard to tell.  Especially at the height of the Cold War, anything to make us look better than the commies...

Yeah... I don't think the moon landings themselves are fake, but some of the videos could be much easier produced on earth. And why not do that, when you're making tv?

I'm thinking the trips to the moon were visible to amateur astronomers as well? They must've been able to follow the apollo's with their telescopes...


But what it all comes down to is that no one can say for sure either way, can they?  Each of us has to decide what we want to believe.  I do think it is our duty to be adults about it and respect the decisions of those who believe something other than what we believe though.
