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What a blast

Started by jigsaw, February 15, 2004, 05:43 PM

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I was watching the 6:00 world new last week.  I saw a clip of a few troops in afghanistan on the top of a building in a makeshift bunker, as this troop was firing a 50 cal. and M16, at some iraqies...  It dawned on me. How fun would that be? I got so fired up, more so than I think most people do. I have many times thought I wanted to go into the marines, serve my country, kill a few people that could potentially ruin my kids future in another attack.  My question is... how many people here were in the armed forces? Pros/cons of first hand experience... please feel free to share... I am still considering doing this.


It's much more relaxing to just start up Ghost Recon or some similar game.


What about the kids whose fathers you would kill, you're ruining their lives in your attack.  War is horribly hypocritical in that sense.  

It makes sense that this is in the fun forum :P
This'll make an interesting test for broken AV:


Quote from: Adron on February 15, 2004, 07:55 PM
It's much more relaxing to just start up Ghost Recon or some similar game.

Download Canadians Operations 2, mod for GR.  It's OK it seems, except for the heavy use of red.


iago, thank god you do not live in america.


Quote from: jigsaw on February 15, 2004, 08:59 PM
iago, thank god you do not live in america.

It's funny, I say the same thing.
This'll make an interesting test for broken AV:


im in the military i think its a pretty sweet deal.  im in the navy not the marines so i cant tell u a whole lot about the marines.  i know if u get deployed its pretty much gonna suck.  sleep in a hole in the ground eatin shittin meals stuff like that.  but then again u get to blow shit up.  but u could also get blown up...if you wanna join the military to die for ur country you got the wrong idea...the idea is to make the other poor bastard die for his.

also if they were in afghanistan they werent shootin at iraqies... :P


Ah general patton quote I like that... I dont want to die, I want to take out my anger on every country that I think is involved... I know a few people whom died in Sep. 11.  Changed my life.


Btw, iago, too liberal for my blood.


I am not in the army but my cousin is. He is a marine. He got shipped out a few months back. He broke a leg so he is back here for a bit. He seems to like it but its alot of work. The training is hard. The hardest part of all he says is being in the enemies country waiting for an attack.

I dont know if i would join the army. I thought about it but never came up with an answer.


Currently I have about 4 close friends that are all enlisted, 2 in the marines, 1 in the army, and 1 in the navy. Though all of them have their physical points, the marine core would be the one you'd want, if you wanted to see action the quickest, and if in good shape, the one that will be the most challenging. As for the whole full metal jacket point of view during boot camp, that's almost entirely true, they repeat the plege everynight (this is my gun there are many like it, but this is mine, etc etc.) they name it, and they sleep with it everynight, my bud that just returned for 10 day leave spoke of some of the physical stuff they did, and if your up to it (which I would think so, since Jigsaw seems to be in great shape owning a gym and all)  I think it would build you one hell of an experience, I may seem bias'd towards which branch, but I grew up with Marine Core all around me, everyone on my fathers side has served in the core,  a few of em even died for it.


As soon as some legal restrictions are lifted, I plan on joining the Marines. I'm going in as a rifelman. My ultimate goal is to become a Force Recon Marine.
Quote"Pray not for lighter burdens, but for stronger backs." -- Teddy Roosevelt
"Your forefathers have given you freedom, so good luck, see you around, hope you make it" -- Unknown


If you prefer writing bots with ................   then join ...

Visual Basic Bot Studio           ...........     Army
VB with  CSB   ............... Marines
Visual Basic using BNLS ............. Navy
C/C++ with BNLS ........  Air Force
ASM/C without BNLS ........... go to college, you're not a moron.

P.S.  Python/Java/etc .... please join Al Queeda.


Quote from: Grok on February 16, 2004, 03:21 PM
If you prefer writing bots with ................   then join ...

Visual Basic Bot Studio           ...........     Army
VB with  CSB   ............... Marines
Visual Basic using BNLS ............. Navy
C/C++ with BNLS ........  Air Force
ASM/C without BNLS ........... go to college, you're not a moron.

P.S.  Python/Java/etc .... please join Al Queeda.

Lol, now that you put it that way I don't think I will join the Marines... Looks like I'm headed for Al Queeda. ;D I also plan on going to college; I just have other reasons for joining the service. I like to think it has nothing to do with being a moron, but hey, I could be wrong.
Quote"Pray not for lighter burdens, but for stronger backs." -- Teddy Roosevelt
"Your forefathers have given you freedom, so good luck, see you around, hope you make it" -- Unknown


Either airforce or al queeda for me.  It's all good :)
This'll make an interesting test for broken AV: