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Started by BreW, October 28, 2006, 10:21 PM

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Did you make your first packet buffer? Didn't think so.
Did you know how it works before you just slap it in?
Of course, you would have to know at least basic vb in order to "rip" something as compllex as that, I'm sorry for being 100% honest when I said I used element chat 2's packet buffer. If I had known you were going to cruicify me for saying that, I wouldn't have. The big point there is that I know how it works, where you claim I don't know. Sorry I forgot to put exit sub before the err part, but I hardly ever use on error goto err, that doesn't make me a newb at this programming language. And no, I didn't read a vb6 for dummies book in order to get started like you probably did, so don't say my code sucks blah blah...

Quote from: Kp on October 29, 2006, 11:07 AM
Quote from: BreW on October 29, 2006, 10:18 AM
is there a reason why it's a 14mb installer....
serious i don't get what's wrong with packetmon.

It is large because it gives you packet sniffing, which your inferior OS does not support by default.

Maybe nothing is wrong with packetmon, but since you don't seem to be able to post packet dumps with it (whether due to user incompetence or an actual tool problem I don't know), recommending Wireshark was a simple alternative.

I was talking to him about that. Installing wireshark took like a year, its slow, I personally don't like it, but I did it. UserLoser maybe if you had read the ENTIRE topic you wouldn'tve told me off like that. Don't jump to conclusions, thanks.

There should be a flame board for this forum.... serious...


In order to make a battle.net bot, you should very much know how a packet buffer works. If you knew what data types such as DWORD, WORD, STRING, BYTE, etc... are, you could make your own packet buffer without a problem. It is not a complex class at all. and fyi, element chat 2's packet buffer was not created by its coder, it is an old old class coded by darkminion (i think). (and i know you'll use that i said that to "prove" that i ripped e2, sorry, that accusation is incorrect).
Quote from: replaced on November 04, 2006, 11:54 AM
I dunno wat it means, someone tell me whats ix86 and pmac?
Can someone send me a working bot source (with bnls support) to my email?  Then help me copy and paste it to my bot? ;D
Já jsem byl určenej abych tady žil,
Dával si ovar, křen a k tomu pivo pil.
Tam by ses povídaj jak prase v žitě měl,
Já nechci před nikym sednout si na prdel.

Já nejsem z USA, já nejsem z USA, já vážně nejsem z USA... a snad se proto na mě nezloběj.


Quote from: BreW on October 29, 2006, 01:27 PM
Did you make your first packet buffer? Didn't think so.

Yes.  Back when I began, there were no packet buffers to leech.  Not that I would have taken one even then.  See next item.

Quote from: BreW on October 29, 2006, 01:27 PM
Did you know how it works before you just slap it in?

Yes.  If I cannot convince myself that something lives up to my standards, I will refrain from placing it in my program.  Exceptions are made for certain libraries which just are not worth reimplementing, like OpenSSL.

Quote from: BreW on October 29, 2006, 01:27 PMOf course, you would have to know at least basic vb in order to "rip" something as compllex as that, I'm sorry for being 100% honest when I said I used element chat 2's packet buffer. If I had known you were going to cruicify me for saying that, I wouldn't have. The big point there is that I know how it works, where you claim I don't know.

That does not really matter.  If you had claimed to have written the packet buffer, you probably would have been flamed even worse.  Based on the quality of your code and your general attitude, no one would have believed you.

Quote from: BreW on October 29, 2006, 01:27 PMSorry I forgot to put exit sub before the err part, but I hardly ever use on error goto err, that doesn't make me a newb at this programming language. And no, I didn't read a vb6 for dummies book in order to get started like you probably did,

I did not read a VB6 for dummies book.  In fact, I am rather proud to state that I have never written VB in my life.  I have seen enough VB code to differentiate between a skilled VB user and a novice, though.

Quote from: BreW on October 29, 2006, 01:27 PM
so don't say my code sucks blah blah...

Usually when we tell someone their code is bad, it's because we want them to fix it.  Fixing it may not resolve the immediate problem, but is almost always worthwhile sooner or later.

Quote from: BreW on October 29, 2006, 01:27 PM
Quote from: Kp on October 29, 2006, 11:07 AM
Quote from: BreW on October 29, 2006, 10:18 AM
is there a reason why it's a 14mb installer....
serious i don't get what's wrong with packetmon.

It is large because it gives you packet sniffing, which your inferior OS does not support by default.

Maybe nothing is wrong with packetmon, but since you don't seem to be able to post packet dumps with it (whether due to user incompetence or an actual tool problem I don't know), recommending Wireshark was a simple alternative.

I was talking to him about that. Installing wireshark took like a year, its slow, I personally don't like it, but I did it.

I have never found it to be particularly slow to install or run.  Usually the complaint I hear is that it does not work with systems which are still stuck with dial-up.  What do you dislike about it?  You're welcome to compose a patch and submit it back to the developers to change any behavior you dislike.  If they reject the patch, you can keep it locally and create a modified build which includes your patch.

Quote from: BreW on October 29, 2006, 01:27 PM
UserLoser maybe if you had read the ENTIRE topic you wouldn'tve told me off like that. Don't jump to conclusions, thanks.

He probably would have.  I considered doing it myself, but I could not tell whether you were being sarcastic or just exceptionally stupid.  I've seen a lot of really stupid posts in the last few days (not here), so I thought yours might be another of the same.  In the future, I'll err on the side of sarcasm and flame accordingly. :)

Quote from: BreW on October 29, 2006, 01:27 PM
There should be a flame board for this forum.... serious...

We generally pride ourselves on not degenerating into flame wars on these boards.  Exceptions are made for individuals such as yourself who pull stupid stunts and refuse to learn when people try to assist.
[19:20:23] (BotNet) <[vL]Kp> Any idiot can make a bot with CSB, and many do!


There's nothing wrong with PacketMon (I use it), you just don't have the brain power required to properly send a packet.

And no, you don't know how to use the code - you only know how to use some of it, exemplified by the fact that you copied the packetbuffer and didn't know what the Goto statement (and the rest of the code) did.


It's funny how, out of all the people here, you picked Kp and UL to have words with.  Kek.
Grif: Yeah, and the people in the red states are mad because the people in the blue states are mean to them and want them to pay money for roads and schools instead of cool things like NASCAR and shotguns.  Also, there's something about ketchup in there.


Quote from: Kp on October 29, 2006, 02:04 PM
Quote from: BreW on October 29, 2006, 01:27 PM
Did you make your first packet buffer? Didn't think so.

Yes.  Back when I began, there were no packet buffers to leech.  Not that I would have taken one even then.  See next item.

Quote from: BreW on October 29, 2006, 01:27 PM
Did you know how it works before you just slap it in?

Yes.  If I cannot convince myself that something lives up to my standards, I will refrain from placing it in my program.  Exceptions are made for certain libraries which just are not worth reimplementing, like OpenSSL.

Quote from: BreW on October 29, 2006, 01:27 PMOf course, you would have to know at least basic vb in order to "rip" something as compllex as that, I'm sorry for being 100% honest when I said I used element chat 2's packet buffer. If I had known you were going to cruicify me for saying that, I wouldn't have. The big point there is that I know how it works, where you claim I don't know.

That does not really matter.  If you had claimed to have written the packet buffer, you probably would have been flamed even worse.  Based on the quality of your code and your general attitude, no one would have believed you.

Quote from: BreW on October 29, 2006, 01:27 PMSorry I forgot to put exit sub before the err part, but I hardly ever use on error goto err, that doesn't make me a newb at this programming language. And no, I didn't read a vb6 for dummies book in order to get started like you probably did,

I did not read a VB6 for dummies book.  In fact, I am rather proud to state that I have never written VB in my life.  I have seen enough VB code to differentiate between a skilled VB user and a novice, though.

Quote from: BreW on October 29, 2006, 01:27 PM
so don't say my code sucks blah blah...

Usually when we tell someone their code is bad, it's because we want them to fix it.  Fixing it may not resolve the immediate problem, but is almost always worthwhile sooner or later.

Quote from: BreW on October 29, 2006, 01:27 PM
Quote from: Kp on October 29, 2006, 11:07 AM
Quote from: BreW on October 29, 2006, 10:18 AM
is there a reason why it's a 14mb installer....
serious i don't get what's wrong with packetmon.

It is large because it gives you packet sniffing, which your inferior OS does not support by default.

Maybe nothing is wrong with packetmon, but since you don't seem to be able to post packet dumps with it (whether due to user incompetence or an actual tool problem I don't know), recommending Wireshark was a simple alternative.

I was talking to him about that. Installing wireshark took like a year, its slow, I personally don't like it, but I did it.

I have never found it to be particularly slow to install or run.  Usually the complaint I hear is that it does not work with systems which are still stuck with dial-up.  What do you dislike about it?  You're welcome to compose a patch and submit it back to the developers to change any behavior you dislike.  If they reject the patch, you can keep it locally and create a modified build which includes your patch.

Quote from: BreW on October 29, 2006, 01:27 PM
UserLoser maybe if you had read the ENTIRE topic you wouldn'tve told me off like that. Don't jump to conclusions, thanks.

He probably would have.  I considered doing it myself, but I could not tell whether you were being sarcastic or just exceptionally stupid.  I've seen a lot of really stupid posts in the last few days (not here), so I thought yours might be another of the same.  In the future, I'll err on the side of sarcasm and flame accordingly. :)

Quote from: BreW on October 29, 2006, 01:27 PM
There should be a flame board for this forum.... serious...

We generally pride ourselves on not degenerating into flame wars on these boards.  Exceptions are made for individuals such as yourself who pull stupid stunts and refuse to learn when people try to assist.

I hope you know I was talking to UL when I said all that
See, even Cat somewhat copied his packetbuffer, I'm sure most of you here did, It's not like copying a packetbuffer is a crime.
thank you topaz, packetmon works great, that's what I use.
and as for the not having enough brainpower to send a packet, how did I send the 0x50, 0x25, 0x51, and 0x14 with no problem?
And yes, I do know howto use code, exemplified by how the hell I got this far and I bet you copied your packetbuffer too, and I do know what a goto statement does, I just overlooked exiting the sub because I hardly ever use it, and I know what all of my code means, thanks.

and KP, i am not sure what you mean by my general attitude, I'm asking for help and I really don't want 20 people arguing with me and trying to prove me wrong, sorry if that bursts your bubble. Notice how I was getting along great until UL opened his trap...

I have never found it to be particularly slow to install or run.  Usually the complaint I hear is that it does not work with systems which are still stuck with dial-up.  What do you dislike about it?  You're welcome to compose a patch and submit it back to the developers to change any behavior you dislike.  If they reject the patch, you can keep it locally and create a modified build which includes your patch.

Thats nice, but I can't even uncompress the .tar.gz they put the source in :/ anyways I was just wondering how Ethereal and this similar program are so big and bulky when compared to PacketMon which does the SAME exact thing... and why some people here prefer it.

Shadow i know howto make a bot, i'm having trouble with this CERTAIN packet, okay? and id say packet buffers are slightly complex if you think about it...
(and i know you'll use that i said that to "prove" that i ripped e2, sorry, that accusation is incorrect).
no offence, but e2 source is so jumbled up its practically impossible to rip it... I highly doubt you ripped anything from Fleet- because when someone makes their first working connection code, they would just copy that and use it in their other bots, and i bet you made l2uthless way before any of bens crap became open source.

Thanks for trying to help me, but I need help from someone with an IQ above 80.</joking>


Quote from: BreW on October 29, 2006, 01:27 PM
Did you make your first packet buffer? Didn't think so.
Did you know how it works before you just slap it in?
Of course, you would have to know at least basic vb in order to "rip" something as compllex as that, I'm sorry for being 100% honest when I said I used element chat 2's packet buffer. If I had known you were going to cruicify me for saying that, I wouldn't have. The big point there is that I know how it works, where you claim I don't know. Sorry I forgot to put exit sub before the err part, but I hardly ever use on error goto err, that doesn't make me a newb at this programming language. And no, I didn't read a vb6 for dummies book in order to get started like you probably did, so don't say my code sucks blah blah...

Quote from: Kp on October 29, 2006, 11:07 AM
Quote from: BreW on October 29, 2006, 10:18 AM
is there a reason why it's a 14mb installer....
serious i don't get what's wrong with packetmon.

It is large because it gives you packet sniffing, which your inferior OS does not support by default.

Maybe nothing is wrong with packetmon, but since you don't seem to be able to post packet dumps with it (whether due to user incompetence or an actual tool problem I don't know), recommending Wireshark was a simple alternative.

I was talking to him about that. Installing wireshark took like a year, its slow, I personally don't like it, but I did it. UserLoser maybe if you had read the ENTIRE topic you wouldn'tve told me off like that. Don't jump to conclusions, thanks.

There should be a flame board for this forum.... serious...

I did?  I would have to disagree considering the following facts:

I learned C++ before I learned Visual Basic which was before learning x86 assembly.
I wrote my own Chat bot for Battle.net before I even attempted a binary bot.  I originally started writing it using MFC then I switched to VB.

Sure I was new one time and asked questions and for help, but I was able to self teach my self how to use a packet logger, how to read the contents of a hex data dump, etc.  You do not have that attitude, and as said above, I've seen enough code to distinguish a skilled coder vs a newbie coder.

By the way, techincally copying a packet buffer class *could* be a crime under some circumstances.

So tell me this, how did you figure out the formats of SID_AUTH_INFO, SID_AUTH_CHECK, SID_LOGONRESPONSE2, etc., do you use BnetDocs?  Have you tried setting breakpoints after the GetStuff call, or in GetStuff to see why it is failing or what it is returning?  Where is User, Pass, ServerToken, and ClientToken declared at?  What you're showing us is like having:

Result = Int1 + Int2

and asking why isn't Result coming out to equal 30?


Quote from: BreW on October 29, 2006, 03:54 PM
and as for the not having enough brainpower to send a packet, how did I send the 0x50, 0x25, 0x51, and 0x14 with no problem?

You're dumb enough to not know how to write your own packetbuffer, so it's more than likely that you stole that code from Cat's bot too.

Quote from: BreW on October 29, 2006, 03:54 PMAnd yes, I do know howto use code, exemplified by how the hell I got this far and I bet you copied your packetbuffer too, and I do know what a goto statement does, I just overlooked exiting the sub because I hardly ever use it, and I know what all of my code means, thanks.


Unlike you, I don't steal my source code. At the time I wrote that (even up to now), Banana fanna fo fanna was the only one to have done it before I did, and he did not release his code.


Quote from: UserLoser on October 29, 2006, 03:58 PM
Quote from: BreW on October 29, 2006, 01:27 PM
Did you make your first packet buffer? Didn't think so.
Did you know how it works before you just slap it in?
Of course, you would have to know at least basic vb in order to "rip" something as compllex as that, I'm sorry for being 100% honest when I said I used element chat 2's packet buffer. If I had known you were going to cruicify me for saying that, I wouldn't have. The big point there is that I know how it works, where you claim I don't know. Sorry I forgot to put exit sub before the err part, but I hardly ever use on error goto err, that doesn't make me a newb at this programming language. And no, I didn't read a vb6 for dummies book in order to get started like you probably did, so don't say my code sucks blah blah...

Quote from: Kp on October 29, 2006, 11:07 AM
Quote from: BreW on October 29, 2006, 10:18 AM
is there a reason why it's a 14mb installer....
serious i don't get what's wrong with packetmon.

It is large because it gives you packet sniffing, which your inferior OS does not support by default.

Maybe nothing is wrong with packetmon, but since you don't seem to be able to post packet dumps with it (whether due to user incompetence or an actual tool problem I don't know), recommending Wireshark was a simple alternative.

I was talking to him about that. Installing wireshark took like a year, its slow, I personally don't like it, but I did it. UserLoser maybe if you had read the ENTIRE topic you wouldn'tve told me off like that. Don't jump to conclusions, thanks.

There should be a flame board for this forum.... serious...

I did?  I would have to disagree considering the following facts:

I learned C++ before I learned Visual Basic which was before learning x86 assembly.
I wrote my own Chat bot for Battle.net before I even attempted a binary bot.  I originally started writing it using MFC then I switched to VB.

Sure I was new one time and asked questions and for help, but I was able to self teach my self how to use a packet logger, how to read the contents of a hex data dump, etc.  You do not have that attitude, and as said above, I've seen enough code to distinguish a skilled coder vs a newbie coder.

By the way, techincally copying a packet buffer class *could* be a crime under some circumstances.

So tell me this, how did you figure out the formats of SID_AUTH_INFO, SID_AUTH_CHECK, SID_LOGONRESPONSE2, etc., do you use BnetDocs?  Have you tried setting breakpoints after the GetStuff call, or in GetStuff to see why it is failing or what it is returning?  Where is User, Pass, ServerToken, and ClientToken declared at?  What you're showing us is like having:

Result = Int1 + Int2

and asking why isn't Result coming out to equal 30?

your order of learning programming languages is totaly backwards IMO

By the way, techincally copying a packet buffer class *could* be a crime under some circumstances.
cool, that packetbuffer wasn't copywrited though

So tell me this, how did you figure out the formats of SID_AUTH_INFO, SID_AUTH_CHECK, SID_LOGONRESPONSE2, etc., do you use BnetDocs?  Have you tried setting breakpoints after the GetStuff call, or in GetStuff to see why it is failing or what it is returning?  Where is User, Pass, ServerToken, and ClientToken declared at?  What you're showing us is like having:
the formats of what??? i don't go by the SID_ names... all i know are the packet ids to be honest...
as for the breakpoints, I don't even know what they do, sorry -.-
the user and pass are in the .ini, and the servertoken and client token are public varibles
what I was showing you were the parts of my packetbuffer that my send0x3a uses, just to be perfectly clear.
....What my real question is why I'm sending absolutely nothing, yet it doesn't do that for any other packets. I think it might have something to do with the doubleHashPassword() function in BNCSutil.


Quote from: topaz on October 29, 2006, 04:04 PM
Quote from: BreW on October 29, 2006, 03:54 PM
and as for the not having enough brainpower to send a packet, how did I send the 0x50, 0x25, 0x51, and 0x14 with no problem?

You're dumb enough to not know how to write your own packetbuffer, so it's more than likely that you stole that code from Cat's bot too.

Quote from: BreW on October 29, 2006, 03:54 PMAnd yes, I do know howto use code, exemplified by how the hell I got this far and I bet you copied your packetbuffer too, and I do know what a goto statement does, I just overlooked exiting the sub because I hardly ever use it, and I know what all of my code means, thanks.


Unlike you, I don't steal my source code. At the time I wrote that (even up to now), Banana fanna fo fanna was the only one to have done it before I did, and he did not release his code.

What's your problem with me.... I never said anything against you and all of a sudden you start trying to pick a fight with me, that's immature.
1st of all, I didn't copy ANY of my code but the packetbuffer. Even if I did waste my time writing it completely myself, it would look very similar to any packetbuffer out there. a packet buffer is a buffer for packets. simple as that.
2nd of all, I am sure if I tried to make my own packetbuffer I would, and it wouldn't suck either.
The only time I ever "stole" his code was to try to fix an ONGOING problem where vb would say bncsutil.dll was missing, I didn't know you were supposed to put it in the system32 folder. Basically what i did was write my own connection code, that happened, and i tried my brains out to fix it. then i used one of his sources to see if its my code that's the problem, and i found it wasn't. After I fixed it I went back to my old code, because I personally don't like his style of coding, and above all, it would be ripping.


Quote from: BreW on October 29, 2006, 04:10 PM
Quote from: UserLoser on October 29, 2006, 03:58 PM
Quote from: BreW on October 29, 2006, 01:27 PM
Did you make your first packet buffer? Didn't think so.
Did you know how it works before you just slap it in?
Of course, you would have to know at least basic vb in order to "rip" something as compllex as that, I'm sorry for being 100% honest when I said I used element chat 2's packet buffer. If I had known you were going to cruicify me for saying that, I wouldn't have. The big point there is that I know how it works, where you claim I don't know. Sorry I forgot to put exit sub before the err part, but I hardly ever use on error goto err, that doesn't make me a newb at this programming language. And no, I didn't read a vb6 for dummies book in order to get started like you probably did, so don't say my code sucks blah blah...

Quote from: Kp on October 29, 2006, 11:07 AM
Quote from: BreW on October 29, 2006, 10:18 AM
is there a reason why it's a 14mb installer....
serious i don't get what's wrong with packetmon.

It is large because it gives you packet sniffing, which your inferior OS does not support by default.

Maybe nothing is wrong with packetmon, but since you don't seem to be able to post packet dumps with it (whether due to user incompetence or an actual tool problem I don't know), recommending Wireshark was a simple alternative.

I was talking to him about that. Installing wireshark took like a year, its slow, I personally don't like it, but I did it. UserLoser maybe if you had read the ENTIRE topic you wouldn'tve told me off like that. Don't jump to conclusions, thanks.

There should be a flame board for this forum.... serious...

I did?  I would have to disagree considering the following facts:

I learned C++ before I learned Visual Basic which was before learning x86 assembly.
I wrote my own Chat bot for Battle.net before I even attempted a binary bot.  I originally started writing it using MFC then I switched to VB.

Sure I was new one time and asked questions and for help, but I was able to self teach my self how to use a packet logger, how to read the contents of a hex data dump, etc.  You do not have that attitude, and as said above, I've seen enough code to distinguish a skilled coder vs a newbie coder.

By the way, techincally copying a packet buffer class *could* be a crime under some circumstances.

So tell me this, how did you figure out the formats of SID_AUTH_INFO, SID_AUTH_CHECK, SID_LOGONRESPONSE2, etc., do you use BnetDocs?  Have you tried setting breakpoints after the GetStuff call, or in GetStuff to see why it is failing or what it is returning?  Where is User, Pass, ServerToken, and ClientToken declared at?  What you're showing us is like having:

Result = Int1 + Int2

and asking why isn't Result coming out to equal 30?

your order of learning programming languages is totaly backwards IMO

By the way, techincally copying a packet buffer class *could* be a crime under some circumstances.
cool, that packetbuffer wasn't copywrited though

So tell me this, how did you figure out the formats of SID_AUTH_INFO, SID_AUTH_CHECK, SID_LOGONRESPONSE2, etc., do you use BnetDocs?  Have you tried setting breakpoints after the GetStuff call, or in GetStuff to see why it is failing or what it is returning?  Where is User, Pass, ServerToken, and ClientToken declared at?  What you're showing us is like having:
the formats of what??? i don't go by the SID_ names... all i know are the packet ids to be honest...
as for the breakpoints, I don't even know what they do, sorry -.-
the user and pass are in the .ini, and the servertoken and client token are public varibles
what I was showing you were the parts of my packetbuffer that my send0x3a uses, just to be perfectly clear.
....What my real question is why I'm sending absolutely nothing, yet it doesn't do that for any other packets. I think it might have something to do with the doubleHashPassword() function in BNCSutil.

This is pure evidence you know virtually nothing about the language.  I asked where the User, Pass, ClientToken, and ServerToken are declared at and you told me the ini file--they are variables, where are they declared at in the code??  A breakpoint is...a point where the code breaks in execution so you can see what is going on, try setting one--you should have learned how when you learned VB6.  You probably have to allocate memory for the doubleHashPassword otherwise it can't copy a 20-byte value into nothing.  The SID_* names are the formal names of the messages which were obtained over the years from disassembly of the game files, you ask of 0x3a..there are multiple messages in Battle.net that use the same identifier, it would help to identify what one you are talking about.

Why has the function called "GetStuff" been posted here for the past three years...you did write it, no?


Quote from: UserLoser on October 29, 2006, 04:19 PM
Quote from: BreW on October 29, 2006, 04:10 PM
Quote from: UserLoser on October 29, 2006, 03:58 PM
Quote from: BreW on October 29, 2006, 01:27 PM
Did you make your first packet buffer? Didn't think so.
Did you know how it works before you just slap it in?
Of course, you would have to know at least basic vb in order to "rip" something as compllex as that, I'm sorry for being 100% honest when I said I used element chat 2's packet buffer. If I had known you were going to cruicify me for saying that, I wouldn't have. The big point there is that I know how it works, where you claim I don't know. Sorry I forgot to put exit sub before the err part, but I hardly ever use on error goto err, that doesn't make me a newb at this programming language. And no, I didn't read a vb6 for dummies book in order to get started like you probably did, so don't say my code sucks blah blah...

Quote from: Kp on October 29, 2006, 11:07 AM
Quote from: BreW on October 29, 2006, 10:18 AM
is there a reason why it's a 14mb installer....
serious i don't get what's wrong with packetmon.

It is large because it gives you packet sniffing, which your inferior OS does not support by default.

Maybe nothing is wrong with packetmon, but since you don't seem to be able to post packet dumps with it (whether due to user incompetence or an actual tool problem I don't know), recommending Wireshark was a simple alternative.

I was talking to him about that. Installing wireshark took like a year, its slow, I personally don't like it, but I did it. UserLoser maybe if you had read the ENTIRE topic you wouldn'tve told me off like that. Don't jump to conclusions, thanks.

There should be a flame board for this forum.... serious...

I did?  I would have to disagree considering the following facts:

I learned C++ before I learned Visual Basic which was before learning x86 assembly.
I wrote my own Chat bot for Battle.net before I even attempted a binary bot.  I originally started writing it using MFC then I switched to VB.

Sure I was new one time and asked questions and for help, but I was able to self teach my self how to use a packet logger, how to read the contents of a hex data dump, etc.  You do not have that attitude, and as said above, I've seen enough code to distinguish a skilled coder vs a newbie coder.

By the way, techincally copying a packet buffer class *could* be a crime under some circumstances.

So tell me this, how did you figure out the formats of SID_AUTH_INFO, SID_AUTH_CHECK, SID_LOGONRESPONSE2, etc., do you use BnetDocs?  Have you tried setting breakpoints after the GetStuff call, or in GetStuff to see why it is failing or what it is returning?  Where is User, Pass, ServerToken, and ClientToken declared at?  What you're showing us is like having:

Result = Int1 + Int2

and asking why isn't Result coming out to equal 30?

your order of learning programming languages is totaly backwards IMO

By the way, techincally copying a packet buffer class *could* be a crime under some circumstances.
cool, that packetbuffer wasn't copywrited though

So tell me this, how did you figure out the formats of SID_AUTH_INFO, SID_AUTH_CHECK, SID_LOGONRESPONSE2, etc., do you use BnetDocs?  Have you tried setting breakpoints after the GetStuff call, or in GetStuff to see why it is failing or what it is returning?  Where is User, Pass, ServerToken, and ClientToken declared at?  What you're showing us is like having:
the formats of what??? i don't go by the SID_ names... all i know are the packet ids to be honest...
as for the breakpoints, I don't even know what they do, sorry -.-
the user and pass are in the .ini, and the servertoken and client token are public varibles
what I was showing you were the parts of my packetbuffer that my send0x3a uses, just to be perfectly clear.
....What my real question is why I'm sending absolutely nothing, yet it doesn't do that for any other packets. I think it might have something to do with the doubleHashPassword() function in BNCSutil.

This is pure evidence you know virtually nothing about the language.  I asked where the User, Pass, ClientToken, and ServerToken are declared at and you told me the ini file--they are variables, where are they declared at in the code??  A breakpoint is...a point where the code breaks in execution so you can see what is going on, try setting one--you should have learned how when you learned VB6.  You probably have to allocate memory for the doubleHashPassword otherwise it can't copy a 20-byte value into nothing.  The SID_* names are the formal names of the messages which were obtained over the years from disassembly of the game files, you ask of 0x3a..there are multiple messages in Battle.net that use the same identifier, it would help to identify what one you are talking about.

Why has the function called "GetStuff" been posted here for the past three years...you did write it, no?

The writestuff/getstuff functions were probably copied from somewhere long ago and because everyone used it, that became the standard for writing and getting a private profile string. If I really bothers you that much, I would rename them...
As for the username/password, I said I got them from the .ini, and the client token and server token are pubilically declaired varibles, (for dumb people as yourself) Meaning the value of client token/server token are the same throughout the module or whatever.
Iv heard from a few people that the client token could be any number above 0, but I use GetTickCount to get the value for that anyways.

here they are in my code:
Public ServerToken As Long
Public ClientToken As Long

Wow look at that. They're declaired.

ClientToken = GetTickCount
ServerToken = pbuffer.GetDWORD(Mid$(Data, 9, 4))

look! they have values too!

I don't know nor care to know what a breakpoint does, because I have never used them nor plan to use them in the future. I, like many others, learned VB6 by the three excelent examples included with the make a program wizard which comes default with vb6. I wish I could use msdn too, but they started focusing on their .net crap, and it is quite different then vb6.


vb6, something about that combination of numbers and letters is sexy


Quote from: BreW on October 29, 2006, 04:31 PM
Quote from: UserLoser on October 29, 2006, 04:19 PM
Quote from: BreW on October 29, 2006, 04:10 PM
Quote from: UserLoser on October 29, 2006, 03:58 PM
Quote from: BreW on October 29, 2006, 01:27 PM
Did you make your first packet buffer? Didn't think so.
Did you know how it works before you just slap it in?
Of course, you would have to know at least basic vb in order to "rip" something as compllex as that, I'm sorry for being 100% honest when I said I used element chat 2's packet buffer. If I had known you were going to cruicify me for saying that, I wouldn't have. The big point there is that I know how it works, where you claim I don't know. Sorry I forgot to put exit sub before the err part, but I hardly ever use on error goto err, that doesn't make me a newb at this programming language. And no, I didn't read a vb6 for dummies book in order to get started like you probably did, so don't say my code sucks blah blah...

Quote from: Kp on October 29, 2006, 11:07 AM
Quote from: BreW on October 29, 2006, 10:18 AM
is there a reason why it's a 14mb installer....
serious i don't get what's wrong with packetmon.

It is large because it gives you packet sniffing, which your inferior OS does not support by default.

Maybe nothing is wrong with packetmon, but since you don't seem to be able to post packet dumps with it (whether due to user incompetence or an actual tool problem I don't know), recommending Wireshark was a simple alternative.

I was talking to him about that. Installing wireshark took like a year, its slow, I personally don't like it, but I did it. UserLoser maybe if you had read the ENTIRE topic you wouldn'tve told me off like that. Don't jump to conclusions, thanks.

There should be a flame board for this forum.... serious...

I did?  I would have to disagree considering the following facts:

I learned C++ before I learned Visual Basic which was before learning x86 assembly.
I wrote my own Chat bot for Battle.net before I even attempted a binary bot.  I originally started writing it using MFC then I switched to VB.

Sure I was new one time and asked questions and for help, but I was able to self teach my self how to use a packet logger, how to read the contents of a hex data dump, etc.  You do not have that attitude, and as said above, I've seen enough code to distinguish a skilled coder vs a newbie coder.

By the way, techincally copying a packet buffer class *could* be a crime under some circumstances.

So tell me this, how did you figure out the formats of SID_AUTH_INFO, SID_AUTH_CHECK, SID_LOGONRESPONSE2, etc., do you use BnetDocs?  Have you tried setting breakpoints after the GetStuff call, or in GetStuff to see why it is failing or what it is returning?  Where is User, Pass, ServerToken, and ClientToken declared at?  What you're showing us is like having:

Result = Int1 + Int2

and asking why isn't Result coming out to equal 30?

your order of learning programming languages is totaly backwards IMO

By the way, techincally copying a packet buffer class *could* be a crime under some circumstances.
cool, that packetbuffer wasn't copywrited though

So tell me this, how did you figure out the formats of SID_AUTH_INFO, SID_AUTH_CHECK, SID_LOGONRESPONSE2, etc., do you use BnetDocs?  Have you tried setting breakpoints after the GetStuff call, or in GetStuff to see why it is failing or what it is returning?  Where is User, Pass, ServerToken, and ClientToken declared at?  What you're showing us is like having:
the formats of what??? i don't go by the SID_ names... all i know are the packet ids to be honest...
as for the breakpoints, I don't even know what they do, sorry -.-
the user and pass are in the .ini, and the servertoken and client token are public varibles
what I was showing you were the parts of my packetbuffer that my send0x3a uses, just to be perfectly clear.
....What my real question is why I'm sending absolutely nothing, yet it doesn't do that for any other packets. I think it might have something to do with the doubleHashPassword() function in BNCSutil.

This is pure evidence you know virtually nothing about the language.  I asked where the User, Pass, ClientToken, and ServerToken are declared at and you told me the ini file--they are variables, where are they declared at in the code??  A breakpoint is...a point where the code breaks in execution so you can see what is going on, try setting one--you should have learned how when you learned VB6.  You probably have to allocate memory for the doubleHashPassword otherwise it can't copy a 20-byte value into nothing.  The SID_* names are the formal names of the messages which were obtained over the years from disassembly of the game files, you ask of 0x3a..there are multiple messages in Battle.net that use the same identifier, it would help to identify what one you are talking about.

Why has the function called "GetStuff" been posted here for the past three years...you did write it, no?

The writestuff/getstuff functions were probably copied from somewhere long ago and because everyone used it, that became the standard for writing and getting a private profile string. If I really bothers you that much, I would rename them...
As for the username/password, I said I got them from the .ini, and the client token and server token are pubilically declaired varibles, (for dumb people as yourself) Meaning the value of client token/server token are the same throughout the module or whatever.
Iv heard from a few people that the client token could be any number above 0, but I use GetTickCount to get the value for that anyways.

here they are in my code:
Public ServerToken As Long
Public ClientToken As Long

Wow look at that. They're declaired.

ClientToken = GetTickCount
ServerToken = pbuffer.GetDWORD(Mid$(Data, 9, 4))

look! they have values too!

I don't know nor care to know what a breakpoint does, because I have never used them nor plan to use them in the future. I, like many others, learned VB6 by the three excelent examples included with the make a program wizard which comes default with vb6. I wish I could use msdn too, but they started focusing on their .net crap, and it is quite different then vb6.

You are a moron, just please leave the forums.  If you're asking for help show ALL the code like when they're declared and we could help you figure out what is going on wrong.  You still have not showed me where User and Pass are declared at in your code.

Don't ask for help here anymore, I really don't think you'll get it even though we like to help newbies.  Just get over it, find a new hobby because you're wasting your time


UL, Kp, et all: Why do you even bother with him? Just lock/trash this.
Quote from: effect on March 09, 2006, 11:52 PM
Islam is a steaming pile of fucking dog shit. Everything about it is flawed, anybody who believes in it is a terrorist, if you disagree with me, then im sorry your wrong.

Quote from: Rule on May 07, 2006, 01:30 PM
Why don't you stop being American and start acting like a decent human?
