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Started by BreW, October 28, 2006, 10:21 PM

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You are a moron, just please leave the forums.  If you're asking for help show ALL the code like when they're declared and we could help you figure out what is going on wrong.  You still have not showed me where User and Pass are declared at in your code.

Don't ask for help here anymore, I really don't think you'll get it even though we like to help newbies.  Just get over it, find a new hobby because you're wasting your time

okay, listen here: I, am not a moron, and I WAS asking for help. what happened to hdx and frostedwraith, they were acually helping me unlike you and topaz. serious, if you have nothing nice to say, don't say it at all.
here: ill show you where user and pass are declaired

Public Pass As String
Public Name As String



I'm still here.
But I agree with UL/KP, you are a compleet and utter moron.
But I'll still give you the benifit of my bordom and help you if you ask correctly.
And as for the buffer shit.... Don't use the old crap, you should atleast be useing an uptodate efficient buffer if you're going to be leeching code.
Once again i've answerd your problem, you arn't even fucking sending 0x3A (BNCS is implied if not otherwise stated, but yes it is good pratice to sue the name, even if it is made up. But i'm a math-geek and I prefer the numbers)
Now stop fucking arguing with people who are obviously smarter and more experianced then you.
And seriously if you don't know who KP or UL, or even myself, is then you should definitly shut the fuck up.
Sorry for being harsh but you are being a fucking moron and an arrogent prick.
What exactly happens when you use doublehashpassword() or checkrevision() or any of the other functions inside BNCSutil?
And don't even think of turning that around on me and asking if I know, because I do. (Cosidering I'm the sole developer of JBLS now, and worked with David shortly after he started it)

Proud host of the JBLS server www.JBLS.org.
JBLS.org Status:
JBLS/BNLS Server Status


Quote from: BreW on October 29, 2006, 04:59 PMthey were acually helping me unlike you and topaz. serious, if you have nothing nice to say, don't say it at all.

Quote from: BreW on October 29, 2006, 04:59 PMWhat's your problem with me.... I never said anything against you and all of a sudden you start trying to pick a fight with me, that's immature.
1st of all, I didn't copy ANY of my code but the packetbuffer. Even if I did waste my time writing it completely myself, it would look very similar to any packetbuffer out there. a packet buffer is a buffer for packets. simple as that.

Because you're annoying, and because of


and, well, you're a Fleet- (who is a complete moron) junkie. Not much better than Shadow, but he doesn't sign up on boards to post a bunch of worthless crap that only two people on the board actually care about



That aside, Hdx and FW stopped helping you because they realised you didn't know what you were doing.  BreW, you keep accusing people of stealing packet buffers.  The people you are talking to MADE the packet buffers.  In fact, Cat's buffer is DarkMinnion's (well, the VB port of it), and your GetStuff/WriteStuff probably originated somewhere in Feanor's code.  As for the formal packet structures, since you clearly suck at logging, and have no idea what the formal names are, it's safe to say you haven't touched BnetDocs [ever], which means all of your packet structures and basically all of your connection code is ripped.  Let's also not forget that you said
Quote from: BreW on October 28, 2006, 10:21 PM
I'm using bncs for the hash password stuff
Which basically says "I have no idea what I'm doing".

Now, please feel free to shutup and maybe, and this, by all means, is only a suggestion, MAYBE, just MAYBE research and learn the language, and then research and learn the protocol, and then try to write a bot.
Grif: Yeah, and the people in the red states are mad because the people in the blue states are mean to them and want them to pay money for roads and schools instead of cool things like NASCAR and shotguns.  Also, there's something about ketchup in there.


Quote from: BreW on October 29, 2006, 03:54 PM
and KP, i am not sure what you mean by my general attitude, I'm asking for help and I really don't want 20 people arguing with me and trying to prove me wrong, sorry if that bursts your bubble. Notice how I was getting along great until UL opened his trap...

The tone of your posts is generally combative.  Regardless of whether you feel you are being picked on, it's more conducive to ignore the insults and post the information requested.  Retaliating, particularly against members significantly more senior than yourself, will only make matters worse.

Quote from: BreW on October 29, 2006, 03:54 PM
Thats nice, but I can't even uncompress the .tar.gz they put the source in :/ anyways I was just wondering how Ethereal and this similar program are so big and bulky when compared to PacketMon which does the SAME exact thing... and why some people here prefer it.

Use gunzip and tar, in that order.  Not having used PacketMon, I cannot attest to whether they truly perform exactly the same function.  However, I tend to prefer Wireshark for its compatibility with tcpdump, as well as an absurd number of other formats.

Quote from: BreW on October 29, 2006, 03:54 PM
and id say packet buffers are slightly complex if you think about it...

As opposed to, say writing kernel drivers or modifying the behavior and code of other processes?  Even the less-accomplished posters here moved beyond considering packet buffers "complex" a long time ago... :)

Quote from: Warrior on October 29, 2006, 04:54 PM
UL, Kp, et all: Why do you even bother with him? Just lock/trash this.

Once in a while, a well formed counter-flame will make someone recognize the error of his ways.  I had hoped that by carefully explaining to him why everyone was coming down on him, he would start behaving a bit better.

Quote from: BreW on October 29, 2006, 04:59 PM
okay, listen here: I, am not a moron, and I WAS asking for help. what happened to hdx and frostedwraith, they were acually helping me unlike you and topaz. serious, if you have nothing nice to say, don't say it at all.

You were also engaging in name calling and were generally resistant to attempts to assist you.

Hdx and Frostedwraith probably lost interest, went offline, or are otherwise busy.  They might come back to help you if you manage not to alienate everyone in the meantime. :)  That said, this thread has ceased to be amusing.  If it does not become productive, it will be locked.
[19:20:23] (BotNet) <[vL]Kp> Any idiot can make a bot with CSB, and many do!


wow serious, i just ask for help and 4-5 people start flaming on me

*edit* you know what, after all that i think everone but the mature people (kp) are a bunch of annyoing insulting faggots who have nothing better to do but post crap about how I don't know howto code when I know i do, and i try to get help and when i do i accept it, when i got ACUAL help i tried it. then topaz comes in and starts talking shit along with UL. Don't you guys have anything better to do....


I called you dumb because you failed to realise that an error handler throwing an error with number 0 and description null might not be exactly working, revise your code, fixed the broken handler, and gone from there.  Then you starting blabbing about how people stole their packet buffers.
Grif: Yeah, and the people in the red states are mad because the people in the blue states are mean to them and want them to pay money for roads and schools instead of cool things like NASCAR and shotguns.  Also, there's something about ketchup in there.


Quote from: rabbit on October 29, 2006, 05:30 PM
I called you dumb because you failed to realise that an error handler throwing an error with number 0 and description null might not be exactly working, revise your code, fixed the broken handler, and gone from there.  Then you starting blabbing about how people stole their packet buffers.

thats because NOBODY writes their first packetbuffer or connection code, as you can see this is my first time trying to do connection code and im doing really bad too... i started blabbing about packet buffers because someone said i don't know how they work etc. when really, i am pretty good with vb by now, i just don't know the useless things such as breakpoints yet. I AM A NEWB, and i admit it, everyone has to start everywhere. I'm just saying nobody ever writes their own connection code without going through alot of trouble.


Quote from: BreW on October 29, 2006, 05:36 PM
Quote from: rabbit on October 29, 2006, 05:30 PM
I called you dumb because you failed to realise that an error handler throwing an error with number 0 and description null might not be exactly working, revise your code, fixed the broken handler, and gone from there.  Then you starting blabbing about how people stole their packet buffers.

thats because NOBODY writes their first packetbuffer or connection code, as you can see this is my first time trying to do connection code and im doing really bad too... i started blabbing about packet buffers because someone said i don't know how they work etc. when really, i am pretty good with vb by now, i just don't know the useless things such as breakpoints yet. I AM A NEWB, and i admit it, everyone has to start everywhere. I'm just saying nobody ever writes their own connection code without going through alot of trouble.

Useless things as breakpoints?  You are a moron, just leave already you're embarassing your self.  I did not start to flame you, you're not getting any more help here--I supplied you the answer you need so re-read my posts and move on.

Once again, many people write their own "packet buffer" and/or connection code...

Don't hate me because you're jealous of me.


trust me, i am nowhere near jealous of you. its just that when you start to accuse ppl of code ripping they get pretty pissed off. and I asked for help because i needed it, and then i get a pile of shit in return.

Yeah UL you REALLY helped me thx alot bud.


Quote from: BreW on October 29, 2006, 05:36 PMthats because NOBODY writes their first packetbuffer or connection code,
*cough**cough* I Know MANY people who did not leech there first buffer classes, or manual parsing subrutienes(sp?). Hell the only reason I ever used DM's Buffer class was that it ws 100x more efficient then the one I had writtin. (Thats not saying much)
Quote from: BreW on October 29, 2006, 05:36 PMwhen really, i am pretty good with vb by now,
Quote from: BreW on October 29, 2006, 05:36 PMi just don't know the useless things such as breakpoints yet.
Once you learn to use breakpoints, you will not think they are worthless, you will think they are the best fucking thing to come out of Mircosoft sence the reformat functionality
Quote from: BreW on October 29, 2006, 05:36 PMI AM A NEWB, and i admit it, everyone has to start everywhere. I'm just saying nobody ever writes their own connection code without going through alot of trouble.
That trouble is called LEARNING. If you didn't have any trouble doing it then you wouldn't of learned anything.
Think of math, simple shit like 1+1=2 2+2=4 4+4=8 etc.... Those arnt hard, yet you already know them, so why would you keep doing them? You need soemthing to chalange you, like
2^84+91-sqr(42)/18/sqr(9^2) = ?
Now that may challange you, BUT once you WORK THROUGH IT you will understand better the concepts of why and how it works.
Which do you learn more from? the complex one or the simple one?

Oh and i'm still looking for you to explain to me the functions you use. (The BNCSUtil.dll exports)

Proud host of the JBLS server www.JBLS.org.
JBLS.org Status:
JBLS/BNLS Server Status


Quote from: BreW on October 29, 2006, 05:44 PM
trust me, i am nowhere near jealous of you. its just that when you start to accuse ppl of code ripping they get pretty pissed off. and I asked for help because i needed it, and then i get a pile of shit in return.

Wow, you are a true moron.

Quote from: BreW on October 28, 2006, 11:03 PM
i *ripped* the packet buffer from somechat src... too bad it doesn't even connect-.- (it crashes vb)

Nobody is accusing you, you admitted to it--quit making a fool out of your self before this ends up in the fun forum


moron is your fav word init

and yeah, i shouldn'tve used the word ripped, i just Copied and Pasted DM's packet buffer to save time and effort. What I really wanted to point out is the bot i got it from didn't even connect in the first place.


Brew, if you want reall help, go see a shrink Oo
Your a waste bandwidth, and wasteing power, overall contributing to global warming!
Please stop now.!
If you want to learn to write a bot in vb, I advise learning vb first.


Quote from: Ringo on October 29, 2006, 05:54 PM
Brew, if you want reall help, go see a shrink Oo
Your a waste bandwidth, and wasteing power, overall contributing to global warming!
Please stop now.!
If you want to learn to write a bot in vb, I advise learning vb first.

omfg rob you just had to butt in.... and I DO KNOW VB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THX.
