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Started by BreW, October 28, 2006, 10:21 PM

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Stop effing dancing around it and post a packet log.
I bet its something compleetly obvious if you take the time to read the packet log!

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Or actually display the Err.Number and Err.Description.
Grif: Yeah, and the people in the red states are mad because the people in the blue states are mean to them and want them to pay money for roads and schools instead of cool things like NASCAR and shotguns.  Also, there's something about ketchup in there.


omg hdx, i told you! the packetlog was completely blank!
there was NO data except the header! its as if i sent absolutely nothing. (i probably did)
as for the err number and description ill get on that right now


Well, let us take a look for ya  ;)


i added error description and number, this is what I got:

[10:04:10 AM] >> Welcome to BreW Bot 1.0 by BreW!
[10:04:11 AM] [BNET] Winsock Connecting...
[10:04:11 AM] [BNET] Winsock Connected to!
[10:04:11 AM] [BNET] Sending 0x50...
[10:04:11 AM] 0 :
[10:04:11 AM] 0 :
[10:04:11 AM] [BNET] Received 0x50!
[10:04:11 AM] [BNET] Sending 0x51...
[10:04:11 AM] 0 :
[10:04:11 AM] [BNET] Received 0x51!
[10:04:11 AM] 0 :
[10:04:11 AM] [BNET] Sending 0x3A...
[10:04:11 AM] 0 :
[10:04:11 AM] 0x3A doesn't work

notice how it errors on every packet but 0x14.....


My god you're dumb.  YOU DON'T EXIT THE SUB BEFORE THE ERROR HANDLER!  You aren't getting any error, you're just stupid.  FFS.
Grif: Yeah, and the people in the red states are mad because the people in the blue states are mean to them and want them to pay money for roads and schools instead of cool things like NASCAR and shotguns.  Also, there's something about ketchup in there.


okay, i didn't exit the sub before the exit handler.
First of all, i AM getting an error, otherwise it wouldn't have to goto on error goto err, and im not stupid! ty!

suppose i did do what you just said, how would I fix it?


Sub Name(crap here)
  on error goto err
  exit sub
  msgbox "OMG IMA NOOB!"
End Sub

Without Exit Sub the error handler would execute EVERY TIME.
Also, Load up etheral, and jsut log everything and post it here.
You are getting a response from 0x50 and 0x51 so OBVIOUSLY YOU ARE SENDING SOMETING.
So stop making excuses and post a dammen log!
If you arnt getting any data, then your packet logger is crap.

Proud host of the JBLS server www.JBLS.org.
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okay, ill download ethereal, and fix the error handler thing

HAH i did it

[10:36:08 AM] >> Welcome to BreW Bot 1.0 by BreW!
[10:36:09 AM] [BNET] Winsock Connecting...
[10:36:09 AM] [BNET] Winsock Connected to!
[10:36:09 AM] [BNET] Sending 0x50...
[10:36:09 AM] [BNET] Sending 0x25...
[10:36:09 AM] [BNET] Received 0x25!
[10:36:09 AM] [BNET] Received 0x50!
[10:36:09 AM] [BNET] Sending 0x51...
[10:36:09 AM] [BNET] Received 0x51!
[10:36:09 AM] [BNET] Sending 0x3A...
[10:36:09 AM] Error #0:

Thx HDX <3


Ethereal is out of date.  Use Wireshark.
[19:20:23] (BotNet) <[vL]Kp> Any idiot can make a bot with CSB, and many do!


is there a reason why it's a 14mb installer....
serious i don't get what's wrong with packetmon.

Here I did it,



Quote from: BreW on October 29, 2006, 10:18 AM
is there a reason why it's a 14mb installer....
serious i don't get what's wrong with packetmon.

It is large because it gives you packet sniffing, which your inferior OS does not support by default.

Maybe nothing is wrong with packetmon, but since you don't seem to be able to post packet dumps with it (whether due to user incompetence or an actual tool problem I don't know), recommending Wireshark was a simple alternative.
[19:20:23] (BotNet) <[vL]Kp> Any idiot can make a bot with CSB, and many do!


cool, since you recommended it to me you must have it too. That means you can check out my packetlog!


It seems that you are indeed NOT EVEN SENDING 0x3A.
add tcp.len > 0 to your filter to get the actuall data you are sending.
This is what your packet log shows:
C->S 0x50 (Looks ok)
C->S 0x25 (Checksum of 0, ping spoof)
S->C 0x25 (You ignore it)
S->C 0x50
C->S 0x51 (Look ok)
S->C 0x51 (Result: 0x00, Passed)
And then nothing.....


Proud host of the JBLS server www.JBLS.org.
JBLS.org Status:
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Quote from: BreW on October 29, 2006, 11:08 AM
cool, since you recommended it to me you must have it too. That means you can check out my packetlog!

This type of attitude generally doesn't get much help here.  Not knowing a language, ripping source, then refusing to figure out how to fix it your self is like wanting to write a book in a spoken language that you know nothing about.  It's like copying down chapters from random books, putting it together, and expecting someone else to fix it for you so you can get it published with your name on it.  Not accepted and nobody will help you
