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What school are you going to?

Started by Networks, February 26, 2006, 11:04 AM

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haha, I like how you choose MIT then if that fails you revert to CMU/community colleges. As if there aren't any other universities worth your time.

Univ. of Texas @ Austin is a good choice, obviouslly. I went to TAMU last year, and hated it.. although I took a class taught by Bjarne Stroustrup, the designer of the C++ programming language.  He taught my engineering computer science course. I am now at Texas Tech where life revolves around fraternities and women. I enjoy it, a lot. Maybe my priorities aren't in the correct order, but then again, who really cares? I've got a 3.8 in an engineering degree plan. That satifies me. :-p


Quote from: warz on February 28, 2006, 12:18 AM
haha, I like how you choose MIT then if that fails you revert to CMU/community colleges. As if there aren't any other universities worth your time.

Univ. of Texas @ Austin is a good choice, obviouslly. I went to TAMU last year, and hated it.. although I took a class taught by Bjarne Stroustrup, the designer of the C++ programming language.  He taught my engineering computer science course. I am now at Texas Tech where life revolves around fraternities and women. I enjoy it, a lot. Maybe my priorities aren't in the correct order, but then again, who really cares? I've got a 3.8 in an engineering degree plan. That satifies me. :-p

Ahh that's nice. I've heard that Texas A&M sucks from a lot of people, it's definetly my last choice, I'd rather go in-state then go there. I am 80% sure that I am going to gtech now. I am waiting for my last 3 acceptance letters before I really choose and I am really considering Illinois since that's a REALLY good engineering school, I believe better then gtech in under grad engineering and it's male to female ratio isn't 3:1 ;).

Yegg, I really wouldn't set my sights on MIT unless you're really a mathematical genius, I don't know your skill so I won't elaborate to much. They're plenty of great schools that meet with the MIT standard: Georgia Tech, Stanford, Berkeley perhaps. Also if you're a hardcore MIT fan I'd seriously look into Cal Tech, that's the closest you'll get to an MIT school but in nice weather, only around 250 students a year get into Cal Tech.


Quote(00:04:08) zdv17: yeah i quit doing that stuff cause it jacked up the power bill too much
(00:04:19) nick is a turtle: Right now im not paying the power bill though
(00:04:33) nick is a turtle: if i had to pay the electric bill
(00:04:47) nick is a turtle: id hibernate when i go to class
(00:04:57) nick is a turtle: or at least when i go to sleep
(00:08:50) zdv17: hibernating in class is cool.. esp. when you leave a drool puddle



Having just got back from the movies:  Annapolis ^^
Say it with me:


i go here, extremely fun school, where you can litterly find a party everyday.  Also there academics is pretty good there pharmacy program is hard to get into and thier engineering is a bit hard to.  They got lots of clubs and activites.
Plus its a pretty good price.

vb6, something about that combination of numbers and letters is sexy


Virginia Union University

lol just kidding! They came to my school on Tuesday and for some reason my guidance counselor thought I'd like to watch their little presentation. Yeah, because I totalllly fit the demographic for that school.


find a school that isnt too fucking liberal or else your fuggin' education will be skewed... go to Cal Poly SLO where I went, 97.3% white. And as a county, have very conservative folks..... and their are hot girls lots of em, My buddy is the CEO of California Space Authority, he went there and he is obviously doing well for himself. As for me, I chose Military after my 3rd year of college.


Quote from: jigsaw on March 02, 2006, 08:24 PM
find a school that isnt too fucking liberal or else your fuggin' education will be skewed... go to Cal Poly SLO where I went, 97.3% white. And as a county, have very conservative folks..... and their are hot girls lots of em, My buddy is the CEO of California Space Authority, he went there and he is obviously doing well for himself. As for me, I chose Military after my 3rd year of college.

Says more about the student than the institution. You should be able to explore the issues yourself and notice obvious bias.


Quote from: jigsaw on March 02, 2006, 08:24 PM
find a school that isnt too fucking liberal or else your fuggin' education will be skewed... go to Cal Poly SLO where I went, 97.3% white. And as a county, have very conservative folks..... and their are hot girls lots of em, My buddy is the CEO of California Space Authority, he went there and he is obviously doing well for himself. As for me, I chose Military after my 3rd year of college.

I really agree. I want to go to Hampden-Sydney College. It's like 99% white and 100% Conservative. This is good for me because I want to major in Political Science and I won't have to change my opinion to suit the teacher just to get a good grade.


Quote from: hismajesty[yL] on March 03, 2006, 04:06 AM
Quote from: jigsaw on March 02, 2006, 08:24 PM
find a school that isnt too fucking liberal or else your fuggin' education will be skewed... go to Cal Poly SLO where I went, 97.3% white. And as a county, have very conservative folks..... and their are hot girls lots of em, My buddy is the CEO of California Space Authority, he went there and he is obviously doing well for himself. As for me, I chose Military after my 3rd year of college.

I really agree. I want to go to Hampden-Sydney College. It's like 99% white and 100% Conservative. This is good for me because I want to major in Political Science and I won't have to change my opinion to suit the teacher just to get a good grade.

It seems to me that in college, exploring the opinions of the other side and understanding how you think would be far more valuable than having your personal biases reinforced.  It's a personal growth thing or something..
This'll make an interesting test for broken AV:


Quote from: hismajesty[yL] on March 03, 2006, 04:06 AM
Quote from: jigsaw on March 02, 2006, 08:24 PM
find a school that isnt too fucking liberal or else your fuggin' education will be skewed... go to Cal Poly SLO where I went, 97.3% white. And as a county, have very conservative folks..... and their are hot girls lots of em, My buddy is the CEO of California Space Authority, he went there and he is obviously doing well for himself. As for me, I chose Military after my 3rd year of college.

I really agree. I want to go to Hampden-Sydney College. It's like 99% white and 100% Conservative. This is good for me because I want to major in Political Science and I won't have to change my opinion to suit the teacher just to get a good grade.

Wow, aren't we closed minded? I completely agree with iago, college is supposed to open your mind. You're in debate right Trust? You know that part of debating is understanding the other side.

I'd hate to go to an all Indian school let alone an all white school (if I was white). I like diversity, you meet different people. You won't grow as a person if you go to a school like that. (well at least for reasons like that)

Oh and word of advice, don't use Jigsaw's advice, he's a closed minded racist ass, but then again if that's what you want to be...


Quote from: hismajesty[yL] on March 03, 2006, 04:06 AM
Quote from: jigsaw on March 02, 2006, 08:24 PM
find a school that isnt too fucking liberal or else your fuggin' education will be skewed... go to Cal Poly SLO where I went, 97.3% white. And as a county, have very conservative folks..... and their are hot girls lots of em, My buddy is the CEO of California Space Authority, he went there and he is obviously doing well for himself. As for me, I chose Military after my 3rd year of college.

I really agree. I want to go to Hampden-Sydney College. It's like 99% white and 100% Conservative. This is good for me because I want to major in Political Science and I won't have to change my opinion to suit the teacher just to get a good grade.


"A selective private four year liberal arts college for men."  You forgot to say, 99% white, 100% conservative, 100% male.

And all of your opinions are set in stone right?.. I mean at the age of what, (16?) you've made up your mind on anything political. And it's just a coincidence that you happen to agree with your family's (even Grandpa's) point of view on almost everything.  No point in hearing very intelligent people articulate the other side.  They're wrong.


Quote from: Rule on March 03, 2006, 04:15 PM
Quote from: hismajesty[yL] on March 03, 2006, 04:06 AM
Quote from: jigsaw on March 02, 2006, 08:24 PM
find a school that isnt too fucking liberal or else your fuggin' education will be skewed... go to Cal Poly SLO where I went, 97.3% white. And as a county, have very conservative folks..... and their are hot girls lots of em, My buddy is the CEO of California Space Authority, he went there and he is obviously doing well for himself. As for me, I chose Military after my 3rd year of college.

I really agree. I want to go to Hampden-Sydney College. It's like 99% white and 100% Conservative. This is good for me because I want to major in Political Science and I won't have to change my opinion to suit the teacher just to get a good grade.


"A selective private four year liberal arts college for men."  You forgot to say, 99% white, 100% conservative, 100% male.

And all of your opinions are set in stone right?.. I mean at the age of what, (16?) you've made up your mind on anything political.   No point in hearing very intelligent people articulate the other side.  They're wrong.

No, he lets the neo-conservative male/white/christian party of America make up his mind.


Quote from: iago on March 03, 2006, 10:29 AM
It seems to me that in college, exploring the opinions of the other side and understanding how you think would be far more valuable than having your personal biases reinforced. It's a personal growth thing or something..

Everybody wants different things out of the college experience. You want open-mindedness, I want a six figure job.

Quote from: Networks on March 03, 2006, 04:03 PMWow, aren't we closed minded? I completely agree with iago, college is supposed to open your mind. You're in debate right Trust? You know that part of debating is understanding the other side.

Oh and word of advice, don't use Jigsaw's advice, he's a closed minded racist ass, but then again if that's what you want to be...

I'm a first place debater (multiple times) I think I know about debating. And, really, it's understanding what's wrong with the other side that wins.

Quote from: Rule on March 03, 2006, 04:15 PM

"A selective private four year liberal arts college for men." You forgot to say, 99% white, 100% conservative, 100% male.

And all of your opinions are set in stone right?.. I mean at the age of what, (16?) you've made up your mind on anything political. No point in hearing very intelligent people articulate the other side. They're wrong.

Yeah, it's 100% male but there's a 4:1 female to male ratio on the weekends. The neighboring womens colleges (Sweet Briar, Randolph Macon Women's College, etc.) literally bus in women. They all want a piece of the Hampden-Sydney man. Plus one in ten become CEOs or Presidents of businesses, and they have a top notch political science program. HSC has graduated a president and numerous other politicians, and almost everybody goes into a white collar field. (Because of the alumni program, it's unmatched...they take care of everybody.) I've wanted to be an attorney since 3rd grade, and President since 8th.

And, yeah, my opinions are pretty much set in stone. I've formed the majority (if not all) of them myself, and I very rarely read Conservative party (or Democratic) literature (Mephisto.) My ideology is mostly economic, but I do lean conservative on social issues too.

If you grew up where I do, you'd want to go to a white/conservative school too. Hampden-Sydney does have some disrespectul things said about it on Urbandictionary, but nevermind that. My AP Statistics teacher graduated from there I think it was 3 years ago. He really enjoyed it and recommended I check it out after he found out I was interested.

