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Started by David, September 13, 2005, 10:04 PM

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Thats abismal pay. Your mum earns as much as me an hour and im 18!


Honestly, I have no idea how or why they are in debt, and why it is such a high amount, my family, I live with both my parents, and have 2 younger brothers, my dad is an I.C.C in the US Navy, teaches MME ( Micro Miniature Electronics ) and makes a decent amount of money, my mother works at the local commissary working with the markdown and makes right under $14/hr, myself on the other hand works in the produce dept. of a local grocery store making right around $7/hr, we own 5 cars, well one is mine, one is my brothers, and 3 my parents.  And honestly, I didn't expect much donation, and that is not my personal paypal account, that is the account I use to pay for my hosting, and that is the extent of it, I didn't use my personal account, just because of things like that. 

Donating: I figured people who sell names and keys might toss a couple dollars at this since all the money they make off the dumbasses who actually buy that shit, is all profit. But I do appreciate all the wishful thinking.
Quote from: l]ante on March 15, 2004, 11:40 AM
You learned 8 languages in 8 months?
Geez, go code a life.

Soul Taker

Quote from: Adron on September 15, 2005, 08:47 AM
Do people actually get to keep their cars and homes if they file bankruptcy? Over here, you would have to sell your car to pay your bills.
It depends on who you owe money to.  Owing money to the US Treasury is the worst.  If a case from us goes to our collections department, they sometimes start taking the person's paychecks, and can force them to sell things or sell things themselves at auction to try and get the money.


Quote, and why it is such a high amount,

It's not a high amount though, that's what I can't understand about this situation. It's $1200, that's NOTHING, especially if everyone in the house works.


Don't make posts here asking for free money.

I make my own money why can't they? My parents immigrated to the United States in the 80's with nothing and they did something about it. They worked hard and now own a house that is worth over a million US dollars amongst other things. My parents never asked for donations or lived on welfare. They just worked hard. I cant comprehend how living in the United Stated and being poor go together? Why can't someone that was born here do what my parants did?

The poor will always stay poor unless they do something about it. If you ask for free money you are no better than that soiled pants drunk on the corner of the liquor store begging for a dime.

F all those lazy people that are living off my taxes that are on welfare.


I think that's a bit extreme.  Although I don't deny a lot of people take advantage of the system, there are many situations where welfare payments are warranted.


Invert, I can almost guarantee everything YOU have is because of your parents. You can talk all you want, and down the less fortunate, but the way I see it, shit happens, and I hope that one day, you will grow up, get out of your little world where you are used to having everything handed to you, and actually do something.  Everything I have, I paid for, this computer, my car, my insurance, my phone, my stereo(s). How much have you actually earned on your own? Without working for someone your parents know, or without using their resources to get to a point where you can make good money? At one point, I was working 2 jobs and going to school, I know what it takes to make money, but I seriously doubt you do, so don't talk down on someone, or a group of people when pricks like you who get everything handed to them, you have no worries.
Quote from: l]ante on March 15, 2004, 11:40 AM
You learned 8 languages in 8 months?
Geez, go code a life.

JTN Designer

So why justify someone else's cause, Invert is right on alot of levels. Posting on a public forum on a family's behalf is not your place nor; I'm sure they didn't ask you to, so why does it matter. Don't ask for money to be sent to you for their cuase, it's not your place nor responsibility. If they wanted 'Online' help they[/] would have posted it ;) And regardless of the paypal account, you have access to it, so it sounds like a scam, IMO.
(advertising deleted by forum administrator)


Doesn't filing for bankcrupty kill your credit?
Mitosis: Haha, Im great arent I!
hismajesty[yL]: No


Quote from: JTN Designer on September 15, 2005, 11:41 PM
So why justify someone else's cause, Invert is right on alot of levels. Posting on a public forum on a family's behalf is not your place nor; I'm sure they didn't ask you to, so why does it matter. Don't ask for money to be sent to you for their cuase, it's not your place nor responsibility. If they wanted 'Online' help they[/] would have posted it ;) And regardless of the paypal account, you have access to it, so it sounds like a scam, IMO.

If their electricity is out and they are in debt, how do you expect them to post online?


Public library has comps with internet access


QuoteSo why justify someone else's cause, Invert is right on alot of levels. Posting on a public forum on a family's behalf is not your place nor; I'm sure they didn't ask you to, so why does it matter. Don't ask for money to be sent to you for their cuase, it's not your place nor responsibility. If they wanted 'Online' help they[/] would have posted it  And regardless of the paypal account, you have access to it, so it sounds like a scam, IMO.

My original post even said some of you might think this is a scam, I could care less. And you say
QuoteDon't ask for money to be sent to you for their cuase, it's not your place nor responsibility.
, so why are we donating to United Way? Or the American Red Cross? I mean, it's not our responsibility to help those in ned of it, pft, they should have packed their houses and started a new life, they should have water and food that isn't contaminated already. And yes, I have access to the account, why would you? You don't know, and can't help them.

QuotePublic library has comps with internet access
And yes, you are right, but like I posted, he and his family do not know about this, only people who do, are myself, my teacher, and my fiancee.

And as a last note, since I should not be posting this on a public forum, I guess I'll go post it on a private forum so only certain people can read it.
Quote from: l]ante on March 15, 2004, 11:40 AM
You learned 8 languages in 8 months?
Geez, go code a life.


Quote from: David on September 15, 2005, 10:42 PM
Invert, I can almost guarantee everything YOU have is because of your parents. You can talk all you want, and down the less fortunate, but the way I see it, shit happens, and I hope that one day, you will grow up, get out of your little world where you are used to having everything handed to you, and actually do something.  Everything I have, I paid for, this computer, my car, my insurance, my phone, my stereo(s). How much have you actually earned on your own? Without working for someone your parents know, or without using their resources to get to a point where you can make good money? At one point, I was working 2 jobs and going to school, I know what it takes to make money, but I seriously doubt you do, so don't talk down on someone, or a group of people when pricks like you who get everything handed to them, you have no worries.

When I was 9-10 (I had my 10th birthday in Italy) my parents were emigrating from the former Soviet Union, we immigrated through Austria and to Italy with very few personal possessions and very little money. In Italy my father had to work 12 hours a day at a construction site hauling stones while my mother sold Russian souvenirs at a flee market so we can have some money for food. When we got to the United States we had nothing.

At age 12 I worked as a paper boy, at age 15 I walked dogs, at age 17 I worked at Jamba Juice, at age 18 I worked as a file clerk at Rochester Big & Tall, at age 19 I worked as a customer support representative at Otto Frei, at age 21 I worked at a .com start up doing content managing, at 22 I worked at Excite.com and at Electronic Arts as an e-commerce development engineer, at 23 I joined the United States Army as an Infantry 11B, served most of my time in 4-23 Stryker Infantry Battalion at Ft. Richardson Alaska while earning the Army commendation and the Army Achievement medals for meritorious service to my country. At 26 I got out of the military. Oh, I forgot to mention that I also went to a private college with a major in computer science and engineering.

I have never received allowance I had to make my own money for things that were not necessities. My parents stopped paying for me at age 18. I bought my own cloths, I took out loans to pay for my college, my books, and everything else I had including my car (with car insurance and registration), my computers, my phone, and my stereo.

I'm still 26; I work at a private company as director of marketing and development without subtracting taxes I make over 80k a year. I have my own place, my own furniture my own television and my own everything!

You are right; everything I have is because of my parents!
My parents gave me a fishing pole instead of a fish. They taught me how to be independent and how to live my life with me in the driver seat. For that I am grateful and I hope I can pass that on to my children in the future.

Shit happens and when it does you won't see me on the corner begging for your money and looking for your sympathy. You will see me do everything I can to get passed that shit and come out on top.

Excuse my little life story here but people like you have no idea what hard is.

If you would come to me and tell me that everything was handed to me with your attitude I would punch you square in the mouth.


Quote from: Blaze on September 15, 2005, 11:49 PM
Doesn't filing for bankcrupty kill your credit?
Yes.  But it's better than starving. 

Who votes we report this thread to PayPal as a scam? :)
This'll make an interesting test for broken AV:


I agree with Invert, although I haven't been in his situation, my grandfather was.

He grew up poor, his father was a bum, he had like 8 siblings (one was put up for adoption because they couldn't afford him) and no money for extras. My grandfather collected bottles in order to pay for bread, he worked as a paper boy, and cut grass - whatever he could do to support his family. He was in boy scouts, but couldn't afford an alarm clock, so he used his mind - he tied a string to his toe and put it out of the window so when the troop was leaving to go camping, his friends would tug on the string to wake him up.

He never once begged for money, he always worked for it. He didn't ask for others help, but he always offered to help others. His family couldn't even afford shoes for all of the children, they had to them, and even those were full of holes. Pretty much all of my grandfathers siblings are very financially secure, him and his brother (who is a rocket scientist or something like that) are the two better off of the bunch. He (My grandfather) took the military route and became a Master Chief in the Coast Guard, while also doing the Army Reserves. He got into real estate and stock market investing, and now, some 40 years after he got into investing, he can, in his words "afford the best shoe they make." Though, he still wears shoes from Wal-Mart on most occasions.

That's the same reason I hate welfare, people that are GIVEN money just expect it and don't make an effort to better themself. My grandfather attributes his success to the fact that he was dirt poor, it motivated him. I'm sure that's the same for Invert's story as well. Besides, they obviously have enough money to not be on welfare, so what's the problem? Are they making frequent stops at McDonalds or BINGO?

Edit: I know I talk about him a lot, but the story applies so much to the topics here about this. I know that I haven't ever been faced with too hard of times (well, I sort of have, but I was too young to remember it) but I do understand the  concept of money.
