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Stem cell research

Started by Banana fanna fo fanna, June 28, 2005, 09:35 PM

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Quote from: Shout on July 06, 2005, 10:53 AM
Quote from: nslay on July 06, 2005, 10:21 AM
I mean it literally has no point.  Why don't we focus our attention on the brain and AI...perhaps we can use AI to study mental disorders that occurr in the brain in a way that could never be done before.
There is definatly a point to stem cell research. Think of Downs Syndrome, which is a genetic disorder. Stem cell research can help people avoid disorders like this, and potentially reverse the damage.

What people do not seem to realize is that the research is not conducted on humans. It can be performed on the results of failed artificial ensemination, umbilical cords, and aborted fetuses, all of which are thrown in a trash can somewhere anyway. The researchers are not stealing babies from mother's wombs.

I never said there wasn't a point to stem cell research...I said there is no point to cloning humans.

Quote from: Shout on July 06, 2005, 10:53 AM
Quote from: nslay on July 06, 2005, 10:21 AM
If we should test the limits of everything, why don't we figure the maximum velocity of two african swallows and a coconut.

That's a high school physics problem...

Its a quote from Monty Python, I'm just pointing out that not all limits need be tested

I'm not sure, but you should consider reading my entire post.


You usually make a decision based on the benefits outweighing the risks. I don't think this applies here.


Quote from: Topaz on July 06, 2005, 05:19 PM
You usually make a decision based on the benefits outweighing the risks. I don't think this applies here.

How doesn't it apply? Before you we're responding based off lack of knowledge, what is the excuse this time?

You're saying that non-embryo gathered stem cells that could save lives (without taking them) or improve the lifestyle of millions is not worth even furthering our knowledge in? lol
- Hostile is sexy.


Quote from: Topaz on July 06, 2005, 05:19 PM
You usually make a decision based on the benefits outweighing the risks. I don't think this applies here.



Quote from: Topaz on July 06, 2005, 05:19 PM
You usually make a decision based on the benefits outweighing the risks. I don't think this applies here.

In anceint Greece (or Rome, can't remember), it was forbidden to cut into the human body. They thought it was barbaric and was against their gods, which they belived in as fiercefuly as you belive in yours, some said the body should not be mangled as such. Now we know that cutting someone open is many times necessary to keep them alive. Now how does this apply here? We now stand at a potental breakthrough in medical science, with a strong possiblity of being able to prevent or even reverse genectic disorders. But people do not want to do stem cell research, beacuse it is seen as barbaric and is againsts god, and some say the body should not be mangled as such. History repeats itself, and it is now.

Quote from: nslay on July 06, 2005, 04:44 PM
I'm not sure, but you should consider reading my entire post.

Sorry, I misread your post. :'(


Quote from: Shout on July 07, 2005, 09:27 AM
Quote from: Topaz on July 06, 2005, 05:19 PM
You usually make a decision based on the benefits outweighing the risks. I don't think this applies here.

In anceint Greece (or Rome, can't remember), it was forbidden to cut into the human body. They thought it was barbaric and was against their gods, which they belived in as fiercefuly as you belive in yours, some said the body should not be mangled as such. Now we know that cutting someone open is many times necessary to keep them alive. Now how does this apply here? We now stand at a potental breakthrough in medical science, with a strong possiblity of being able to prevent or even reverse genectic disorders. But people do not want to do stem cell research, beacuse it is seen as barbaric and is againsts god, and some say the body should not be mangled as such. History repeats itself, and it is now.

I don't believe in a god, if you've read my other posts. What I'm saying is that you'll be sacrificing lives to make others better. Is it truly worth it?


Quote from: Topaz on July 07, 2005, 09:29 AM
What I'm saying is that you'll be sacrificing lives to make others better. Is it truly worth it?

You will not be killing things that will become humans. I don't want an umbilical cord. Do you? So why not give it to science? In artificial ensemenation, there are 40 eggs fertiziled. Only one is placed back in the womb. Who wants the other 39 embryos? No one. Send it off for stem cell research. When a fetus is aborted, who wants that? No one. Again, stem cell research.

Quote from: Topaz on July 07, 2005, 09:29 AM
I don't believe in a god, if you've read my other posts.

That was not the point. I am saying we are being held back by the fact that people are not willing to experiment. Think of what life would be like if it was illegal to do surgery. How many people died in the early days of this pratice? Now how many people are saved because of it? The better part of stem cell research is that you don't have to kill people to do the research.

Now you can say that this point is stupid, that surgery is something we need, and we wouldn't be where we are without it. Exactly. Think of where we could go with stem cell research.

Banana fanna fo fanna

Quote from: Shout on July 07, 2005, 09:44 AM
Quote from: Topaz on July 07, 2005, 09:29 AM
What I'm saying is that you'll be sacrificing lives to make others better. Is it truly worth it?

You will not be killing things that will become humans. I don't want an umbilical cord. Do you? So why not give it to science? In artificial ensemenation, there are 40 eggs fertiziled. Only one is placed back in the womb. Who wants the other 39 embryos? No one. Send it off for stem cell research. When a fetus is aborted, who wants that? No one. Again, stem cell research.

I still have not heard a good argument that refutes this.


Quote from: Banana fanna fo fanna on July 07, 2005, 12:38 PM
Quote from: Shout on July 07, 2005, 09:44 AM
Quote from: Topaz on July 07, 2005, 09:29 AM
What I'm saying is that you'll be sacrificing lives to make others better. Is it truly worth it?

You will not be killing things that will become humans. I don't want an umbilical cord. Do you? So why not give it to science? In artificial ensemenation, there are 40 eggs fertiziled. Only one is placed back in the womb. Who wants the other 39 embryos? No one. Send it off for stem cell research. When a fetus is aborted, who wants that? No one. Again, stem cell research.

I still have not heard a good argument that refutes this.

Once again, Until you care to read and understand the fact that you don't need to use embryos, you're just being ignorant on the subject. You keep basing your entire arguement off that fact and we're saying theres a viable (no where near as "inhumane") alternative in umbilical cords. Don't even bother typing a reply unless it takes that also into consideration.
- Hostile is sexy.


How do you propose we create new body parts? I'm all for fixing mutations in genes (sickle cell disease, Cystic Fibrosis) but towards the end of replacing bodyparts, nope.


Quote from: Topaz on July 07, 2005, 08:19 PM
How do you propose we create new body parts? I'm all for fixing mutations in genes (sickle cell disease, Cystic Fibrosis) but towards the end of replacing bodyparts, nope.

Cloning is transfer of all dna, we're already doing part dna modifications on pigs to grow body parts. Stuff like that insulin producing organ...

Banana fanna fo fanna

Quote from: Hostile on July 07, 2005, 07:39 PM
Quote from: Banana fanna fo fanna on July 07, 2005, 12:38 PM
Quote from: Shout on July 07, 2005, 09:44 AM
Quote from: Topaz on July 07, 2005, 09:29 AM
What I'm saying is that you'll be sacrificing lives to make others better. Is it truly worth it?

You will not be killing things that will become humans. I don't want an umbilical cord. Do you? So why not give it to science? In artificial ensemenation, there are 40 eggs fertiziled. Only one is placed back in the womb. Who wants the other 39 embryos? No one. Send it off for stem cell research. When a fetus is aborted, who wants that? No one. Again, stem cell research.

I still have not heard a good argument that refutes this.

Once again, Until you care to read and understand the fact that you don't need to use embryos, you're just being ignorant on the subject. You keep basing your entire arguement off that fact and we're saying theres a viable (no where near as "inhumane") alternative in umbilical cords. Don't even bother typing a reply unless it takes that also into consideration.

Hey asshole, I'm agreeing with you.


Are we talking about stem cell research or cloning? You're confusing me by hopping from subject to subject.


Quote from: Post Subject
Re: Stem cell research


For the record, I'm all for stem cell research.  I haven't really read much of this thread, but here's how I feel in a nutshell:  They would only be using A) Umbilical cords, B) Leftover embryos from artificial ensemination, and C) Fetuses that have already been killed via abortion.  So I ask, what's the fucking point of arguing against it?  You're not ending potential human lives to do it (I know, I know, abortion, but that's another person's choice), and it could potentially revolutionize medical science and increase the quality of life for some people exponentionally.

And anyone who is arguing about it because of religious reasons....just shut up.  So many good things throughout history have been ruined/hindered because of/by religion.   Any time we're hindered from making a significant advance that could potentially change the world because of some fucking fairy tale, it makes me want to fucking vomit.

End rant.
