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My hair

Started by shout, March 15, 2005, 03:01 PM

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Quote from: QwertyMonster on March 15, 2005, 03:14 PM
why are you wearing lipstick in the second pic? ;)

Answer! ;)

Quote from: Blaze on March 15, 2005, 03:18 PM
(You can't see his face in the first picture)

Fixed. Thanks.


Quote from: Shout on March 16, 2005, 06:12 AM
Thanks for the new sig Spht :)
I do believe my Spht quote is better
rebundance - having or being in excess of sheer stupidity
Quote from: Spht on June 22, 2004, 07:32 PMSlap.
Quote from: Adron on January 28, 2005, 09:17 AMIn a way, I believe that religion is inherently evil, which includes Christianity. I'd also say Christianity is eviller than Buddhism (has more potential for evil).
Quote from: iago on April 19, 2005, 01:06 PM
CrAz3D's ... is too big vertically, at least, too big with ... iago ...


Quote from: QwertyMonster on March 16, 2005, 09:39 AM
Quote from: QwertyMonster on March 15, 2005, 03:14 PM
why are you wearing lipstick in the second pic? ;)

Answer! ;)

I was not! My lips were chapped!


If you look closely, his ears and a bit of his forehead are dyed blue.


You can't see that in the pictures. I made sure of it.


Bah chapped lips suck! Painful. Poor you Shout :-*


You should use some petrolium jelly on your lips.

Edit 1: I can't spell good... but I fixed it


What was your reasoning for this? Dye your hair some awful color, try to be 'different' but doing nothing more than than display the reason that the youth of America is nothing but a big waste of sperm, and then brag about it on an online community?

GOSH I hate teenagers.


Quote from: hismajesty[yL] on March 16, 2005, 01:46 PM
nothing more than than display the reason that the youth of America is nothing but a big waste of sperm

I don't quite understand your point.  I mean, "youth of America" is supposed to invoke patriatism but is pretty meaningless, which is why policians use it.

But how, exactly, is dying hair "the reason" that the youths suck?

I mean, people are allowed to be unique.  In fact, Freedom of Expression is technically one of your rights (har).  I mean, if somebody wants to look like they had some sort of a horrible accident, it's their right to look like dorks, isn't it?
This'll make an interesting test for broken AV:



[rant]So, because I hate conformity, I am a waste of sperm? Just because I exercise my right of freedom of expression, I do not have the right to exist?

You sound like a very confused person. It's not like I am a street bum who happens to have blue/green hair. I work, I pay (some) bills, and I try to make myself a better person. [/rant]

Well anyway, you will probably be seeing less of me, for I just bought a copy World of Warcraft. (Holy hell install time! Wtf is it doing?)


Just cos hes got Blue hair he is "a waste of sperm". Right.

Im not sounding like a flame here, but im going on shout's side for this.

Shout can look and be however he wants. Just cos you dont like it, dont mean hes going to change it so your happy.

Too be honest, Blue hair suits him. And Shout, Have fun on WoW! :D


QuoteI don't quite understand your point.  I mean, "youth of America" is supposed to invoke patriatism but is pretty meaningless, which is why policians use it.

Thinking back, isn't Shout Canadian? Either way, youth in general. And what better way to refer to adolescents in America besides "youth of America?" It describes what people are talking about in the shortest/easiest words. I hate teenagers, in general. I remember on my thirteenth birthday - I was depressed because I was now a teenager. I can't wait until I'm an adult, except for the whole paying bills and having responsibilities thing. I've always gotten along better with adults and such, as opposed to kids my age. We generally have more of the same interests, too.

QuoteBut how, exactly, is dying hair "the reason" that the youths suck?

It proves how immature people are. What respectable business person in America, or anybody with a position of power, or anybody with a job not at a piercing place or a tatoo parlor has blue hair? Not many. Waste of sperm may have been a bit of an overkill, but if you think about it most people in the world don't amount to much and end up just wasting taxpayers money for things like welfare and homeless shelters, etc. etc. I realize some people can't help it, but whatever. I think if you're posting at a technology forum, you obviously have a computer and aren't in too bad of circumstances.

[rant]So, because I hate conformity, I am a waste of sperm?

Ah, but don't you realize that after all these anti-conformists start doing non-conformist things, they themselves become conformists? You're all conforming to the way of life of a non-conformist, wearing black, dying your hair, etc. etc. Also, that whole 'anarchy' thing on the kids are stuck on - what is up with that, I bet they'd hate anarchy if they lived in place that practiced it. Non-conformist my ass, when you want a respectable job you'll conform.

I'm not a conformist either, I just like things a certain way. I prefer to be very conservative with that sort of thing (not in a political way). I refuse to do anything to my hair, in fact my hairdresser has tried to get me to put gel in it, or spike the front, or anything like that and I'll have no parts of it. I dress differently than most kids my age, instead of huge pants and black Slipknot shirts or whatever these freaks of nature are wearing, I dress conservative and wear clothes that adults are more likely to be seen in. Frankly, from what I've been told - I'm the opposite of a circle, I'm square (stiff, stuck up, whatever else.) So, yeah, woo non-conformity.

QuoteJust because I exercise my right of freedom of expression, I do not have the right to exist?

Yeah, pretty much. (I'm obviously kidding, but I couldn't pass up being a smartass.)

QuoteYou sound like a very confused person.

Confused about what? How exactly am I confused?

Quote...I try to make myself a better person. [/rant]

How exactly does dying your hair an off the wall color make you a better person?

QuoteShout can look and be however he wants. Just cos you dont like it, dont mean hes going to change it so your happy.

Just because you don't like my opinion doesn't mean I'm not going to express it. kthx.



My take on the "trust being confused" thing:

Trust/hismajesty is pro-America & (hopefully) Constitution, therefore supports all freedoms.  Trust/hismjaesty bashed Shout for dying his hair thus becoming hypocritical of his own views on freedom.

I think dying your hair is dumb, but I don't see nothing unconstitutional about it.  Also, my views about gay marriage are going that same direction.
rebundance - having or being in excess of sheer stupidity
Quote from: Spht on June 22, 2004, 07:32 PMSlap.
Quote from: Adron on January 28, 2005, 09:17 AMIn a way, I believe that religion is inherently evil, which includes Christianity. I'd also say Christianity is eviller than Buddhism (has more potential for evil).
Quote from: iago on April 19, 2005, 01:06 PM
CrAz3D's ... is too big vertically, at least, too big with ... iago ...


Quote from: hismajesty[yL] on March 16, 2005, 07:16 PM
QuoteI don't quite understand your point.  I mean, "youth of America" is supposed to invoke patriatism but is pretty meaningless, which is why policians use it.

Thinking back, isn't Shout Canadian?

Nope, he isn't. 

I can't really answer anything else about what you said without repeating myself, so I won't.  If you want to know my opinion, look at my previous post in this thread.

That being said, there are consequences to dying hair an odd color.  And I mean this in general, not (totally) directed at Shout.  You aren't going to get a good/professional job while having oddly colored or styled hair.  People aren't going to respect you when they look at you, particularly older people but also younger people. 

I had another, too, but I went back to fix a spelling mistake and forgot it. 

These are pretty obvious, and nobody needs to be told. Those being said, people are free to do or to look however they want. 

I've also always been against conformity.  I never have (and still don't) wear blue jeans.  I don't know why, there's nothing terribly wrong with them, but everybody else in the world does and that bothers me.  I don't like (and never have liked) wearing shirts or pants with a particular logo or team or brand displayed prominantly because I don't like to show people that I'm among them.  I don't (and never have) drink (normally), smoke, do drugs, wear baggy/tight clothes, shower, dye my hair, etc. because those are the type of things associated with average teenagers. 

If you're going to read one part of my post, read this: In fact, in general, dying hair (among the other things I mentioned earlier) isn't anti-confirming at all; it's conforming to a different group with a worse reputation. 

(and yes, I was joking about "shower")
This'll make an interesting test for broken AV:


Bam, iago agreed with me kinda. The whole 'dying hair isn't being a non-conformist' and stuff.

Being flashy sucks, I like stuff simple, conservative, and traditional. I guess blue hair is in my opinion, flashy, and not traditional.

Agreeing with what iago said, yes, you really get nothing out of it imho. People don't 'respect' you for having it, unless they have it too. In fact, people that do that sort of stuff are generally looked down upon, I think. At least, that's how it is here and who I'm around. I'm sure it's different in othoer places, though.

Whatever, it's your life.
