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What a blast

Started by jigsaw, February 15, 2004, 05:43 PM

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Regardless, Saddam was a nutcase. Generally people suffering in africa or wherever aren't because the government is controled by some asshole dictator who tortures and kills people for fun, it's because of the lack of food, water and healthcare which we also try to deal with. But we cant' supply that for a whole continent.


Quote from: Hitmen on February 17, 2004, 10:29 AM
Regardless, Saddam was a nutcase. Generally people suffering in africa or wherever aren't because the government is controled by some asshole dictator who tortures and kills people for fun, it's because of the lack of food, water and healthcare which we also try to deal with. But we cant' supply that for a whole continent.

You'd be surprised how often that happens, you just don't hear about it.  I used to have a friend who lived in Bach'rain (I probably spelled that wrong) who moved to canada, and he was telling me what a horrible place it (and India) was to live since 1% of the people have 99% of the money and power and the rest of the people die from lack of food/water/medicine.  It's no different from Saddam.
This'll make an interesting test for broken AV:


Quote from: iago on February 17, 2004, 12:00 PM
Quote from: Hitmen on February 17, 2004, 10:29 AM
Regardless, Saddam was a nutcase. Generally people suffering in africa or wherever aren't because the government is controled by some asshole dictator who tortures and kills people for fun, it's because of the lack of food, water and healthcare which we also try to deal with. But we cant' supply that for a whole continent.

You'd be surprised how often that happens, you just don't hear about it.  I used to have a friend who lived in Bach'rain (I probably spelled that wrong) who moved to canada, and he was telling me what a horrible place it (and India) was to live since 1% of the people have 99% of the money and power and the rest of the people die from lack of food/water/medicine.  It's no different from Saddam.

In the United States, where <1% of the people have >99% of the wealth.  So?  The bottom line is the poverty level, and fortunately, in the USA, only 25% of our population is in poverty.  Yay!  Aren't we great.  </em></sarcasm>


I, personally, will be heading into NROTC when I go to college and when I graduate I hope to join either the Marine Corps or the Navy as an officer to either go active or enter the reserves. I would say go for it if its something you feel called to do. I know I am.

"Courage is being scared to death - but saddling up anyway." --John Wayne


Quote from: Hitmen on February 17, 2004, 10:29 AM
Generally people suffering in africa or wherever aren't because the government is controled by some asshole dictator who tortures and kills people for fun, it's because of the lack of food, water and healthcare which we also try to deal with. But we cant' supply that for a whole continent.

As iago said, there's a lot of places in the world where the same thing happens.

Noticed how Bush's speech drastically changed when US invaded Iraq and realized there weren't any WMD anywhere? "But, ...we're doing it for the freedom of Iraqi people!" Sure.... but what about every other countries where people are suffering from dictatorship, enslavement and poverty? Aren't you going to do something too?

No, Iraq is the "axis of evil", that kind of thing doesn't happen elsewhere.... give me a break. This is the art of disinformation my friend. Nazis thought there were doing the right thing too.

Only a very few wars meant really something. I tell you, I have more respect for doctors than soldiers. Those saving lifes deserve more credits than those taking ones in my book.


Good to know where your values are.  Doctors making $250,000 +++ per year saving people's lives, but destroying their patients finances is more noble than soldiers saving lives while earning only $5/hour and getting shot at, tortured, and ridiculed by their own people back home.


From this point of view, you are right. Yet, it's not always the case.

A lot of those are working 20 hours a day to save people's life in urgency rooms. They are overloaded of work and overwhelmed, but they keep it up.

Not every doctor/nurse or anyone working in the medical department has an income of 250,000. The medical system in the United States if quite different from other places in the world. You pay for everything. If you don't have any money, then you can just die and someone else will take your place in the line. It is quite different here in Quebec Canada. Let's not consider the united states for once, but rather some poor third countries. I don't think that doctors in Africa have an easy life.

Now, I didn't forget about the doctors in the army neither. Those deserve credits and do something constructive. Same thing for the soldiers who are sent to help people in other countries. Most of them who are currently in Iraq are doing a fine job and deserve respect. Yet, the same people who are helping people now have destroyed other people's live. Should we be glad they are there? I don't think it is a good balance.

I shouldn't have used the word doctor in its common sense, but rather anyone who is trying to save lives. Like I said before, if I wanted to make the world a better place, I'd rather be a scientific and try getting rid of viruses, cancers and AIDS.


Quote from: Grok on February 17, 2004, 07:14 PM
Good to know where your values are.  Doctors making $250,000 +++ per year saving people's lives, but destroying their patients finances is more noble than soldiers saving lives while earning only $5/hour and getting shot at, tortured, and ridiculed by their own people back home.

That's where Canada is different.  We get healthcare for free, for the most part :)
This'll make an interesting test for broken AV:


We're being overtaxed too ;)


Is all of Canada so liberal?


Quote from: Arsenic on February 17, 2004, 07:01 PM
Noticed how Bush's speech drastically changed when US invaded Iran and realized there weren't any WMD anywhere? "But, ...we're doing it for the freedom of Iraqi people!" Sure.... but what about every other countries where people are suffering from dictatorship, enslavement and poverty? Aren't you going to do something too?

No, Iran is the "axis of evil", that kind of thing doesn't happen elsewhere.... give me a break. This is the art of disinformation my friend. Nazis thought there were doing the right thing too.

Only a very few wars meant really something. I tell you, I have more respect for doctors than soldiers. Those saving lifes deserve more credits than those taking ones in my book.

are u confused or something...cause u say iraqi ppl yet you keep saying we invaded iran...


Yes, my mistake  ;)

Let me correct that.


Quote from: knight5491 on February 17, 2004, 10:38 PM
Quote from: Arsenic on February 17, 2004, 07:01 PM
Noticed how Bush's speech drastically changed when US invaded Iran and realized there weren't any WMD anywhere? "But, ...we're doing it for the freedom of Iraqi people!" Sure.... but what about every other countries where people are suffering from dictatorship, enslavement and poverty? Aren't you going to do something too?

No, Iran is the "axis of evil", that kind of thing doesn't happen elsewhere.... give me a break. This is the art of disinformation my friend. Nazis thought there were doing the right thing too.

Only a very few wars meant really something. I tell you, I have more respect for doctors than soldiers. Those saving lifes deserve more credits than those taking ones in my book.

are u confused or something...cause u say iraqi ppl yet you keep saying we invaded iran...

I thought that was obvious enough that it didn't need to be pointed out.
This'll make an interesting test for broken AV:

Banana fanna fo fanna

The entire world is liberal except for the republican party :)


It's perfectly reasonable that doctors get paid more than soldiers. Saving life is exponentially harder than taking it.

I know what you mean about some military stuff looking fun. I sometimes feel that way too - but not for long. The realisation always comes that that feeling arises because what you've seen is out of context. Sure, shooting a big gun and blowing stuff up would be fun - why do you think we enjoy violent games? But I don't think it would be fun when you factor in the fact that you're killing people, that people are trying to kill you, that you'd probably be absolutely terrified if you hadn't been brainwashed into killing without question - If you think war is glamarous, read about it. Read some accounts of veteran's experiences. Watch a movie about real war - Full Metal Jacket isn't a bad example. I thought Band of Brothers was stunning.

Don't let a news report fool you into thinking war is fun. War is hell. Obviousl I can't say that from personal experience, but I think anyone who's been in a real one would. I say real because, IMO, dropping $50,000,000 worth of bombs on someone's country and then riding around in a humvee doesn't really compare to a conflict like WW2 or Vietnam.

BTW, Bush & Blair are thugs and this whole affair was a big lie and I hope they both get voted out.
