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Messages - EpicOfTimeWasted

QuoteElite counterterrorism units are among the troops taking part in the search, the official said.

It's alright, they've sent Jack Bauer after them.  24 hours from now, he'll have saved the day once more.
General Discussion / Re: Harddisk Partitioning
January 23, 2006, 12:13 AM
If you're trying to resize a NTFS partition, you can download Knoppix and run qparted.  I've run it on a couple drives before with no ill after effects.
Good game, but far too short.  Started playing it two days ago, and beat it today, finding all but one life upgrade and unlocking all the unloackables.  I liked that it wasn't combat focused like Warrior Within was.  Puzzle solving was what always made Prince of Persia fun.
General Discussion / Re: Faviourite Song
December 04, 2005, 01:43 PM
Current favs, in no particular order:

In Flames - Take This Life
Avenged Sevenfold - Beast and the Harlot
Oceans of Sadness - Where Oceans Begin
Dark Tranquillity - Lost to Apathy
Dark Tranquillity - Haven
In Flames - Come Clarity

Current guilty pleasure:
Children of Bodom - Oops, I Did It Again.  It's absolutely hilarious hearing them cover a Britney Spears song
"Expensive as crap" is an over exageration:

Low end Pentium D: $245 at Newegg
Low end Athlon X2: $322 at Newegg

So the low end is $80 more, so what?  The high end is where the fun starts:

High end Athlon X2: $787 at Newegg
High end Pentium D: $1,029 at Newegg

The X2 is actually $242 cheaper here.  Note that when I say low/high end, I'm going by what Newegg is selling at the time of posting.  Not exactly a conclusive study, but being that Newegg is a large, reputable dealer, I think it's a fair comparison.

Also, since your missing post appears to have mentioned thermal properties, I'll include a include an excerpt from a SilentPCReview.com article:

QuoteHow does AMD define TDP?
        "Thermal Design Power (TDP) is measured under the conditions of TCASE Max, IDD Max, and VDD=VID_VDD, and include all power dissipated on-die from VDD, VDDIO, VLDT, VTT, and VDDA."

    This means that TDP, as defined by AMD, is measured at the maximum current the CPU can draw, at the default voltage, under the worst-case temperature conditions. This is the maximum power that the CPU can possibly dissipate. Intel, however, has a different definition.

How does Intel define TDP?
    From the Intel Datasheet for Northwood CPUs:

        "The numbers in this column reflect Intel's recommended design point and are not indicative of the maximum power the processor can dissipate under worst case conditions."

    And from Intel's datasheet for Prescott CPUs:

        "Thermal Design Power (TDP) should be used for processor thermal solution design targets. The TDP is not the maximum power that the processor can dissipate."

    And the most telling quote of all, contained in both documents:

        "Analysis indicates that real applications are unlikely to cause the processor to consume maximum power dissipation for sustained periods of time. Intel recommends that complete thermal solution designs target the Thermal Design Power (TDP) indicated in Table 26 instead of the maximum processor power consumption. The Thermal Monitor feature is intended to help protect the processor in the unlikely event that an application exceeds the TDP recommendation for a sustained period of time."

    What this means is that Intel's TDP is actually lower than the maximum power dissipation of the processor (and as you'll see later, it can be significantly lower). This is in stark contrast to AMD's TDP numbers, which are higher than the respective processor's maximum power dissipation.

Source: http://www.silentpcreview.com/article169-page3.html
General Programming / Re: The death of MD5
November 30, 2005, 01:19 AM
Quote from: Mephisto on November 29, 2005, 10:24 PM
MD5CALC(MD5CALC(data)+data) = secure md5

MD5 is broken... calling it multiple times doesn't make it any less broken.
First thing's first:

Quote from: DeTaiLs on November 21, 2005, 10:41 AM
their son jumped to his death while reenacting a scene from the game

Ha!  Haha!  Feel free to call me an insensitive bastard if you like, but I about died laughing when I read that.


Quote from: iago on November 21, 2005, 05:10 PM
I don't know of any death metal like that. Maybe more like, "Kill the bitch and drink her blood" or "Slash his throat and fuck the wound"... but what do I know?

I personally prefer "Rip, and cut, and mutilate the innocent!  His friends, and again and again, and on, and on!"
Quote from: Kp on November 13, 2005, 10:59 AM
Of course, if you'd just abandon Windows, you could use NFS and everything would work smoothly. ;)

I actually use NFS to access my fileserver when I'm in Windows.  Win Services for Unix isn't overly terrible.  The only thing that bugs me about it is having the mount reconnect at startup.  It seems like Windows is trying to mount it before SFU is prepared to handle the mount requests, and then bitches about how it can't connect whenever I log in.  It still connects, just makes me hit enter to get rid of the stupid error message.
General Discussion / Re: GT-R Prototype
October 12, 2005, 12:29 AM
Quote from: Falcon[anti-yL] on October 10, 2005, 06:13 PM
Quote from: EpicOfTimeWasted on October 10, 2005, 05:00 PM
Quote from: UserLoser on October 10, 2005, 02:24 PM
Get ready to eat some more shit Ford

As entertaining as the Linux/Windows zealots can be, it's a thousand times more entertaining to watch the car zealots go at it.  What is so great about this car (or bad about Fords) that it's going to make Ford eat shit?

As for looking like a Ford GT... I would wager that you've never actually SEEN a Ford GT if you think those two cars look alike.
Cause that car will own whatever Ford makes.

Stupid me for expecting an intelligent answer, rather than the mindless zealot shit that I actually got.
General Discussion / Re: GT-R Prototype
October 10, 2005, 05:00 PM
Quote from: UserLoser on October 10, 2005, 02:24 PM
Get ready to eat some more shit Ford

As entertaining as the Linux/Windows zealots can be, it's a thousand times more entertaining to watch the car zealots go at it.  What is so great about this car (or bad about Fords) that it's going to make Ford eat shit?

As for looking like a Ford GT... I would wager that you've never actually SEEN a Ford GT if you think those two cars look alike.
General Discussion / Re: Debian on NetBSD?
September 07, 2005, 07:36 PM
Or you could be absolutely thrilled that Flash doesn't work (or well, at least) with the native build.  Anything that keeps shitty unwanted animations and sound effects off my computer is good by me.  Hoorah!
The 6- series won't be seeing a journaling filesystem, because 6.0 is slated to become the -STABLE tree for the 6 series.  The FreeBSD team has said that migrating from 5.x to 6.0 won't be as big of a change as 4.x to 5.0 was, so much so that it should be safe to do a source upgrade, rather than a fresh binary install.

Also, as nice as the FreeBSD network stack is, I remember reading that it's kinda become stale, and some Linux distros have passed it in performance.  The whole thing is in the process of being rewritten to be more streamlined and efficient though, so I'd expect it to jump back up to the top when the rewrite is complete.
Where can we send the people who still think French bashing is funny/leet/the cool thing to do though?
Quote from: Hazard on July 07, 2005, 03:48 PM
So you can tell me for sure thats what would happen? How do you know that? Its just your guess and what YOU might do in that situation, but its not neccessarily true.

Fine, you win.  If you want to deal solely in absolutes, then you're correct, I can't say with absolute certainty that I know what will happen.

But, since when have world leaders, and other people with their finger on the button, relied on absolutes?