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Messages - Deception

Battle.net Bot Development / Re: Warden
September 13, 2005, 07:51 AM
What is this "Warden" you all speak of?
Quote from: Dyndrilliac on May 22, 2005, 03:12 PM
People have made CD-Key "extractors" for the PC that obtain the information from the MPQ. Onlyer made one for Diablo II, so I assume the keys are hashed in the MPQ's somewhere and that this is possible for Starcraft. You should get in touch with him.

Which MPQ are you talking about?
Quote from: MyndFyre on May 24, 2005, 08:43 PM
I have tried to step into this "debate" by splitting off the crap once already.  Further digression from the subject and attacking of each other will get the topic locked.

Thank you for your time.

I still don't see what you are talking about. Could you please tell me why you locked the other thread of mine?
Quote from: hismajesty[yL] on May 24, 2005, 08:08 PM
Newby never said to combine the words, he said to replace the word "redneck" with the world "Republican."

You didn't read his post? What a great way to initiate an intelligent debate. Face it, all you can do it spit off common arguments that have been pounded into your brain by your party, you then continue to pick a fight with the first person with an opposite viewpoint and then use your little knowledge and witty catch phrases to attempt to prove a point. You'll then get angry when you realize you lose and stoop to petty nit picking. You own.


Do you even know what religion Bush is (without looking up.)

No, Newby asked me to call you rednecks republicans. So I identified you as such:

QuoteI know this is going to cause trouble but it would be nice if you called us "rednecks" "republicans" or not even mention us at all.

For the record, I am not a democrat or a republican. I am also not liberal, although I share a few common beliefs with the liberals.

I am also not a Christian like Mr. Bush. If you're asking me what denomination he is, it doesn't matter. Any Christian still has a set view on how things in the universe happen, and I find it to be the most ignorant and pathetic outlook on life I could possibly think of.  I don't care if we kill a few thousand human embrios. They aren't babies. They don't have brains yet, or feelings, or anything you could associate with a baby.

Just because it has the potential to become a human does not mean it is one yet.
Quote from: hismajesty[yL] on May 23, 2005, 04:25 PM
Quote from: Yegg on May 23, 2005, 04:00 PM
Quote from: hismajesty[yL] on May 23, 2005, 03:42 PM
Quote from: Deception on May 22, 2005, 10:29 PM
Back on track: Bush is against stem cell research because it involves cloning human embrios to extract the stem cells, which he thinks he killing a baby or something.

Bush doesn't believe anything by his religion. He's too stupid to make choices like that on his own. His advisers run the country. He is only a figurehead.

* hismajesty[yL] would like to note that Bush was the first president to ever use government funds to support stem cell research

Bush obviously beleives that there is at least some future in stem cell research and is thus allowing at least some government funding to go to it - even though it's against his religion and the viewpoints of his party.
Quote from: Stealth on May 23, 2005, 02:23 PM
Quote from: Deception on May 22, 2005, 10:29 PM
Back on track: Bush is against stem cell research because it involves cloning human embrios to extract the stem cells, which he thinks he killing a baby or something.

Deception, your second thread that I have read on this forum is created in very similar tone to the first one: a troll. This time I'm going to play along, though, because I like political discussions.

George W. Bush is clearly not a stupid man. He has degrees from Harvard and Yale, and he has no problem running the country, even in wartime. The reason you perceive him as stupid is because of his speaking style:

1. He speaks very directly. To me this is not a trait of stupidity, but of logic. Where John Kerry would spout a paragraph of nuanced bullshit, Bush can sum his viewpoint up in a concise sentence or two. The AP test graders would love it.

2. He has made mistakes in his speech in the past. This is hardly a measure of stupidity. Plenty of people who have no public speaking skills whatsoever are incredibly intelligent; for example your stereotypical engineer. To top it all off, his verbal mistakes have been much fewer and further between since 9/11.

Next, I'm hardly a redneck. I was born, raised and currently reside in one of the nation's most liberal cities, Madison, Wisconsin. In fact, the UW here controls some of the last remaining embryonic stem cell lines. Your stereotyping Republicans as rednecks is just as stupid as Hismajesty's stereotyping liberals as smelly tree-hugging hippies. I know some very intelligent liberals and I know some very stupid explosive ones. The stupid ones are more fun to debate, and their attitudes towards Bush often mirror yours. If you can't make your case without making fun of the person you're debating against, then you have no case.

Now, let me try to assuage your tearful, bleeding heart.

QuoteI cannot understand why anyone in their right mind would allow a primitive way of understanding the universe to hinder the advancement of the entire species.

I don't understand how embryonic stem-cell research is the key to the advancement of the species. But, more importantly, what exactly IS the "advancement of the species" ? From what I understand (and I am no expert in the subject) human embryonic stem cells are not the only type of stem cells that can be used to perform genetic research. They are, however, the only type that the Bush administration objects to, and they object on their belief that a fetus is a child. To believe that this type of research is the single key to the "advancement of the species" is ludicrous.

The debate raging around that type of research comes down to the basic argument as to whether life begins at birth or at conception. Typical conservatives believe it begins at conception, while typical liberals believe it begins at birth. If it begins at conception, a human embryo is a child and therefore you are taking a life. If it begins at birth, the embryo is no more than a piece of medical waste.

So, Pot, meet Kettle: if you truly want intelligent posts and good responses from the very intelligent constituents of this forum, I would suggest not beginning your threads by calling a good chunk of them stupid rednecks, and spinning the question like a front page story in the New York Times. Intelligent thread openers will receive intelligent responses, especially on this forum.

Without reading most of your post, I must say you got the "redneck republicans" phrase out of context. If you notice, I had it just as redneck (which could mean anyone, republican or otherwise) and then some stupid kid asked me to call rednecks republicans. So I did.
Back on track: Bush is against stem cell research because it involves cloning human embrios to extract the stem cells, which he thinks he killing a baby or something.
Quote from: hismajesty[yL] on May 20, 2005, 06:58 PM
I think I'd get bored if I lived to 200.

Since we're rednecks, I guess you are a poor, tree-hugging, au natural, pot smoking hippy living off of the government who is probably uneducated and doesn't vote anyway and has no idea how to spend money. Yay for generilizations!

Poor, no. I couldn't care less about trees. We have more than enough of them. They make good building materials. All natural? Nope. It's not natural to clone humans and do genetic engineering. I am for both, to benifit humanity. Who gives a fuck about Earth when we can just taraform Mars? :P

I'm against human cloning. I think it'd be great if the USA or some other trusted country was able to fully clone a human like...once - just for educational reasons. However, if this stuff got into the wrong hands it'd be catastrophic.

Why would cloning people be catastrophic? I think you've seen Attack of the Clones too many times. Cloning people and genetically engineering them to be better, faster, stronger and more intelligent than natural humans would benefit our species and ensure our survival.
Quote from: Blaze on May 20, 2005, 06:31 PM
Starting a thread that is insulting a great number of people isn't a great contribution either.

I don't belive in cloning humans.  I think it is alright to clone animals though.  I would not like to walk down the street and see two of the same people.  Twins freak me out too.  Being differences and having diseases are all part of life.  Why alter whats working?

That's the problem. It isn't working. Imagine people living to 200. Someone that old would have such great knowledge. Diseases may be a natural part of life, but that doesn't mean we wouldn't be better off without them. That kind of thinking leads me to believe that you would rather die from a disease than be cured. Am I wrong?
QuoteI know this is going to cause trouble but it would be nice if you called us "rednecks" "republicans" or not even mention us at all.

QuoteThe White House on Friday condemned research in South Korea for producing human embryros through cloning and said President Bush would veto any legislation that loosens federal restrictions in the United States on embryonic stem cell research. White House deputy press secretary Trent Duffy said...

This quote, taken from MSN news, is extemely disturbing to me.

I cannot understand why anyone in their right mind would allow a primitive way of understanding the universe to hinder the advancement of the entire species.

If anything, they should pass a bill requiring human embrio research. Imagine a day when everyone is free of genetic disorders and imperfections.

No human has a perfect DNA structure. There are defects and mutations that cause disadvantages.

What are your guys views on human embrio cloning, and allowing primative ideas to hinder the advancement of our species? The ultimate fate of our species, although we may not realize it yet, is to genetically enhance ourselves to the point where we no longer have to worry about disease and genetic disorders.

Oh, and I know this is probably going to cause trouble with the republican rednecks on here but it would be nice if we got INTELLIGENT and serious posts and not flaming.

EDIT: Renamed "renecks" to "republican rednecks" - Thanks Newby
Quote from: Warrior on May 09, 2005, 08:00 PM
I personally don't agree with iago on this matter and never have. I think that if you're scared to send some data to a server because you fear people are out to get you and take your password, then you should get off the internet. Anyone who says BNLS is insecure is paranoid. Period.

You don't agree with iago for one reason.

That reason is that iago agrees with me and you can't admit when you're wrong (much like various other heavy posters here).
Quote from: Kp on May 20, 2005, 10:39 AM
I had hoped the regulars would've learned to ignore (meaning: not respond to) Deception by now, but this is getting ridiculous.  Get back on topic, let the thread die, or it'll be locked.  Those're your choices.

Yeah. If you can't beat 'em, ignore 'em.

Ignore the problem and it will go away, right Kp?
Quote from: Warrior on May 19, 2005, 10:15 PM
It's based on common sense, whatever I don't want this trashed .

Like ArchAngel, you are an arrogant fool. I pitty you.
Quote from: Warrior on May 19, 2005, 07:25 PM
Let's see..you make a thread, ask how to do something, people answer you, you give them a rude response about how you will never do this. You still don't think you're out of line? 

You're the one who is "out of line". I didn't give any "rude response" on this thread to anyone who was answering my questions. I think what you deem as a "rude response" is only your biased view of my posts.