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Java Programming / Re: Java Game Project
January 27, 2005, 10:05 PM
If your too lazy to AIM me then you are too lazy for this project.
Yes Rabbit, your friend sounds like a good match, pass along the info to him please :)
Java Programming / Re: Java Game Project
January 27, 2005, 12:06 PM
Cool, I hope to speak to you both soon, I will email you j0k3r but my preferred method is AIM. So if you have some AIM or ICQ client my name is "its at0m" without the quotes.
Java Programming / Java Game Project
January 26, 2005, 12:13 PM
Would anyone be interested in making a 2d platformer in Java? Why java? Yeah, I like the idea of playing it on everything from a pc to a cellphone and I like java, and I dont like VB's direct draw.

I am looking for 1 or 2 programmers to help code on this project, we will take turns handling the source and pass it around each other untill we have a working engine. We can then worry about using our own graphics and sounds.

Note: I have not done anything in Java involving graphics or gaming. I do however know the basics of creating a game engine, just have not applied them to Java. It would be great if my partners shared at least the same experience.

Anybody interested?
Java Programming / Re: Cell Phone
January 26, 2005, 12:06 PM
You need a data cable to your phone, you can then load anything on it you want
General Programming / Re: xbox live computer client
January 15, 2005, 02:33 AM
Halo 2 players already have an online buddy list at their disposal via bungie.net

I think I will make a client that takes that via an http request
exactly. And i now have to repeat college alg and trig. This project has been dropped.
General Programming / Re: xbox live computer client
January 10, 2005, 08:21 PM
Well these are all great ideas but they have very great risk. No. its not just like battle.net, here you have accounts that you pay for with your credit card and have all your personal information attached too. If you mess around, you are going to be banned! Remember BNETD? Imagine having that kind of legal trouble with your credit card attached to your account! Now imagine going to court with microsoft's lawyer calling you a malicious h4x0r.

Xbconnect is not an xbox live server, it is a lan tunneler. "Warp Pipe" does the same thing for gamecube.
Java Programming / Re: Did you know?
December 20, 2004, 01:55 PM
Sounds like an Urban Myth to me.
Java Programming / Re: Cell Phone
December 20, 2004, 01:54 PM
we have verizon in my area too and i believe they control downloaded content to their phones.
Ok, i found probably the best documentation out there that explains everything to death and the deepest depth. www.z80.info

Thought i would share it if anyone else needs z80 stuff.
Fine, if your gonna be all those mean words he said and prove him correct, I will give the correct answer.

The correct way to leave a d2 game, is to use the alt+f4 key combination.
Thank you.

(Edited for grammar)
Thanks for your help so far guys, I appreciate it.
As I stare at these documents and they bring more meaning, I am perfecting the way I am emulating the memory addresses (low endian).That part is pretty simple.  Thanks.
This isnt actually for programming in assembly at all. I want to write an emulator for this CPU and i have little experience in ASM. DONT SHOOT ME! I know I should have the experience but I figure I would learn the ASM as I go through it.
Is a good list of opcodes for the cpu and their mnemonics, but I don't know what each does exactly. I am pretty sure I have a pretty good of how everything works with register sand addresses but I don't know what each opcode does.

I am not asking for someone to go through the list of opcodes and and type in what each does, I want some general help. Also a link to a good guide which i imagine is out there seeing as how I have seen some of the same mnemonics for other cpu's.

Why are there 30 opcodes for almost the same mnemonic?

Someone could start off by explaining this statement to me.


Im assuming LD is the actual opcode, and BC is a byte and A is an address, but i have no idea!
I am very interested, what language and what compiler? Are you sure you want to make another MMORPG? They all suck! I think a reg RPG would be much better.
Advanced Programming / Re: MMX
October 22, 2004, 02:48 PM
A good question would be, what do you need to do? If you are going for the most power you should see what you can do by sending memory directly to the graphics card, instead of using OGL or DX. We ARE talking assembly right?