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Yasser Arafat Dead

Started by hismajesty, November 10, 2004, 10:38 PM

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Banana fanna fo fanna

Quote from: hismajesty[yL] on November 14, 2004, 04:22 PM
I hate the UN. They flew the UN flag half staff to honor Arafat, but didn't do it when Reagan died. The US founded the UN, and we fund most of it. They are ungrateful and they suck.

i concur.


Quote from: hismajesty[yL] on November 14, 2004, 04:22 PM
I hate the UN. They flew the UN flag half staff to honor Arafat, but didn't do it when Reagan died. The US founded the UN, and we fund most of it. They are ungrateful and they suck.

You forgot to mention that the UN is a body made up of cowards who cannot act, even to carry out their own mandates.


Arafat's death could bring some temporary peace to israel. Here is my logic:
All of the different groups over there (hamas, Islamic Jihad, that such and such brigade) want their guy in power. If another groups guy gets in power the guy will be assasinated. I can see a palestinian civil war taking place.
Quote(00:04:08) zdv17: yeah i quit doing that stuff cause it jacked up the power bill too much
(00:04:19) nick is a turtle: Right now im not paying the power bill though
(00:04:33) nick is a turtle: if i had to pay the electric bill
(00:04:47) nick is a turtle: id hibernate when i go to class
(00:04:57) nick is a turtle: or at least when i go to sleep
(00:08:50) zdv17: hibernating in class is cool.. esp. when you leave a drool puddle


Quote from: quasi-modo on November 17, 2004, 07:50 AM
Arafat's death could bring some temporary peace to israel. Here is my logic:
All of the different groups over there (hamas, Islamic Jihad, that such and such brigade) want their guy in power. If another groups guy gets in power the guy will be assasinated. I can see a palestinian civil war taking place.

How is that peace again?

"Courage is being scared to death - but saddling up anyway." --John Wayne


Quote from: Hazard on November 17, 2004, 04:10 PM
Quote from: quasi-modo on November 17, 2004, 07:50 AM
Arafat's death could bring some temporary peace to israel. Here is my logic:
All of the different groups over there (hamas, Islamic Jihad, that such and such brigade) want their guy in power. If another groups guy gets in power the guy will be assasinated. I can see a palestinian civil war taking place.

How is that peace again?
Notice I said peace to Israel not Palestine. If the palestinians are fighting eachother they are not blowing up israely busses.
Quote(00:04:08) zdv17: yeah i quit doing that stuff cause it jacked up the power bill too much
(00:04:19) nick is a turtle: Right now im not paying the power bill though
(00:04:33) nick is a turtle: if i had to pay the electric bill
(00:04:47) nick is a turtle: id hibernate when i go to class
(00:04:57) nick is a turtle: or at least when i go to sleep
(00:08:50) zdv17: hibernating in class is cool.. esp. when you leave a drool puddle


Quote from: Banana fanna fo fanna on November 15, 2004, 07:25 PM
Quote from: hismajesty[yL] on November 14, 2004, 04:22 PM
I hate the UN. They flew the UN flag half staff to honor Arafat, but didn't do it when Reagan died. The US founded the UN, and we fund most of it. They are ungrateful and they suck.

i concur.
you guys are jews aren't you? i think this board full f jews isnt it?
back to the topic-> "FREE PALASTINE and throw all jews in the mediterranean, red sea or dead sea." is my opinion. why? one injustice (holocaust) DOES NOT justify another one (disseizing of palastinean property). this is a basic law of civilisation. so don't even try convince me otherwise GG ;D


Dude, I totally agree. Those dirty jews are taking up a whopping 13, 760.2651 square miles of muslim land. End the Jewish occupation of Muslim land now! Why should the world risk a country that has free enterprise, freedom, and democracy? Israel is a threat to mankind, we must stop them before they spread their evil ideas of democracy to the rest of the totalitarian middle east!

Just kidding, I love Israel - the United States allies in liberty. You suck.


Quote from: hismajesty[yL] on November 22, 2004, 02:13 PM
Dude, I totally agree. Those dirty jews are taking up a whopping 13, 760.2651 square miles of muslim land. End the Jewish occupation of Muslim land now! Why should the world risk a country that has free enterprise, freedom, and democracy? Israel is a threat to mankind, we must stop them before they spread their evil ideas of democracy to the rest of the totalitarian middle east!

Just kidding, I love Israel - the United States allies in liberty. You suck.
a funny jew? ;p

Banana fanna fo fanna

Quote from: vonLandenhausen on November 22, 2004, 10:06 AM
Quote from: Banana fanna fo fanna on November 15, 2004, 07:25 PM
Quote from: hismajesty[yL] on November 14, 2004, 04:22 PM
I hate the UN. They flew the UN flag half staff to honor Arafat, but didn't do it when Reagan died. The US founded the UN, and we fund most of it. They are ungrateful and they suck.

i concur.
you guys are jews aren't you? i think this board full f jews isnt it?
back to the topic-> "FREE PALASTINE and throw all jews in the mediterranean, red sea or dead sea." is my opinion. why? one injustice (holocaust) DOES NOT justify another one (disseizing of palastinean property). this is a basic law of civilisation. so don't even try convince me otherwise GG ;D

I'm a Protestant. See, you GOD DAMN FOREIGN LIBERALS can hate on Jews, but, HEAVEN FORBID an AMERICAN should think that Islam spawns terrorists! Not that I think that...it's just the double standard.

You know what, fuck you. If you're going to be an arrogant bastard, I will too: my country is better than yours. We have cleaner water, a better environment, a bigger economy, a more diverse society, a more tolerant society, and better leadership. We manage to carefully balance commonly-accepted morals with progressive ideas and protection of every individual. We have the best univerisities in the world and design and create some of the most advanced technology in the world. We went to the moon.

Now, vonLandenhausen, though my country and people are better than yours, that doesn't mean we want to dump you into the Mediterranean and kill you. No, we'll let you live. In fact, we'll even let you come to our country, share in our prosperity, and live a better life. That's another reason why we're better than you: we actually think things through and tolerate others, despite how stupid and inferior they may be. We treat them equally. vonLadenhausen, you're acting as Hitler

Now, vonLandenhausen, let's play by your rules, shall we? If I use your morals, I'd love to just have the United States seize the entire Middle East. On top of cheaper fuel prices, we'd be rid of a worthless culture anyway with no redeeming qualities. In addition, we'd admit them as new states and begin settling them with American culture. We would build centers of learning and prosperity.

Of course, everything I just wrote above is highly exaggerated to make a point. I pray that you can see through the satire and aren't narrow-minded enough to avoid what I was trying to say. The fact of the matter is, a) Palestine was created by Great Britain, so stop bitching to the Jews and United States b) Taking someone's land isn't nearly as bad as the genocide of 2 million people c) While Palestine certainly isn't a terrorist organization, Yasser Arafat and the PLO is. I'm glad that Israel takes such a ballsy stance against them.


Well said, imho $t0rm, but you forgot to mention our kickass military. :P


Quote from: vonLandenhausen on November 22, 2004, 10:06 AM

you guys are jews aren't you? i think this board full f jews isnt it?
back to the topic-> "FREE PALASTINE and throw all jews in the mediterranean, red sea or dead sea." is my opinion. why? one injustice (holocaust) DOES NOT justify another one (disseizing of palastinean property). this is a basic law of civilisation. so don't even try convince me otherwise GG ;D

Does it matter if the people posting their opinions are Jewish, Muslim, Christian, Hindu, Buddhist, or Atheist? No... there are plenty of people of all religions with conflicting opinions on the Jewish vs. Palestinian state.

Harry Truman said it best. When he was asked by his cabinet members why he should recognize an Isreali nation he simply answered "Because it's the right thing to do. Its that simple.

I have a question Landen, why should the Palestinians have a state but the Israelis should not? What makes them more deserving, because you haven't answered that question.

If you'll look at the UN's public release on the creation of Israeli when it was created, you will notice that the reasoning behind the creation of Israel was not just because of the injustice of the holocuast. This is typical anti-Semitic bullshit.

You seem to be one of those typical anti-Jews that probably thinks that its funny to make fun of Jewish people and such, and it sickens me.

Check your grammar before you post, please. I mean the occasional mistake is made by all, but that post is a struggle to read.

As a wrap up, I don't think that there are many people who are fundamentally against the idea of a Palestinian state. The reason that the United States and sane people in general support Israel is because of the means that the Palestinians are using to fight for this state. They have ignored diplomacy, human decency, and the rule of law. Hamas will not solve the problem and it won't end the atrocities, it will only enbolden the Israelis to fight back harder. Its people like you that are adding fuel to the fire to the debate here in the United States. You seem to be nothing more than an anti-Semite and it is also apparent you support what the Palestinians and other radical Muslim groups are doing. You can't force Jews out of the Middle East, thats just retarded plain and simple. It makes me sick to my stomach to know there are such ignorant and hateful people like you out there. I conclude with what has become a famous Protest Warrior graphic:

"Courage is being scared to death - but saddling up anyway." --John Wayne


Quote from: Banana fanna fo fanna on November 23, 2004, 02:47 PM
Quote from: vonLandenhausen on November 22, 2004, 10:06 AM
Quote from: Banana fanna fo fanna on November 15, 2004, 07:25 PM
Quote from: hismajesty[yL] on November 14, 2004, 04:22 PM
I hate the UN. They flew the UN flag half staff to honor Arafat, but didn't do it when Reagan died. The US founded the UN, and we fund most of it. They are ungrateful and they suck.

i concur.
you guys are yjews aren't ou? i think this board full of jews isnt it?
back to the topic-> "FREE PALASTINE and throw all jews in the mediterranean, red sea or dead sea." is my opinion. why? one injustice (holocaust) DOES NOT justify another one (disseizing of palastinean property). this is a basic law of civilisation. so don't even try convince me otherwise GG ;D

I'm a Protestant. See, you GOD DAMN FOREIGN LIBERALS can hate on Jews
Quotesince my mother is a russian jew, im kind of a othordox jew (but i dont practize >.<) and by israelian law im even eligble for the israeli citizenchip. gg
, but, HEAVEN FORBID an AMERICAN should think that Islam spawns terrorists!
that's not quite true. not all muslim countrys spawn terrorism. some certainly do. for example germany, spain har har har (the 9/11 guys came mostly from germany) AND protestantism was born in germany -=GG=-. i got you dont I? har har
Not that I think that...it's just the double standard.

You know what, fuck you.
be manered plz
QuoteIf you're going to be an arrogant bastard, I will too: my country is better than yours. We have cleaner water, a better environment, a bigger economy, a more diverse society, a more tolerant society, and better leadership.
bollocks, and you know that. we in europe got less crime in whatsoever category. look here: http://www.nationmaster.com/graph-T/cri_ass&int=20. what the water concers at least there is no none trying to poisen it, like in the usa. european alltogheter are MORE powerfull than the USA is. your goverment sucks. bush sucks. and US law DOESNT allow gay marriages. in most europe country it is allowed. germany, britain, norway....
QuoteWe manage to carefully balance commonly-accepted morals with progressive ideas and protection of every individual. We have the best univerisities in the world and design and create some of the most advanced technology in the world.
uni of London School of Economics > Harvard. MIT > Paris Polytechnique Uni. Uni of Heidelberg > all americans unis
We went to the moon.
there are a lot of proofs that you jankees faked it. http://batesmotel.8m.com/
Now, vonLandenhausen, though my country and people are better than yours, that doesn't mean we want to dump you into the Mediterranean and kill you.
come over the ocean and try it bitch ;p
No, we'll let you live. In fact, we'll even let you come to our country, share in our prosperity, and live a better life.
we do the same to you. i know myself 14 americans living in london
That's another reason why we're better than you: we actually think things through and tolerate others, despite how stupid and inferior they may be. We treat them equally.
you still dont allow gay marriages. GG
vonLadenhausen, you're acting as Hitler
my mothers family hardly survived holocaust. so be carefull what you're saying. btw, my father is half a german/norwegian baron but even this doesnt bring me anywhere near to hitler, since hitler was an austrian
Now, vonLandenhausen, let's play by your rules, shall we? If I use your morals, I'd love to just have the United States seize the entire Middle East. On top of cheaper fuel prices, we'd be rid of a worthless culture anyway with no redeeming qualities.
the us already got a hole bunch of military there. even in saudi arabia (holy land for muslims) -> which insulted  bin laden that much that he decided to destroy the wtc
In addition, we'd admit them as new states and begin settling them with American culture. We would build centers of learning and prosperity.
nobody asked you to do that, did anyone ever?

Of course, everything I just wrote above is highly exaggerated to make a point. I pray that you can see through the satire and aren't narrow-minded enough to avoid what I was trying to say. The fact of the matter is, a) Palestine was created by Great Britain, so stop bitching to the Jews and United States
the uk has been under strong influence of jewish banker - Rothschilds - at this time of history and presumably still is
b) Taking someone's land isn't nearly as bad as the genocide of 2 million people
bollocks, if you accumalate the palastine ppl who died (e.g. caused by diseaas) because of the fact THAT THEY ARE NOT ALLOWED to return to their israel/palastine homes and have to live in refugee camps. surely more palastines died than jews...
c) While Palestine certainly isn't a terrorist organization, Yasser Arafat and the PLO is. I'm glad that Israel takes such a ballsy stance against them.
PLO = Palastine Liberation Organistaion.
Quote from: Hazard on November 24, 2004, 07:31 AM
Quote from: vonLandenhausen on November 22, 2004, 10:06 AM

you guys are jews aren't you? i think this board full f jews isnt it?
back to the topic-> "FREE PALASTINE and throw all jews in the mediterranean, red sea or dead sea." is my opinion. why? one injustice (holocaust) DOES NOT justify another one (disseizing of palastinean property). this is a basic law of civilisation. so don't even try convince me otherwise GG ;D

Does it matter if the people posting their opinions are Jewish, Muslim, Christian, Hindu, Buddhist, or Atheist? No... there are plenty of people of all religions with conflicting opinions on the Jewish vs. Palestinian state.
yes it does since most religious ppl (im not religious) are biased cauz of their religion

Harry Truman said it best. When he was asked by his cabinet members why he should recognize an Isreali nation he simply answered "Because it's the right thing to do. Its that simple.
no, its not that simpe

I have a question Landen, why should the Palestinians have a state but the Israelis should not? What makes them more deserving, because you haven't answered that question.
because the palastine ppl lived there the last time ~1900 years ago which does certainly not justify the recent occupation.

If you'll look at the UN's public release on the creation of Israeli when it was created, you will notice that the reasoning behind the creation of Israel was not just because of the injustice of the holocuast. This is typical anti-Semitic bullshit.
lmao. do you really think that there would be a israel nowadays without the holocaust. are you really so stupid

You seem to be one of those typical anti-Jews that probably thinks that its funny to make fun of Jewish people and such, and it sickens me.
by jewish law im a jew myself. stfu plz

Check your grammar before you post, please. I mean the occasional mistake is made by all, but that post is a struggle to read.
this is not a english class but an inet board. and nobody forces you to read my posts. btw, i broke my little finger on my right hand sunday evening and my spelling might be even worse now. but i give a shit >.<

As a wrap up, I don't think that there are many people who are fundamentally against the idea of a Palestinian state. The reason that the United States and sane people
bush is NOT sane
Quotein general support Israel is because of the means that the Palestinians are using to fight for this state. They have ignored diplomacy, human decency, and the rule of law.
why should they zionism occupied palestine unlawfully. its like the polish tried to negotiate with nazi germany in WW2 instead of fighting them
Hamas will not solve the problem and it won't end the atrocities, it will only enbolden the Israelis to fight back harder.
no doubt
QuoteIts people like you that are adding fuel to the fire to the debate here in the United States. You seem to be nothing more than an anti-Semite
and againn: im a jew myself
Quoteand it is also apparent you support what the Palestinians and other radical Muslim groups are doing
nope, i dont
Quote. You can't force Jews out of the Middle East, thats just retarded plain and simple.
not me but the EU countries certainly could. but unfortuanately they won't do it in near future  :-[
It makes me sick to my stomach to know there are such ignorant and hateful people like you out there.
i just have my own opinion. arent you americans supposed to be the ones who *protect* freedom of speech "_!
I conclude with what has become a famous Protest Warrior graphic:

Most quoted reason (beside holocaust) justification for isreal phony *right-to-exist* is that jews owned this land 1934 (to be exact 70 C.E.) years ago ->  the jews got their ass kicked by the romans, but even before taht they had not really owned it but ripped it off the canaans. you see i learned a little bit from my rabby;D.
NOW, think about that: if every nation, ethnicity or tribe or whatsoever would claim back the land they had owned 70 C.E. Welsh would own England. Rome/Italy would own France, Spain, Romania, North Africa, West-Germany and most of all NATIVE AMERICANS would own the USA and all the european, asian and whatsoever migrants would be expuled and not allowed to return to their homes, like israel did it to the palestines. would like that? wouldn't you found a USLO (US Libertaion Organisation) or something similiar.



btw, im still waiting for yoni remove this topic to the trash can. whats the matter, mate? are you sick? :D


Well actually all the land in the world would have to be forfitted back to the Central Africans, as it was there that man probably originated.

"Courage is being scared to death - but saddling up anyway." --John Wayne


Quote from: vonLandenhausen on November 24, 2004, 09:25 AM
not all muslim countrys spawn terrorism

Try most. See the CIA World Fact Book if you're curious.

Quote from: vonLandenhausen on November 24, 2004, 09:25 AM
(the 9/11 guys came mostly from germany)

Try Saudi Arabia. Most of them were Saudi born. See http://www.9-11commission.gov/.

Quote from: vonLandenhausen on November 24, 2004, 09:25 AM
Not that I think that...it's just the double standard.

You know what, fuck you.

be manered plz

Please actually include the quotes so we can follow what you are referring to.

Quote from: vonLandenhausen on November 24, 2004, 09:25 AM
we in europe got less crime in whatsoever category.

Wrong. Even if it were true, it would be due to the differences in the judiciary and in the society in general

Quote from: vonLandenhausen on November 24, 2004, 09:25 AM
what the water concers at least there is no none trying to poisen it, like in the usa.

English? Please. From what I've gotten out of that, you seem to think that European water is gernerally cleaner? Wrong. Have you ever even been to the United States and checked out our water supplies? Its not quite as bad as the libearls like to make it seem. http://www.epa.gov

Quote from: vonLandenhausen on November 24, 2004, 09:25 AM
european alltogheter are MORE powerfull than the USA is

Not even close. You seem to forget that the US military is stronger than the next 24 largest militaries combined. The German and French militaries are a joke.

Quote from: vonLandenhausen on November 24, 2004, 09:25 AM
your goverment sucks

Yea, democracy sure does suck. Freedom is bad.

Quote from: vonLandenhausen on November 24, 2004, 09:25 AM
bush sucks

Please, a fresh insult.

Quote from: vonLandenhausen on November 24, 2004, 09:25 AM
and US law DOESNT allow gay marriages

That makes the United States bad... how? Because we have tradition? You don't even understand what marriage is as it is defined in the United States, son.

Quote from: vonLandenhausen on November 24, 2004, 09:25 AM
in most europe country it is allowed. germany, britain, norway....

Good for you, you can marry whoever you want then. Then again, there are a lot of European countries with total gun control, legalization of marijuna, etc.

Quote from: vonLandenhausen on November 24, 2004, 09:25 AM
uni of London School of Economics > Harvard. MIT > Paris Polytechnique Uni. Uni of Heidelberg > all americans unis

Once again, and opinion that is not based on fact at all Landen. Give me one scrap of evidence that says the Univ. of Heidelberg is better than American universities such as Brown, Rice, Wake Forest, etc.

Quote from: vonLandenhausen on November 24, 2004, 09:25 AM
there are a lot of proofs that you jankees faked it

That is definetly not an unbiased site or anything. Get your head out of your ass. The only people who still don't think we went to the moon are conspiracy theorists and idiots. How about the Japanese lunar satellite that took pictures of our landing sites on the moon? Try http://www.thekeyboard.org.uk/Did%20we%20land%20on%20the%20Moon.htm on for size.

Quote from: vonLandenhausen on November 24, 2004, 09:25 AM
come over the ocean and try it bitch ;p

I'll be in Europe next summer. I'll have my people contact your people.

Quote from: vonLandenhausen on November 24, 2004, 09:25 AM
we do the same to you. i know myself 14 americans living in london

I know more Europeans living in the United States.

Quote from: vonLandenhausen on November 24, 2004, 09:25 AM
you still dont allow gay marriages

And...? I hope you have a better argument than that. "America is bad because they don't let gay people get married!" The Church doesn't let gay people marry either, so go bitch at the Vatican since you're right there anyway.

Quote from: vonLandenhausen on November 24, 2004, 09:25 AM
my mothers family hardly survived holocaust. so be carefull what you're saying. btw, my father is half a german/norwegian baron but even this doesnt bring me anywhere near to hitler, since hitler was an austrian

But his Generals and advisors were German. My grandfather died in the holocaust you know, he fell out of a guard tower. <== Joker

Quote from: vonLandenhausen on November 24, 2004, 09:25 AM
the us already got a hole bunch of military there. even in saudi arabia (holy land for muslims) -> which insulted  bin laden that much that he decided to destroy the wtc

We have them there because they are needed for the stability of the region. Its funny that the Saudi Princes don't have trouble with us being there, but you do. If you read all bin Laden's statments you will find out that the US having bases in Saudi Arabia never even comes up you ignorant prick. Cite your sources or keep your idiot ideas to yourself.

Quote from: vonLandenhausen on November 24, 2004, 09:25 AM
nobody asked you to do that, did anyone ever?

Hawaii asked to be annexed to the United States. Twice.

Quote from: vonLandenhausen on November 24, 2004, 09:25 AM
if you accumalate the palastine ppl who died (e.g. caused by diseaas) because of the fact THAT THEY ARE NOT ALLOWED to return to their israel/palastine homes and have to live in refugee camps. surely more palastines died than jews...

Do you have any numbers to back that up? Also, how many Jews died after the holocaust when they were either stricken by disease or otherwise killed because they were not allowed to return to their homes in Germany, Poland, and Austria because they had been destroyed by the Nazis?

Quote from: vonLandenhausen on November 24, 2004, 09:25 AM
PLO = Palastine Liberation Organistaion

Yes, a terrorist group just like Hamas.

Quote from: vonLandenhausen on November 24, 2004, 09:25 AM
yes it does since most religious ppl (im not religious) are biased cauz of their religion

Don't you keep claiming that you are in fact Jewish? Doesn't your lack of faith bias you?

Quote from: vonLandenhausen on November 24, 2004, 09:25 AM
no, its not that simpe

Then explain to me how it really is. I'm listening. Don't give me rhetoric, I'll just ignore it.

Quote from: vonLandenhausen on November 24, 2004, 09:25 AM
because the palastine ppl lived there the last time ~1900 years ago which does certainly not justify the recent occupation.

As you said, before the Palestinians occupied it it was occupied by the Greco-Romans and before that occupied by, guess who, the Jews. Thats why the "It was ours first" argument doesn't fly.

Quote from: vonLandenhausen on November 24, 2004, 09:25 AM
lmao. do you really think that there would be a israel nowadays without the holocaust. are you really so stupid

Are you really that stupid to think that just because there was a holocaust there is a Jewish state? There were no countries created just because of the crusades that slaughtered Muslims.

Quote from: vonLandenhausen on November 24, 2004, 09:25 AM
this is not a english class but an inet board

Its still important when you are trying to make a point to make it legible.

Quote from: vonLandenhausen on November 24, 2004, 09:25 AM
i broke my little finger on my right hand sunday evening and my spelling might be even worse now. but i give a shit >.<

Cry me a river? Wait, you do give a shit?

Quote from: vonLandenhausen on November 24, 2004, 09:25 AM
bush is NOT sane

Yes he is, he's perfectly mentally competant. Its part of his routine medical checkup at Bethesda Naval Hospital and he just had one a week or so ago.

Quote from: vonLandenhausen on November 24, 2004, 09:25 AM
why should they zionism occupied palestine unlawfully. its like the polish tried to negotiate with nazi germany in WW2 instead of fighting them

The only law that says that Jews can't occupy the "Muslim holy land" is Muslim law, not international law. I might add that Jerusalem is also Jewish and Christian holy land, so its not like they have a sole claim to it as a holy place. Your comparison to the Poles negotiating with the Nazis not only makes no sense, but its not even close to the same thing.

Quote from: vonLandenhausen on November 24, 2004, 09:25 AM
not me but the EU countries certainly could. but unfortuanately they won't do it in near future

No, they couldn't. They don't have the balls, the leadership, the manpower, or the resources to effect any change against the United States.

Quote from: vonLandenhausen on November 24, 2004, 09:25 AM
i just have my own opinion. arent you americans supposed to be the ones who *protect* freedom of speech "_!

I hate neo-Nazism, communism, racism, etc. but the Constitution requires that I respect that they are allowed to have their own opinions. The Constitution does not say I have to like your opinion, it does not say that I have to agree with it, and it also grants me the right to tell you your opinion is a load of horse shit. I'm not trying to stop you from expressing your opinion, I'm trying to tell you how stupid it is, as is my right.

- You should really stop saying "GG" as it does not do anything but indicate to me you are a small child incapable of intelligent thought.

"Courage is being scared to death - but saddling up anyway." --John Wayne
