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Yasser Arafat Dead

Started by hismajesty, November 10, 2004, 10:38 PM

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First of all, please pay more attention when you quote. Thanks.
Second, why haven't you responded to my initial post?

Quotethat's not quite true. not all muslim countrys spawn terrorism. some certainly do. for example germany, spain har har har (the 9/11 guys came mostly from germany) AND protestantism was born in germany -=GG=-. i got you dont I? har har

Correct you are - just Saudi Arabia, Syria, Iran, Iraq, Jordan, Turkey, Egypt, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Kyrgyzstan, Mali, Yemen, and pretty much every other country that's Islamic...

Quotebollocks, and you know that. we in europe got less crime in whatsoever category. look here: http://www.nationmaster.com/graph-T/cri_ass&int=20.

Hmm, you think so? The interpol.int disagrees, so does the FBI.
Here are Interpol 2001 crime statistics (rate per 100,000):

    * 4161 - US
    * 7736 - Germany
    * 6941 - France
    * 9927 - England and Wales

Here are the Interpol 1995 crime statistics (rate per 100,000):

    * 5278 - US
    * 8179 - Germany
    * 6316 - France
    * 7206 - England & Wales

What does this show? That the US when compared with major European countries not only do we have a lower crime rate (I'm assuming this takes into account size) we also show a descrease in crime.

Quotewhat the water concers at least there is no none trying to poisen it, like in the usa.

Are you sure about that?

Quoteeuropean alltogheter are MORE powerfull than the USA is.

Even if this were true, isn't it rather sad that it would take an entire continent to be more powerful than one country? Even more so when said country is younger than all of the countries in said continent.

Quoteyour goverment sucks.

Our government is based off yours. Our laws are based off English common laws. We're an indirect democracy, but I'm sure anything that has democracy, or giving freedom to Jews is wrong with you.

Quotebush sucks.

Heard it multiple times, yet nobody has ever been able to give any good reason why. I challenge you.

Quoteand US law DOESNT allow gay marriages. in most europe country it is allowed. germany, britain, norway....

We don't? Last time I checked it was the states who determined if gay marriage was allowed, not the United States as a whole. Also, since not all of your great continents countries permit gay marriage, shouldn't you go badmouth them as well?

Quoteuni of London School of Economics > Harvard. MIT > Paris Polytechnique Uni. Uni of Heidelberg > all americans unis

Well, I agree that our school - MIT - is a great school. And, you do realize that our universities were based off of yours? Harvard, Princeton, Yale, were all based off of schools such as Cambridge. You also realize that our universities were created as religious institutions (by groups like the Puritans) for religious study. Now, even though your schools were the parents of ours, we can still match (and even pass in some instances) your students and schools. For instance, did the UK bring home the gold in that recent contest Yoni was in? No, the US did.

Quotethere are a lot of proofs that you jankees faked it. http://batesmotel.8m.com/

I'm not too into British slang, so what's a jankee? Also, there's no proof that we did not go to the moon. No, a free website put together by some individual is not proof, sorry. A government released document stating the forge is proof, though. Find one, put out by any government.

Quotewe do the same to you. i know myself 14 americans living in london

Are you saying the United Kingdom allows more immigrants than we do? Think again.

It's projected that by 2050, 60% of the US population will consist of immigrants.

Quoteyou still dont allow gay marriages. GG

You are still wrong. GG

Quotemy mothers family hardly survived holocaust. so be carefull what you're saying. btw, my father is half a german/norwegian baron but even this doesnt bring me anywhere near to hitler, since hitler was an austrian

Was your mothers family Jewish, by any chance? Do you hate your mother too, if they are in fact Jewish?

Quotethe us already got a hole bunch of military there. even in saudi arabia (holy land for muslims) -> which insulted  bin laden that much that he decided to destroy the wtc

As of 2003, we had just over 120,000 troops over there. We have over 77 million men and women in our military. You do the math - our presence is not that large.
Bin Laden didn't destory the WTC over that. And, lets not forget, this was his second attempt at it, even before we sent more men over there. But you wouldn't want to hear that, would you, since that doesn't agree with your anti-Bush propaganda.

Quotenobody asked you to do that, did anyone ever?

They asked us.

Quotebollocks, if you accumalate the palastine ppl who died (e.g. caused by diseaas) because of the fact THAT THEY ARE NOT ALLOWED to return to their israel/palastine homes and have to live in refugee camps. surely more palastines died than jews...

Really? Right now, according to middleeastnews, the Palestian population in the middle east is 2,485,652. You're telling me that these diseases wiped out almost over 2 million people, leaving only 2,485, 652 people around? How many people did they start out with? Because, I can assure you, if there was another case of Black Death sweeping that region, CNN would surely report it. :P

QuotePLO = Palastine Liberation Organistaion.

Good job.

Quoteyes it does since most religious ppl (im not religious) are biased cauz of their religion

Do you deny the existance of God? Most people that say they aren't religious say so because they do, making you an Atheist, making you biased, making you a hypocrite. In the words of you, 'GG'

Quoteno, its not that simpe

Then please, since Harry Truman was obviously underqualified to speak about foreign affairs and you (obviously) are qualified, enlighten us.

Quotebecause the palastine ppl lived there the last time ~1900 years ago which does certainly not justify the recent occupation.

Abraham started Judaism, and he is predicted to have been born around 2,000 BC.  So, it's quite obvious that Jews have been around longer than the Palestians have, which you said yourself was ~1900 years.

Quotelmao. do you really think that there would be a israel nowadays without the holocaust. are you really so stupid

Are you? I mean, honestly...

Quoteby jewish law im a jew myself. stfu plz

So, you hate yourself? You need some self esteem help pal.

Quotethis is not a english class but an inet board. and nobody forces you to read my posts. btw, i broke my little finger on my right hand sunday evening and my spelling might be even worse now. but i give a shit >.<

Yea, because the state of your fingers totally determine how well you spell. Also, since you do 'give a shit' and that generally means you have some care towards the subject, wouldn't you be more inclined to have proper grammar?

Quotebush is NOT sane

Your friend Saddam was though!


Thank you majesty for finding imerical evidence to things I didn't have the time to look up evidence for. Its obvious this kid has no idea what he's talking about.

"Courage is being scared to death - but saddling up anyway." --John Wayne

Banana fanna fo fanna



You both have WAY to much time on your hands, you even got a graph! Haha...


When I see somebody so ignorant I just rush right in and try to fix it.

"Courage is being scared to death - but saddling up anyway." --John Wayne


The purpose of this post is to specifically tackle the following moronic statment made by vonLandenhausen:
Quotelmao. do you really think that there would be a israel nowadays without the holocaust. are you really so stupid

The answer to your question is yes, and history backs me up on this.

By November of 1917, the British had conquered the area known as Palestine. After the conquest, the British announced what has become known as the Balfour Declaration, which was a letter written to Lord Rothschild. The Balfour Declaration declared British support for a Zionist, or Jewish, nation. Post World War I, the League of Nations, the brain child of President Wilson, decided to divide up the Ottoman empire into mandates. The British, who were very anxious to keep control of the Palestinian Mandate away from the French, recommended to the League of Nations that, in keeping with the Balfour Declaration, a Jewish state be established in Palestine. The Muslims, vicious to keep their iron grip on control of the entire region, and in particular Muslim cleric Aref Pasha Dajani, expressed their displeasure.

In 1920, the British plan for the division of the mandates was adopted. The Israelis and Arabs co-existed in the region. There was great civil unrest during the years leading up to World War II. Following the war and the discovery of the atrocities of the Holocaust, the United Nations finally set up an offical 100% Jewish state.

Landen, from this it is completely obvious that the holocaust was not the start of the Jewish nation that is now Israel. Israel began to transform into what it is today some 20 years before Nazi oppression of European Jews even began. In light of all this new evidence against your ridiculous idea, I rest my case.

All of the information can be read for yourself at http://www.mideastweb.org/.

"Courage is being scared to death - but saddling up anyway." --John Wayne

Banana fanna fo fanna

btw, the purpose of my post was to show how stupid vonLandenhausen is, not talk about why the US is better.


I was just defending Israel, and the love of my life Yoni. :(


Quote from: Hazard on November 24, 2004, 11:52 AM
Hawaii asked to be annexed to the United States. Twice.

Hawaii was stolen by American plantation owners with the backing of the American military.  This is fact.  Queen Lili`uokalani only gave up her power to stop the bloodshed with the understanding that the American government would help right the wrongs committed by these plantation owners.  Of course, that never really happened.

Banana fanna fo fanna

Quote from: dxoigmn on November 25, 2004, 08:26 AM
Of course, that never really happened.

What the hell are you talking about, they're much better off now.


Quote from: dxoigmn on November 25, 2004, 08:26 AM
Quote from: Hazard on November 24, 2004, 11:52 AM
Hawaii asked to be annexed to the United States. Twice.

Hawaii was stolen by American plantation owners with the backing of the American military.  This is fact.  Queen Lili`uokalani only gave up her power to stop the bloodshed with the understanding that the American government would help right the wrongs committed by these plantation owners.  Of course, that never really happened.

Not stolen in fact. I'll correct you on your memory of the history.

In the early 1800's, missionaries from New England made the trip to Hawaii and settled there. They sent back news of huge economic possibilities in Hawaii and soon American sugar planters established profitable businesses. While the Kanaka were living their traditional lifestyle, the sugar planters established a foothold in the region. They dominated the islands economy and eventually took control of Hawaii's legislature and cabinet, and they began limiting the power of the native king.

Many natives called for the return of Hawaii to its native ways but secret organizations such as the Annexation Club, plotted revolution. In the midst of this unrest, Queen Liliuokalani assumed the throne when her brother King Kalakaua passed away. The Queen was well suited for rule. American reporters described her as a strong and resolute leader. Liliuokalani set out to eliminte American influence in the government. She tried to pass a new Constitution that would strengthen the traditional monarchy, but the cabinet refuse to cooperate. Pro-annexation residents formed the Committee of Saftey and appointed the Annexation Club as its leaders. In mid-January of 1893, the Committe overthrew the government. Sanford B. Dole was appointed President of Hawaii. Hawaiians who were loyal to their queen attempted to stop the revolution, but American troops under illegal orders from John L. Stevens prevented the Hawaiians from taking back the government.

Liliuokalani surrendered her throne, and pleaded with President Harrison to restore the monarchy. Before President Harrison could annex Hawaii, President Cleveland took office and refused to annex. He investigated and fired Minister Stevens for conspiracy to overthrow the government of Hawaii. He replaced Stevens and restored Liliuokalani to the throne. President of Hawaii Dole refused to return the government and said the US had no right to interfere in Hawaiian affairs. On July 4th, 1894, they became the Independent Republic of Hawaii.

Queen Liliuokalani once again attempted to take up arms against the provisional government, but the rebellion was struck down by the governments forces.

At this point, in 1896, Hawaii re-applied for annexation under the new Republican President of the United States, President William McKinley. McKinley and Congress formed a joint resolution and annexed Hawaii that very year.

Dxoigmn, I hope this little history lesson has taught you something. The United States never backed the plantation owners, a mislead US Minister did, and he was fired for it. Their annexation on those grounds was rejected, and only after they had reformed their government and had their own constitution were they annexed to the United States. In 1896 it was the will of the people, having had their own elections and constitutional convention, to be annexed to the United States. Also, Queen Liliuokalani renounced her claim to the throne only when she and her fellow conspirators were tried for treason. There was never an agreement with the US government that the US would help her regain the throne if she did this. Cite your source.

All this information can be checked for yourself at http://www.smplanet.com

"Courage is being scared to death - but saddling up anyway." --John Wayne


Quote from: Hazard on November 25, 2004, 04:14 PM
Not stolen in fact. I'll correct you on your memory of the history.


The will of the people is complete bullshit.  The will of the people was the will of those who swore alligience for the new government.  Of course, the native Hawaiians did not swear alligience to the new government so there were not allowed to vote.  So essentially, those very American plantation owners were the "will of the people."  And the US, at least President Cleveland, affirmed it's action to restoring the Queen to her rightful power in his message to congress because he understood the legal ramifications.  Native Hawaiians never supported annexation and if you know any, they will tell you that.


So, I'm assuming this guy was banned. I hope he was able to see us prove him wrong, before he left. :(


im still here har har har. but im not going to argue with you guys anymore since idont see any chance to win this since my english is not that good.

but to make 1 thing clear: i dont hate jews i just am very opposite to israel. (no answers/replys please)
