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Proof God Exists?

Started by j0k3r, October 26, 2004, 07:39 PM

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Quote from: j0k3r on November 01, 2004, 07:09 PM
He's an atheist because he doesn't believe logic points to God? Thanks for wasting my bandwidth, asshole.

Come on jok3r... You should know better than posting that?


Yup. Did a little experimenting yesterday, wasn't myself, I'll make sure to stay away from forums next time.
QuoteAnyone attempting to generate random numbers by deterministic means is, of course, living in a state of sin
John Vo


I would actually go so far as to say that, whether or not God exists, this being cannot be conceived, ever. Why? Well, let's think about what characteristics God possesses; specifically: Eternity. I ask anyone to try and fathom the essence of eternity. Since as human beings, we have a beginning. We also will have an end. Since the dawn of time itself there has been a beginning because, that is the definition of time. However, it is inconceivable by the human mind to try and comprehend such things. So, if there is a God, we cannot even begin to conceive its presence anyway, so how can it exist?

Also, supposedly this God as unlimited capabilities. Try thinking of a new color that does contain ANY of existing colors. Or, try thinking about a subtance that does not consist of solid, liquid, or gas; or any possible combinations of the such. It is completely impossible.


Hmm. I don't have any problem thinking of endless. I have much more problem thinking of not endless.

And a color that's no known color, or a substance that's no known form? What's so strange about that? It's not something we'd be able to see, since our eyes can only detect R G and B, but imagining otherwise isn't a problem?


Point number 1 is an opinion. God is supposed to be a being beyond conception so point number 2 is incorrect. What we perceive as "a being than which no greater can be conceived" is simply that, the most we can conceive. Like Arta said if you find point 2 incorrect the rest of the points are incorrect as well. Point 7 is just dumb. If I can conceive of aliens and they exist in my mind they must exist in reality right?(repeat sentence replacing aliens with anything you want) btw I'm a christian but I believe that wether or not God exists is something personal that you decide.


Adron, you missed the point. I didn't ask you to attempt to conceive the existance of said color/substance, but the actual object itself. Hell, I could say "there's a color out there that is not made of up any combination of RGB, and there are subtances that contain no solid nor liquid nor gas." But, that only addresses the existance of said object, not the actual object itself (as I said before).


Quote from: LivedKrad on November 04, 2004, 10:32 AM
Adron, you missed the point. I didn't ask you to attempt to conceive the existance of said color/substance, but the actual object itself. Hell, I could say "there's a color out there that is not made of up any combination of RGB, and there are subtances that contain no solid nor liquid nor gas." But, that only addresses the existance of said object, not the actual object itself (as I said before).
Just because you have no visual basis for something does not mean you cannot acknowledge it's potential existance.  I don't see what the issue is?


Quote from: Skywing on November 04, 2004, 10:39 AM
Quote from: LivedKrad on November 04, 2004, 10:32 AM
Adron, you missed the point. I didn't ask you to attempt to conceive the existance of said color/substance, but the actual object itself. Hell, I could say "there's a color out there that is not made of up any combination of RGB, and there are subtances that contain no solid nor liquid nor gas." But, that only addresses the existance of said object, not the actual object itself (as I said before).
Just because you have no visual basis for something does not mean you cannot acknowledge it's potential existance.  I don't see what the issue is?

I don't think there is anything more effective than what sky said.
if you're trying to prove/disprove existance of God, good luck, you'll be trying a while. its a personal opinion and belief, faith. thats what religion is, faith. personally, i believe in God, not because i went to a lutheran school for 7 years (which i did), but because i find it hard (and disturbing) to believe that there is no creator, god, but only a freak accident (big bang) that created us all. i think its absurd.



I'm not sure if he just put down random numbers though and said it was in pi.  But then again, If a number is irrational, doesnt every number pattern have to occur?  There for it also says "I'm god and I do not exist." some where.


Quote from: Skywing on November 04, 2004, 10:39 AM
Quote from: LivedKrad on November 04, 2004, 10:32 AM
Adron, you missed the point. I didn't ask you to attempt to conceive the existance of said color/substance, but the actual object itself. Hell, I could say "there's a color out there that is not made of up any combination of RGB, and there are subtances that contain no solid nor liquid nor gas." But, that only addresses the existance of said object, not the actual object itself (as I said before).
Just because you have no visual basis for something does not mean you cannot acknowledge it's potential existance.  I don't see what the issue is?

Once again, another person misses the point. I do not the dispute the ability to perceive the existance of said object, but the object itself. Try ACTUALLY thinking of a color that does not contain any RGB value, not thinking of the existance of said object.


Quote from: LivedKrad on November 04, 2004, 05:04 PM
Once again, another person misses the point. I do not the dispute the ability to perceive the existance of said object, but the object itself. Try ACTUALLY thinking of a color that does not contain any RGB value, not thinking of the existance of said object.

Yes, I'm thinking of a color that does not contain any RGB value. Anything else?
