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Oper.dll bug repository

Started by Spht, October 16, 2004, 09:29 PM

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Post oper bugs or any unexpected behaviour here.  Try to provide as much information as possible in your report.


quick question. when loading the oper plugin and then reconnect or whatever is the plugin suppose to make the oper.cfg, user.txt and the other things or are you suppose to make it?
cause if its suppose to make it its not making it for me :(

all i get is an error in the logs of the folder it created by itself saying
Quote[20:11:38] Loading config...

[20:11:38] Error loading config!

[20:11:38] Loading database...

[20:11:38] Error loading users!


Quote from: Retained on October 16, 2004, 10:14 PM
quick question. when loading the oper plugin and then reconnect or whatever is the plugin suppose to make the oper.cfg, user.txt and the other things or are you suppose to make it?
cause if its suppose to make it its not making it for me :(

all i get is an error in the logs of the folder it created by itself saying
Quote[20:11:38] Loading config...

[20:11:38] Error loading config!

[20:11:38] Loading database...

[20:11:38] Error loading users!

You create them.  Documentation explains how.


k thanks for the info i got it working and all and was testing protect. it turns on when i do the command but wont turn off when i do .protect off (my trigger is .)
[20:52:52] <Retain> .protect on
[20:52:52] <Infinity> Channel protection enabled by Retain
[20:52:55] Retain[iN]@Lordaeron left the channel.
[20:52:55] Retain[iN] was banned by Infinity (channel protection).
[20:52:57] <Retain> :O
[20:52:59] <Retain> .protect off
[20:53:02] <Retain> >_<
[20:53:05] <Retain> Bad bot!
[20:53:09] <Retain> .rejoin
[20:53:09] Infinity left the channel.
[20:53:11] Infinity joined the channel using Starcraft.
[20:53:11] User update: Infinity now has flags 2.
[20:53:19] <To: Retain[iN]@Lordaeron> ^join op infinity
[20:53:19] Retain[iN] was banned by Infinity (channel protection).
[20:53:19] Retain[iN] was banned by Rage (Ban Evasion).
[20:53:22] <Retain> ouch :(
[20:53:22] * /clearqueue
[20:53:24] <Rage> HAHAHAHAH Woops? :D
[20:53:27] <Retain> Hater!!! :D
[20:53:36] <Retain> why wont u turn OFF!
[20:53:39] <Retain> .protect off
[20:53:43] <Retain> .find Retain
[20:53:44] <From: Infinity> retain => Retain: ACDFJLMNOQS
[20:53:47] <Retain> i have every important flag why wont u turn off!

as you can see teh bot hates me :) and doesnt want to turn off protect. either that or i messed up somewhere :D


Quote from: Retained on October 16, 2004, 10:53 PM
as you can see teh bot hates me :) and doesnt want to turn off protect. either that or i messed up somewhere :D

You have to wait a little over a minute before toggling on/off channel protection.  This is to prevent people from quickly toggling it on/off/on/off in disagreement.


thanks for the info ;D
my next problem >_< (Sorrie)

the bot doesnt feel like quitting when i tell it to
Quote[21:14:59] <From: Infinity> retain => retain: ACDFJLMNOQS
[21:15:02] <Retain> .quit
[21:15:05] <Retain> I Order you TO QUIT!
[21:15:06] Voyage left the channel.
[21:15:07] <Retain> :(
[21:15:08] * /clearqueue
[21:15:14] <Retain> .quit
[21:15:15] <Retain> .say hi?
[21:15:15] <Infinity> hi?

according to the doc it says quit needs flag Q and i have flag Q


Quote from: Retained on October 16, 2004, 11:15 PM
thanks for the info ;D
my next problem >_< (Sorrie)

the bot doesnt feel like quitting when i tell it to
Quote[21:14:59] <From: Infinity> retain => retain: ACDFJLMNOQS
[21:15:02] <Retain> .quit
[21:15:05] <Retain> I Order you TO QUIT!
[21:15:06] Voyage left the channel.
[21:15:07] <Retain> :(
[21:15:08] * /clearqueue
[21:15:14] <Retain> .quit
[21:15:15] <Retain> .say hi?
[21:15:15] <Infinity> hi?

according to the doc it says quit needs flag Q and i have flag Q

I disable quit command in the public testing builds.


I've been torturing the bot and found 0 bugs..GJ lol

I know this is the wrong place, but I have a "request"...Perhaps you could add an IPBan?


Not interested in feature requests yet, unless they are to do with improving the way the plugin internally operates.  The base design is nearing completion, so opened public testing to find any bugs with it before I go on and implement all the other automoderation that I'm planning on doing.


[00:45:04]  <LW-Falcon> trigger
[00:45:07]  <LW-Falcon> ?trigger
[00:45:08]  <LW-Falcon@Azeroth> The Bot's Current Trigger is: '`' (ALT+96)
[00:45:10]  <LW-Falcon> [trigger
[00:45:10]  LastWarriors@Azeroth:2:47 whispers: Bot trigger is [ (alt 0091)

That kind of defeats the purpose of the trigger command if you need to know the trigger to do the command.


Quote from: Falcon[anti-yL] on October 19, 2004, 12:46 AM
[00:45:04]  <LW-Falcon> trigger
[00:45:07]  <LW-Falcon> ?trigger
[00:45:08]  <LW-Falcon@Azeroth> The Bot's Current Trigger is: '`' (ALT+96)
[00:45:10]  <LW-Falcon> [trigger
[00:45:10]  LastWarriors@Azeroth:2:47 whispers: Bot trigger is [ (alt 0091)

That kind of defeats the purpose of the trigger command if you need to know the trigger to do the command.

QuoteThe bot has many different built in commands.  Commands must be prefixed with a trigger (a dot by default) if spoken outloud, but if whispered, just the command name should be given.


What OS's are you people using when you're testing this plugin?



Quote from: Spht on October 19, 2004, 12:25 PM
Quote from: Falcon[anti-yL] on October 19, 2004, 12:46 AM
[00:45:04]  <LW-Falcon> trigger
[00:45:07]  <LW-Falcon> ?trigger
[00:45:08]  <LW-Falcon@Azeroth> The Bot's Current Trigger is: '`' (ALT+96)
[00:45:10]  <LW-Falcon> [trigger
[00:45:10]  LastWarriors@Azeroth:2:47 whispers: Bot trigger is [ (alt 0091)

That kind of defeats the purpose of the trigger command if you need to know the trigger to do the command.

QuoteThe bot has many different built in commands.  Commands must be prefixed with a trigger (a dot by default) if spoken outloud, but if whispered, just the command name should be given.
He's asking why the command ?trigger doesn't work (or doesn't exist it seems). It seems a bit retarded to have a <trigger>trigger command (ruins the purpose of the command), and whispering the bot trigger is redundant.
- Newby

Quote[17:32:45] * xar sets mode: -oooooooooo algorithm ban chris cipher newby stdio TehUser tnarongi|away vursed warz
[17:32:54] * xar sets mode: +o newby
[17:32:58] <xar> new rule
[17:33:02] <xar> me and newby rule all

Quote<TehUser> Man, I can't get Xorg to work properly.  This sucks.
<torque> you should probably kill yourself
<TehUser> I think I will.  Thanks, torque.


Quote from: Newby on October 20, 2004, 06:09 PM
He's asking why the command ?trigger doesn't work (or doesn't exist it seems).

That will only work if your trigger is set to '?'.

Quote from: Newby on October 20, 2004, 06:09 PMIt seems a bit retarded to have a <trigger>trigger command (ruins the purpose of the command), and whispering the bot trigger is redundant.

How is whispering the bot trigger redundant?  It is redundant if you already know the trigger, yes.  Otherwise, it's a very effective way of finding out what the trigger is set to.