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Started by EviL_MarinE, July 25, 2004, 07:20 AM

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Hey, its me EviL_MarinE AGAIN :\

I Did post a topic somewhere else, was bad idea posting it there, so im posting it here

Well, the problem i have is

[13:17:19] Connecting To Battle.Net
[13:17:21] Connected To Battle.Net!
[13:17:23] Verifying Product Revision
[13:17:25] Verified Product Revision
[13:17:27] Disconnected

It disconnects are verifying that, then flood!!
It does all this when its "Chr(0)" - If i put "Select Case" and then where it shud go to, it verifys it all, but at the end it flood
This is all because of the "Chr(0)"

When i change it bk to "Chr(2)" it does:
[13:17:19] Connecting To Battle.Net
[13:17:21] Connected To Battle.Net!
[13:17:23] Verifying Product Revision
[13:17:24] Unable To Verify Product Revsion

This is all happens when its "Chr(2)"
Its not the Cases, i have a feeling its the packets being sent

Please Help  :( :( :(

Edit: Sorry, i kept having to edit, went all wrong :-P


What kind of connection are you trying to use? Are you hashing localy, use BNLS or connecting via telnet. If you are connecting via telnet, send chr(3) and chr(4) then your username, then your password. Then, send chat text to battle.net followed by chr(13) and chr(10).


Im connecting with hashes, Please try respond with what i should do

Thanks mate


What do you mean by Chr(2) and Chr(0) - are these response codes? How are you handling the response? Is it actually disconnecting you, or are you disconnecting based on a specific response code? What was the last packet you recieved, and what was the last packet you sent? Were the contents of the last packet you sent correct? If not, what caused them to be incorrect?

Quote from: Maddox on July 25, 2004, 12:23 AM
-- Maddox, you're a genius.
- Stealth
Author of StealthBot


Heh, well ok, Its Actually disconnecting itself because its flooding it self :: Edit: Flooding = getting ipbanned

Chr(2) and Chr(0) are Cases

"Case Chr(0)" ...

The last packet sent was, well theres 2
Edit2 :: The Case is &H7, Which is  SID_REPORTVERSION = &H7
&H2D - Which is     SID_GETICONDATA = &H2D
&H14 - Which is     SID_UDPPINGRESPONSE = &H14

Yes , i think they were correct

hope this has helped you understand this even more

((Btw, whats actually happening here is, its the Checkrevision))


KeKe ne1 gunna respond and help, or you all given up for a coffee? ;)


Quote from: EviL_MarinE on July 26, 2004, 01:37 PM
KeKe ne1 gunna respond and help, or you all given up for a coffee? ;)

You aren't providing us with enough information, and if you expect us to help Debug POST SOME CODE please.


Ah... ok, Well heres thhe bit that goes wrong

       Case &H7
           Select Case Mid(Data, 5, 1)
               Case Chr(0)
                   Display MainForm.AccountOneDisplay(Index), True, True, vbGreen, "Verified Product Revision"
                   Packet.SendPacket Index, &H2D
                   Packet.InsertNonNTString "tenb"
                   Packet.SendPacket Index, &H14
               Case Else
                   Display MainForm.AccountOneDisplay(Index), True, True, vbRed, "Unable To Verify Product Revision"
           End Select

As i said before, when its "Chr(0)" - verifiys it all, then just disc and get ipban

Then when its Chr(2) it just doesnt work, same with Chr(1)

Does that help?
Its something to do with the CheckRevision
Its connecting with hashes, hashes are up to date, in right place, but its the packets being sent

Maybe out of date? Where do i get ALL packets?

Thanks in advance


 [ code ] [ / code ] please.

I believe Chr(0)  means BNET rejected your hashes.

And Chr(2) means you passed CheckRevision, not sure about Chr(1) though.


Lol sorry about the code, ill edit in a sec

Well if its rejecting em, any ideas on how i cud get it to not reject em :)Oh sorry, didnt see Chr(2) bit at end

Well if its passed as Chr(2)
why does it say "Unable to verify product revision"


Quote from: EviL_MarinE on July 26, 2004, 04:18 PM
Lol sorry about the code, ill edit in a sec

Well if its rejecting em, any ideas on how i cud get it to not reject em :)Oh sorry, didnt see Chr(2) bit at end

Well if its passed as Chr(2)
why does it say "Unable to verify product revision"

I have no clue why you put that in your code....or whoever did. Cuz you could easily change it to say whatever you want lol

Chr(0) - Rejected Hashes
Chr(2) - CheckRevision Passed
Else - Unknown Error


Well yes, but it says that, cos i put it like that, but what i did is, i dled gamerbot source code, tried it, and that error ect....

Oi Chr0nic, instead of keep doing these posts on here, meet on bnet so we can discuss it better?

Heh, wanna give a demo code on how to make it verify it "Correctly" ? ;)


Quote from: EviL_MarinE on July 26, 2004, 04:23 PM
Heh, wanna give a demo code on how to make it verify it "Correctly" ? ;)

I will help you out, PM Me, but I probably won't give out demo code :-X

Case &H7
           strData = Mid(Data, 5, 1)
           Select Case strData
               Case Chr(2)
                   Display MainForm.OutputText(Index), True, True, vbGreen, "Verified Product Revision"
                   Packet.SendPacket Index, &H2D
                   Packet.InsertNonNTString "tenb"
                   Packet.SendPacket Index, &H14
               Case Else
                   Display MainForm.OutputText(Index), True, True, vbRed, "Unable To Verify Product Revision"
           End Select

Straight from Gamer Bot source, as you can clearly see, it says nothing about Chr(0) here, so I think the source you have has been altered


K, go onto useast server? Channel "Code Help"


Or whatever server you play on, post bk with which you do


Welcome (back?) to the forums, EviL_MarinE.

A couple of things as points of courtesy.

When you ask a question, we understand you want an answer.  Please don't ask things, "is anybody going to reply?" or "will you help me out?"  The more information you provide in the subject line of your message, and the more information you provide in your message itself, the more likely you are to receive a reply.  To be honest, it's really annoying to see "is anybody going to help?" at the end of every message.

Also, try not to double-post.  If you're on a thread, and you're the most recent person to reply to the thread, instead of making a new post, click "Modify" on your last post and just update it (unless the thread has been dead for a few days, and nobody is looking at it).

Above all, there are skills that are essential for a programmer to have.  I talk to (now banned forum member) BaDDBlooD on AIM now and then, and what I tell him consistently is that he has to learn to debug.  I spent about an hour going through his source code -- the farthest he had gotten was getting IP-banned at sending SID_AUTH_INFO (0x50).  I fixed about a dozen subtle errors in his code.

If you're not debugging efficiently, it looks to us like you're not trying.  If you post with information that shows that you're trying (such as, "Well, I've tried x and got y, which is not what I was looking for"), you're infinitely more likely to receive helpful help than none.

Welcome to vL's forums.  :)
QuoteEvery generation of humans believed it had all the answers it needed, except for a few mysteries they assumed would be solved at any moment. And they all believed their ancestors were simplistic and deluded. What are the odds that you are the first generation of humans who will understand reality?

After 3 years, it's on the horizon.  The new JinxBot, and BN#, the managed Battle.net Client library.

Quote from: chyea on January 16, 2009, 05:05 PM
You've just located global warming.