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code theft and distribution

Started by Don Cullen, July 07, 2004, 02:40 AM

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Don Cullen

Something has come across my attention, and I've already checked into this- I can fully vouch for what he has stated. I even have personally accquired the mentioned files as well as a few of the scripts.

<<Written by Grant S. of Oklahama>>
I'm writing about the site, BNET.cc.

    This site has committed theft of copyrighted sources, and given them out to people.  These sources CAN and WILL be used in making the games of Blizzard, no matter which game, unfair.  BNET.cc has also IPBanned the Blizzard company from even trying to watch their activities or accessing their site.  TaGBaN of BNET.cc (TaGBaN is the owner of the site) has been putting on illegal Third party programs as well as stolen clanscripts made by various creators/organizations on the site, HIDDEN however listed in plain view in their forums, as well as listing a way to access those files. I managed to download all of the source codes for those bots, as well as one of the clanscripts. He has recently accquired more, but has have of yet to make then available. The purpose of all this is to exploit Battle.net's servers by needlessly giving out sources to Programmers everywhere and the Programmers who receive these files, they can create harmful or illegal programs and scripts, and depriving the rightful creators of proper due credit.

Please take action against them so we may have a better set of servers from Battle.net without Scums of the Internet sabotaging it.
<<---- END ---->>

I inquired into this by contacting TagBan personally- he has stated he intends to distribute ALL scripts' source code regardless of authors' wishes if the scripts are ever sold for profit, even if the scripts aren't intended for battle.net. I found this alarming as TagBan has already succeeded on a large scale.

Please assist Grant in correcting this most grievious situation by emailing objections, complaints, suggestions, questions, or comments to the following addresses:

[email protected] (tagban's host)
[email protected]

My apologies if this post has been determined offensive- I merely found this an issue of concern since he is releasing the source code for those bots and scripts without the authors' consent, and that fellow coders would like to know.

My apologies for any inconvience, and my thanks for you taking the time to read this. Best Regards.

Don't wonder why people suddenly are hostile when you treat them the way they shouldn't be- it's called 'Mutual Respect'.


(a) Nobody really cares (as far as I know around 80% of bots are most likely complete cut&paste jobs)

(b) If authors don't want their source code given away, they shouldn't release it to anyone they don't trust

(c) I don't know if you're trying to use rhetoric and propaganda to ruin "Tagban" or not, or if you're just seriously unaware of the goings on surrounding bnet, but source code to these kinds of programmes are released in *numerous* other locations.  In fact, I've never even heard of Bnet.cc


It wasnt released though. The sites were hacked and the code taken. They were designed to be sold, but someone stole it and relaeased it to Tagban.


If you release your code yourself (opensource), this isn't a problem :)
This'll make an interesting test for broken AV:


The guy didnt release it is what Kyro is saying.It was copyrighted and not open sourced.



Quote from: Adron on July 07, 2004, 08:21 AM
Quote from: Kyro on July 07, 2004, 02:40 AM
[email protected]

What relevance does emailing Blizzard have?

Hmm, Adron should have some experience with code theft, back from ye olde NBBot days.  I think people still use his ripped off source.
This'll make an interesting test for broken AV:


I leaked ClanTEK 3 and I have Clan sKs scripts ready to be leaked when I check them over for backdoors. I really see no problem since no bot developer charges to use thier bots and bots are by far harder to make than Clan Scripts. I dont see why PHP coders should charge for thier code. So I do anything in my power to ensure a Free Gaming Development for Battle.net. This is getting so bad that no one can even run a Clan withought Money. I do have all of the break offs from ClanTEK 1.0 ( NetTEK , ProTEK, ChronTEK , ect) but I found them to be messy and backdoored most of the time so I have not released them. I am Bnet.cc's source for all of thier Clan Scripts . One question...why do you feel the need to post in these forums about that? If you didnt like it you could of PMed me and I would of told you to Fucking Suck it up in private.  >:(
Quote from: effect on March 09, 2006, 11:52 PM
Islam is a steaming pile of fucking dog shit. Everything about it is flawed, anybody who believes in it is a terrorist, if you disagree with me, then im sorry your wrong.

Quote from: Rule on May 07, 2006, 01:30 PM
Why don't you stop being American and start acting like a decent human?


Quote from: LW-Warrior on July 07, 2004, 10:31 AM
I would of told you to Fucking Suck it up in private.  >:(
It's hard to take you seriously with a snoring cow beside your name.

This'll make an interesting test for broken AV:

Don Cullen

To the person who asked what relevance emailing blizzard would have- this is due to the distribution of the source code whose release wasnt authorized, could be easily used to abuse battle.net. It's already being abused bad enough as it is.

Even then, what about the scripts? I'm well aware that their distribution was never authorized, that they were never given out. They were stolen. I've already spoken with some of the creators. They assert that they are unhappy with the matter of the code being stolen and given away for free- that was extremely damaging to them business-wise since the scripts were designed to be sold.

As for Warrior- what you don't realize is: those bots were developed for the use of battle.net, which is owned and operated by Blizzard, as thus is subject to their TOS. So that gives people broad prerogative to do what they will with it. Scripts however are entirely another story- scripts were not designed to work with battle.net, but to function as a clan portal for any gaming clan, including but not limited to battle.net, counterstrike, unreal, etc- clans. Those scripts ( ie: DarkActive)  were developed by legimate businesses for the purpose of targeting sales to gamers interested in setting up a clan portal the easy way instead of having to do all of the legwork. By distributing this code for free, and without the creator's prior consent, you're violating multiple laws including copyright infringement, software piracy, and so forth. I've already contacted a legal consultant, and he is in full agreement- we're now setting up a joint effort working in conjunction with other clanscript creators to copyright their scripts with the government- once we submit the copyrights, we will prosecute any illegal distributors to the fullest extent allowable by law of the distributor's respective country. You'd be well advised to quit leaking other people's hard work. I'm a clanscript creator myself- it took me six months to develop my own clanscripts- so I can appreciate the effort that takes- and you went and tossed that into the drain for other creators hoping to gain compensation for their efforts.

<<Edit: Also, enough evidence has been gathered on bnet.cc, so assistance will be given to the clanscript creators whose work has already been distributed via bnet.cc to seek recompensation as well as punitive damages, even if bnet.cc terminates their illegal distribution.>>

Don't wonder why people suddenly are hostile when you treat them the way they shouldn't be- it's called 'Mutual Respect'.


Quote from: iago on July 07, 2004, 10:21 AM
Quote from: Adron on July 07, 2004, 08:21 AM
Quote from: Kyro on July 07, 2004, 02:40 AM
[email protected]

What relevance does emailing Blizzard have?

Hmm, Adron should have some experience with code theft, back from ye olde NBBot days.  I think people still use his ripped off source.

But in my case, complaining to Blizzard made sense! :P

Banana fanna fo fanna

That's so fucking stupid for so many reasons.

- Binary bots violate Blizzard's TOS. I'm sure that they are not going to give a flying fuck about this whole situation

- Clan scripts are incredibly easy to make and there are tons of free ones out there. Plus, if you sell them to someone, you're giving away the source code.

- Bnet.cc has a good song on the homepage


Quote from: Kyro on July 07, 2004, 10:34 AM
To the person who asked what relevance emailing blizzard would have- this is due to the distribution of the source code whose release wasnt authorized, could be easily used to abuse battle.net. It's already being abused bad enough as it is.

I still don't think it's a good idea.

In all Copyright issues, what you as an author have to do is send in a written statement where you testify that you are the author of the disputed works.

For Blizzard to make a case against bnet.cc would be troublesome. It's always hard to prove who's responsible for publishing/writing certain code. And even if they could track down the people behind bnet.cc, the sources will just be published on another site.

Now, the program you've written is something that can be easily used to abuse battle.net. In addition, you have just given Blizzard the evidence they need to connect the sources to someone responsible for their existence. Their next logical step would be to sue you for producing tools to abuse battle.net, breaking their TOS, and anything else they can come up with.

So what you've then just done is paint a target on yourself.

Soul Taker

Quote from: Kyro on July 07, 2004, 10:34 AM
As for Warrior- what you don't realize is: those bots were developed for the use of battle.net, which is owned and operated by Blizzard, as thus is subject to their TOS.
Do you *really* think he doesn't realize the bots were made for use on Bnet?

Banana fanna fo fanna

The TOS, which the bots violate in the first place.