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Alarm clock

Started by Yoni, December 14, 2003, 01:07 AM

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Actually, I was thinking the same thing Arta said a while ago, didn't include it in my post but honestly I think you get used to waking up at a certain time and there for naturally know its time to wake up. More so I think you subconsiously build up a hatred for the alarm clock, you know that it means you may no longer sleep, you despise the sound of it wether its a radio alarm with a nice song or a more annoying and loud sound then a fire alarm. There in some back process in your mind you know you're better off without hearing it and there for know its you should wake up before this happens. It mainly comes after a routine as well so its hard to say and I think one of the only ways you would be able to tell is if you monitored someone who only occationally sets off the alarm, and enable it without them being aware. If they wake up moments before the alarm going off without having the slightest knowledge before hand that it was enabled, then its perhaps some sort of sixth sense or a distinct change in the environment before hand. If they don't wake up then where there could me more possibilities, its likely that it may be a subconsious tendancy.
- Hostile is sexy.


My alarm clock doesn't even work.  i wake up and it's still set to buzz at 5:42, and never does


Quote from: UserLoser. on December 14, 2003, 02:47 PM
My alarm clock doesn't even work.  i wake up and it's still set to buzz at 5:42, and never does

Same with mine, either that or I sleep through it.


But Grok, you know when you set the alarm for :) If you want to make that experiment work, you should have someone else set the alarm for you, and don't look at the time. Just make sure they're not evil bastards who'll set it for 3am :)


Quote from: mejal on December 14, 2003, 12:42 PM
I always wake up in time, just before my alarm clock if I know I have important things to do in the morning.
That's  a very good point.  I'm much more prone to waking up just before my alarm if I know there's something important to do that day.  

Arta - Good idea :)

But explain to me this - I AM dead tired today, I went to bed at 9am, set my alarm for 4:15pm, and woke myself up at 4:00pm, still dead tired.  How can THAT be explained by a sound, or by psychology, eh?  Oh yeah, my dog decided that the pedistrian on the street might be an imminent threat to our welfare and started barking.
This'll make an interesting test for broken AV:


I rarely use my alarm clock.  Actually, the only times I use it are when I must catch the early early early flight out of DFW to some forsaken place.  I typically don't sleep well knowing that I have to get up much earlier than normal.  When the alarm does go off, I am pissed off because I'm still tired and now have to ingest insane amounts of caffiene.  Maybe I would be better off just staying up all night.
That sucking sound you hear is my bandwidth.


Quote from: Thing on December 15, 2003, 08:25 AM
Actually, the only times I use it are when I must catch the early early early flight out of DFW to some forsaken place.
Like Canada? :)

QuoteI am pissed off because I'm still tired and now have to ingest insane amounts of caffiene.
Don't you anyway? :P
This'll make an interesting test for broken AV:


hehe, proof that you guys never read what I say!  :'(
- Hostile is sexy.


Quote from: Hostile on December 15, 2003, 04:05 PM
hehe, proof that you guys never read what I say!  :'(

Yeah, I tend to skip most paragraphs that are square if they don't immediately interest me :P
This'll make an interesting test for broken AV:


this is all too common, because I, too, experience waking up slightly before my alarm goes off.  I think setting the alarm clock before you go to sleep is a way to tell your mind that you're waking up at your set time.  Psych 101 or something like that ^^


I'll answer both your questions iago.

Anyplace that meets one of the following:
North of the Red River
South of the Rio Grande
East of Texarkana
West of Odessa

The notable exceptions are:
Las Vegas - That place is just non-stop fun.
New Orleans - Even though that place smells like a urinal, Mardi Gras is a blast.
Florida - I've only been there a couple of times but I bet the weather kicks ass all year.  Hurricanes don't scare me since I went through a few during the years I lived in Houston.

Uhhhh Yes.
That sucking sound you hear is my bandwidth.


I hate waking up in the moring, I hate alarm clocks. But I use em anyways.


Quote from: SNiFFeR on December 15, 2003, 10:12 PM
I hate waking up in the moring


If you think a child may be suicidal...
* Ask questions about suicide like, "Do you ever...
 * wish you could go to sleep and not wake up?


Quote from: iago on December 14, 2003, 04:23 PM
But explain to me this - I AM dead tired today, I went to bed at 9am, set my alarm for 4:15pm, and woke myself up at 4:00pm, still dead tired.

That happens to me too. I know I can't sleep long, so I don't sleep long. I sometimes actually wake up several times before I need to get up if I'm really intent on just taking a short nap when I go to sleep.


Quote from: Adron on December 16, 2003, 03:04 AM
Quote from: iago on December 14, 2003, 04:23 PM
But explain to me this - I AM dead tired today, I went to bed at 9am, set my alarm for 4:15pm, and woke myself up at 4:00pm, still dead tired.

That happens to me too. I know I can't sleep long, so I don't sleep long. I sometimes actually wake up several times before I need to get up if I'm really intent on just taking a short nap when I go to sleep.

I wasn't, since I was working night shifts.
This'll make an interesting test for broken AV:
