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Started by Thing, November 22, 2003, 05:39 PM

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Quote from: Eibro on December 01, 2003, 10:31 PM
I crushed my pinky finger between the ice and my stick.
It's all black and I think the nail is going to fall off :)

I think that's pretty random.

How the hell did you manage to stick your finger under your stick, and smash it?


It's real easy man.. He fell.

I've done it many times.. hurts like a bitch. :(


I'm finally back at school(was suspended 5 days)


This'll make an interesting test for broken AV:


I was suspended in 7th grade for the last 2 days of school, its all thanks to them forcing you to take some sort of music class up until 7th grade. Since I was never into band I had no choice but to join choir and seeing how at the time I disliked it and the teacher was terrible, at the final choir concert I lit a lighter and waved it back and forth during one of those precious solo songs hehe. Im not sure if it was worth it at the time but it is still one of those funny/stupid things you do when you're younger and still provides a good laugh from time to time. I don't recommend this for people because I mainly got out of it with no major trouble besides suspension thanks to the choir teacher saying inappropriate things about me the next day + it was the end of the school year I think they just didn't want to bother. ;)
- Hostile is sexy.

Banana fanna fo fanna

That's great.

I got suspended for 2 days last year for possetion of illegal Windows registry entries (note to self: post on web and download, don't bring it in on a floppy)


I was skipping class the Thursday before Thanksgiving and was sitting in the lunchroom talking to this girl I know. Theres these 9th grade rednecks throwing food at people and they started to throw food at people at the table I was sitting at. I have a bad temper so I started yelling at them and asked them if they had a problem. No one responded so I asked a couple people who was throwing the food and found out. It was this small 9th grader, so I went up to him at his locker after lunch and more or less threatened him and threw him into his locker. He was like 'whatever', so I left and walked down the hall. As I was walking in the bathroom he gave me the middle finger and said something to me, so I went out in the hall and got up in his face. His friends were telling him to hit me. I told him to as well. So he started swinging at me. He missed three times and jumped on me. I threw him down on the ground and a teacher grabbed me. The principal gave me five days for fighting even though I never hit the kid.

I kinda got screwed but oh well. At least I got almost two weeks off from school because of Thanksgiving break.

Banana fanna fo fanna


Quote from: St0rm.iD on December 03, 2003, 02:44 PM
That's great.

I got suspended for 2 days last year for possetion of illegal Windows registry entries (note to self: post on web and download, don't bring it in on a floppy)

Hahaha.  Next time use ROT-13.  They'll be clueless.

Mind telling me what "illegal Windows registry entries" are?  It should be worth a few laughs.


"Killed by the Lord of Darkness," is an example of kinning.

Banana fanna fo fanna

First day of school, I hax0r my way into cmd.exe and NetBIOS message the whole school. They got mad but didn't do anything. Then someone blamed me for emailing pr0n to the entire grade, but then they realized that the account name didn't match my name.

Well there are these magic registry entries that remove the ability to right-click on your desktop, remove the internet options from internet explorer, get rid of control panel/run/etc, and get rid of stuff on the start menu.

Of course, if I needed to access some restricted program, I can go into VB and Shell my way to it. Anyway, I had this bright yellow disk with my crafted .reg's. I put it in, install them, take it out. Teacher sees me take it out and is like "wtf is that." Stupidly I didn't destroy the disk...

Anyway, the sysadmin comes down and takes a look at it (I dunno if he would've know what it was unless i hadn't included a readme for my friend), and takes me to asst. principal. Sysadmin says some shit like I was trying to change my grades/bypass security/look at porn/"what else is he capable of with this disk..." etc and I was like, "no way I just didn't like my desktop color." The other tech dudes look at it and realize it's nothing special so they just suspend me for 2 days and don't even put it on my record. Suspended from computers for a month...big deal. Still got an A in compsci honors ;)

Few days later, I hear that the sysadmin is a witness for my dad's next case. Hurray.

Anyway, a few days till the end of school, a lot of fun stuff happened. They randomly deleted PuTTY from my account along with my ROMs/games but didn't say anything. Then there is this thing called TalkIT which is a tts program for kids, which I downloaded and sent to a bunch of friends. As we hurled politically-incorrect insults across the room, someone gets caught and goes up and promptly rats me out. Lunch duty.

They got mad because I disabled the desktop spying thing too.

Then, the last day of school, the same kid gets caught with a little windows explorer I made in VB (which has no restrictions). Apparently the sysadmin was scared shitless (why?) from what I heard when he saw it. Anyway, I guess he forgot about that for the summer.

They also found out about my websense killer (http://ns1.vpnsys.org/~pete/freebrowse.php?url=http://www.yahoo.com). Slow, but works.

This year I telnetted to the SMTP server and sent an email from George W Bush to a friend. Good thing I didn't tell him it was me; when he laughed and showed the teacher he got all pissed and called the network people. They never found out who it was (thanks, SSH!)

So yeah...I have a reputation now...but I'm eclipsed by a junior who installed keyloggers on all the teachers' computers and really did change his grades :)


Thanks.  Definitely worth a -1 for you.  Sounds like typical network admins -- barely adequate to install the operating systems and school software.  Completely inadequate to secure them.  They should at least secure command-line utilities which students have no business running, as well as other ways to execute commands.

Give the network admins a clinic in return for immunity.  Sounds like they'd appreciate learning from you and would be willing to ignore much of what you do to the systems (so long as you keep them informed).  Or, maybe they're too proud and stupid.


Quote from: Grok on December 03, 2003, 08:33 PM
Give the network admins a clinic in return for immunity.  Sounds like they'd appreciate learning from you and would be willing to ignore much of what you do to the systems (so long as you keep them informed).  Or, maybe they're too proud and stupid.

That sounds just like the same situation our school has just put themselfs in.. They just updated the network along with the servers, and I guess they forgot to back the student documents up.. So now everyone in all 5 classes has to redo all the work the admin's lost. It's so retarded, and then they tried to blame the students for saving it in the wrong place, it's seriously sad.

Banana fanna fo fanna


If there's one thing I've learned in school, it's:


Teachers don't really want your opinions (everytime I said something positive about George W in debates my teacher would tell me to shut up, and whenever I did something outside the requirements in compsci it prompted a full-scale investigation).


No offense, but your school sounds like a waste of time. Aren't there any others you can go to? :P
