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Am I crazy?

Started by iago, August 08, 2003, 07:09 PM

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My stepdad wakes me up.  It's early, and I protest, but he tells me he'll get me into a free movie, but it's a long drive.  He tells me it's in Pensylvania (I know I can't spell), and that he will drive me (he's a truckdriver).  There's a gap in my memory, and then I'm trying to sleep on an unfamalier couch.  There's another person on a couch.  Of course, I protest to this as well.  I try to get up, but there's a man who won't let me.  He explains to me that we are to be trained or something like that.  I seem to remember the man counting the number of times the guy on the other bed rolls over.  I do recognize the person on the other bed, and I know who it is, but, sadly, I can no longer remember who it is.  I look around the room I'm in, and find stairs up.  There is a helicopter, and a SMG with no ammo laying on the ground.  I tell the man about it, and let him take care of it (I'm too afraid to take the gun for myself).  In the morning, me and two others (I'm not sure who the third is, but the second guy is the other guy on the couch.  We're sent out to a remote area, and told to get out.  I seem to remember that all I have is a computer, and for some reason I only had a connection to battle.net, and the only person I could find was DaEvilestCheese.  At this point, I don't know where in the world I am, and I have no way of finding out.  I remember telling him what happened to me, and having an automap of the area around me, with "monsters" and "enemies" listed.  I had to fight a porcupine-ish monster, and I somehow electrocuted him.

Then the phone rang and woke me up.  That dream was so clear in my mind I had to write it down before I forgot it.  :-D
This'll make an interesting test for broken AV:


When was the last time you had a CAT scan?


"Courage is being scared to death - but saddling up anyway." --John Wayne


I don't think crazy means mentally challenged, so you're in the clear for now.  ;)


Sounds like the plot of a new Final Fantasy game. ;)


I can hardly remember it now, I can't picture anything from it anymore.  Dreams are so weird like that :)
This'll make an interesting test for broken AV:


That's a cool dream. It's been a long time since I had an action dream like that. What games have you been playing lately?


Actually, I recognized elements of Diablo II, Shadowrun (a RPG), and Chrono Trigger in it, as well as generic themes that I've probably gotten from movies.

I wonder what people drempt about 3000 years ago :-)
This'll make an interesting test for broken AV:


I don't know about 3000 years ago, but millions of years ago they probably dreamt the same as we would after watching Jurassic Park ;)


Have any of you ever had a dream where you know that your dreaming, and you can actually control the dream? It happened to me once... although I don't remember what the dream was completely about anymore, I'm pretty sure it was something about flying, and when I realised I could fly a bunch of snakes appeared and I watched as they couldn't harm me... that's all I remember =p



but i dreamed yesterday that i was locked up in prison for a year for assisting armed robbery. somehow I had wound up in Italy and I was hiding out in the sewer systems, when I stumbled upon some kids playing basketball and they turned me in to the police. it was odd, to say the least..
اگر بتوانید این را بهخوابید ، من را "پی ام" کنید


Dreams are so fun  :)
Macintosh programmer and enthusiast.
Battle.net Bot Programming: http://www.bash.org/?240059
I can write programs. Can you right them?



Yes, they are. I just broke someone (who turned out to be a sorceror like me) out of prison this morning :P


Just wanted to say, once again, how grateful I am!!  Being locked in 'Caged Heat' with all those sex-deprived women prisoners was starting to interfere with my real life.


What is slightly more disturbing is that iago was dreaming of me. I'm not sure if I should be flattered or worried :P


I had a messedup dream a couple nights ago that I was in The Matrix, and somehow, Neo, Morpheus, and some other people got blown up, and I was the only survivor, so it was up to me to save Zion (which had somehow turned into the city from Blade Runner). So I went to my grandmother's house (she lives in a Chicago highrise) and rode the elevator a bunch of times in order to hide from the agents. Then, the agents found me in the lobby and I blew them up with a bomb that I apparently had or something like that. But then I got scared because I knew the other agents would recognize me and stuff, and I remember being all scared thinking that I would fail. Then I somehow endedup in some room of the resistance, where the Doc from Back to the Future performed plastic surgery on me and the leader of the agents, making me look like the leader and the leader look like me, and that's all I remember. Yup, dreams are indeed fun. I think it was the kind where I was aware of it aswell. :)