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Am I crazy?

Started by iago, August 08, 2003, 07:09 PM

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Lucid dreams (ones you are aware of) are indeed fun. If you can realise you're dreaming without waking up, you can get up to all kinds of interesting things.

The thing I love about dreams is that they seem to have no defined rules of structure, yet still make sense.

I remember when I was at school.. dreaming I walked into one of the classrooms, which at the same time was a large grassy hillside with a tin-bath halfway up it.

I remember being worried about taking a bath there in case the teacher caught me.


I loved those "lucid" dreams where you realize your dreaming but don't wake up... Always end up in a huge orgy where I'm the only guy (and I mean ALWAYS, haha).

I also have reoccuring dreams... One is I'm in a big room where clouds are the walls and I'm floating and I see my friends in one of the corners then realize it's a (all 5 times I remember having the dream I realized it's a dream) and end up having sex (with girls, weird though I realize it's a dream every time).

My other reoccuring dream (which stopped) is I get it and walk downstairs because there's a light on in the living room, so I go down there and sit down for (what seems like) 2 minutes and then the guy from scream comes (the face dude). The first 3 times I had the dream I sit there and he stabs me in the neck, and I woke up in a cold sweat... The 4th (and last time) I had it, I ran through his legs, got the knves from the kitchen and killed him... I think I had to kill him for the dreams to stop, really weird at any rate.
QuoteAnyone attempting to generate random numbers by deterministic means is, of course, living in a state of sin
John Vo


That kind of dream has happened to me too. Like a nightmare, except you know that you're dreaming, and each time you die, you get a little further next time because you know what to watch out for. I had one of those over an extended period of time, years I think (not sure now, it was long ago), and I kept getting a little further each time. I suppose I'd been playing too many games and saving/loading...


Quote from: j0k3r on August 11, 2003, 01:06 PM
My other reoccuring dream (which stopped) is I get it and walk downstairs because there's a light on in the living room, so I go down there and sit down for (what seems like) 2 minutes and then the guy from scream comes (the face dude). The first 3 times I had the dream I sit there and he stabs me in the neck, and I woke up in a cold sweat... The 4th (and last time) I had it, I ran through his legs, got the knves from the kitchen and killed him... I think I had to kill him for the dreams to stop, really weird at any rate.

You know, that scream guy never really dies. He's probably still in your house right now, hiding in one of your rooms, watching your every move with his knife at the ready.

The simple act of reading this post should ensure you have that dream again. Have fun!
اگر بتوانید این را بهخوابید ، من را "پی ام" کنید


I once had this dream where I was on top of this Gym roof and I fell off doing 360 spin sideways and landed on the ground safely by putting my hands forwards to catch the ground. Weird eh.


I had a dream last night where terrorists took my entire workplace hostage, and I tipped over a shelf and it landed on one of them and I grabbed his SMG and shot him then I fired wildly at the others and ran to the back room where I barricaded myself and everyone else in by pushing the lockers and toaster up against the door but this wasnt enough and a terrorist with an AK47 wedged the gun in between the locker and the door frame but I grabbed an axe and bent the barrel of the gun then sprayed the row of lockers with my SMG and he started swearing at me and he fired back and it hit someone in the arm so I took off my belt and wrapped it around their arm but the bullet made the metallic... like a terminator so I couldn't do anything but spray the terrorists with my SMG (which suprisingly never ran out of bullets)

Ok, i'm done.
Eibro of Yeti Lovers.


Speaking of recurring dreams, I keep having one where I'm in the basement of my house, and there's a tunnel in the wall.  Although it leads to different places every time (ranging from my school, while the school was being occupied by some people, and the tunnel went into the drafting room in what we call the "catacombs" of the school where my drafting teacher helped me) to ruins where it gets darker and narrower and colder until I just get too scared to go on.  The weird part is that the tunnel is always in the same place, and I always get the same frightened feeling when I have to go in it, like a cold chill as if I know I shouldn't go in it.

Also a question to pose: Have you ever dreamt that you could fly?  I've had multiple dreams where I could fly.  Sometimes, I can just jump really high and glide, and other times I can actually maintain level flight for extended periods.  I've done it in different ways for different reasons, whether I have to get across the forests on the way to my cottage to escape from the law for a crime I, of course, didn't commit, to just trying it out to see a nice overhead view of my neighbourhood.  In either case, I would imagine it closely corrosponds to movies I've recently seen :)

When asking people at work, I found that most men have had dreams where they fly, and most woment don't.. any idea why that might be?
This'll make an interesting test for broken AV:


Quote from: iago on August 15, 2003, 02:27 AM
for a crime I, of course, didn't commit

Yea sure... we belive you...  ;)


I havent had a dream that I remember when I wake up in a while...every once in a while I will remember the dream when I awaken. But recurring dreams are indeed...for me...not fun, but frightening...since I dont like having the dream more than once...as I interpet it as some sort of message...When I was little I would always have a dream of me falling just falling for a long period of time in this totally black area. Then the most recent recurring dream Ive had is one that I really can't remember the details of but I recognize it when I do indeed have it. And oddly when I do have a dream It feels like it's in real time..where I know its happening (usually right before I wake up) but yet cant control it.  :(


I had a good one last night.
I was in the US army over in Iraq, and me and another soldier were following a crowd of civilians. Behind us was a jeep with Saddam in the back and two bodyguards in the front. There was a friendly feeling between all of us, and some sort of immunity surrounding Saddam.

We ended up sitting down, the crowd standing/sitting around us talking. I could barely see Saddam through the front windshield of the jeep, but he was similing. My partner pulled out her pistol and asked me "Is this legal?" I said "I don't know". The crowd started screaming "no weapons!" and she took aim at Saddams head and fired. I could see down the barrel of the gun as she took the shot... it missed, but both body guards got out of the Jeep and started firing wildly at us. She starting firing back faster than ever, and the bullets seemed to cause the bodies to explode as they hit them. I think I was firing too, but I can't remember. When it was over, the two bodyguards were dead, huge holes in their body, and a black fluid seeping out all over the ground. Neither of us were hit, but I think some people in the crowd were; again, I can't remember.

Cheerfully, Saddam got out of the jeep simling and said "I guess I should have jumped infront of one of those iron slugs". After the three of us had a good laugh, I think we turned him in. I can't really remember much after the laughing, though :(
Eibro of Yeti Lovers.


Another thing I noticed: when you dream, it's possible to dream of something that you don't necessarely know.  For example, in the first dream I mentioned, I don't really know what EvilCheese looks like, and I'm pretty sure I had no visual representation of him in any way in the dream, but I knew he was there.
This'll make an interesting test for broken AV:


Umm, speaking of dreams, weird dreams that is. Now listen to this.

Ok, there was this one time where I dreamt that I was jumping over mountains(stupid eh?) and I would sometimes not make it, so I would fall and everything that would happen in real life happened in my dream, now don't get me wrong but everytime I landed, my feet would hurt, I mean literally hurt. There was also this one movie I saw of people trapped in this house like a gang war and killed everyone. Except...I got killed  with a blow from a knife to the head but I could feel it.

I mean it feels like I'm only one with the most fun dreams but I keep feeling the blows, the landings or dying(not everytime).



I know it's messed up right? :P


I've felt things in dreams, but never really so it hurt (except when I lay on an arm or something, and it really did hurt when I woke up). Like, if I get shot, I can feel bullets passing through me, kind of like a rip, or something pulling, but not pain.
