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Started by R.a.B.B.i.T, July 17, 2003, 06:38 PM

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im startin 2 get annoyed with my bot.
i made it in vb6 and it works in everyway.
im using VB6 btw
i load all the config info from the config file in Public Sub Form_Load(), and when the 'Connect' button on the menu is pushed, it does the CleanSlateBot1.Connect, and nothing happens. i followed the .txt and .htm documentations on connecting to BNLS using CleanSlateBot.OCX, and i cant figure out why my bot wont *@&#ing connect
any help is greaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaatly appreciated in every way shape and/or form.

plz help...im desperate!

ps: it debug into, debug over, runs, runs with full compile, and makes with >>NO<< errors whatsoever


1.)  :P
2.) You using a Valid BNLS ID / Pass?
3.) Do u have the Correct Accept Value?  (579728)
4.) Does any Error's happen?


did you try this when bnet was down for maintence?


1)  :P
2) yes, either skywing or yoni gave it 2 my co-botmaker
3) maybe... ill check
4) no

i been tryin since it came online
its odd....


3) yes its correct
the problem is that once i hit connect, nothing happens, and i cant figure it out...its not like the bot freezes though...


Place a debug.print or msgbox under the CSB events.


Your account might not be active on bnls yet or you might of placed cleanslatebot1.connect under the wrong button/command. Did you add the addtext function to the procedures like  

addtext vbwhite, "connecting to battle.net."



Private Sub BnetConnected()
   AddChat vbGreen, "Connected to Battle.Net!" & vbNewLine
End Sub

Private Sub BnetConnecting()
   AddChat vbYellow, "Connecting to Battle.Net..." & vbNewLine
   rtbChat.Text = "Connecting, the damned bot don't even work!" 'i added this in to see if it would display, but ALAS!
End Sub

Private Sub BnetDisconnected()
   AddChat vbRed, "Disconnected from Battle.Net!" & vbNewLine
End Sub

Private Sub BnetError(ErrorNumber As Integer, Description As String)
   AddChat vbRed, "Battle.Net Error " & ErrorNumber & ":" & vbNewLine, _
           vbBlue, Description & vbNewLine
End Sub

and so on and so forth.....
Debug.Print isnt doing anything...is ther any special way i should set it up?
i dont think it has anything to do with BNLS itself though....i mean...my bot doesnt do the AddChat commands associated with BNLS...im really confused


Try adding them into BNLSConnect, Connecting, any error handling events, disconnects. What this will do is narrow it down to one problem and then you can find the solution.


Quote from: R.a.B.B.i.T on July 17, 2003, 11:10 PM

Private Sub BnetConnected()
   AddChat vbGreen, "Connected to Battle.Net!" & vbNewLine
End Sub

Private Sub BnetConnecting()
   AddChat vbYellow, "Connecting to Battle.Net..." & vbNewLine
   rtbChat.Text = "Connecting, the damned bot don't even work!" 'i added this in to see if it would display, but ALAS!
End Sub

Private Sub BnetDisconnected()
   AddChat vbRed, "Disconnected from Battle.Net!" & vbNewLine
End Sub

Private Sub BnetError(ErrorNumber As Integer, Description As String)
   AddChat vbRed, "Battle.Net Error " & ErrorNumber & ":" & vbNewLine, _
           vbBlue, Description & vbNewLine
End Sub

and so on and so forth.....
Debug.Print isnt doing anything...is ther any special way i should set it up?
i dont think it has anything to do with BNLS itself though....i mean...my bot doesnt do the AddChat commands associated with BNLS...im really confused

Why are those plain private subs? Shouldn't they be events of CSB?


You should put the addchat in the cleanslate bot events




Private Sub CleanSlateBot1_BnetConnected()
Addtext vbGreen, "Connected to Battle.net"
End Sub

if you dont know how to go under events on an object , go away


+1 for the directness of that comment.
^-----silly Brit


ahhh a stupid oversight of me...i didnt read some of the posts...or maybe it was the lack of sleep...
:O ill try the CleanSlateBot1_event thing now...

oooo thers an error:
Procedure declaration does not match description of event or procedure having the same name

it highlights:
Private Sub CleanSlateBot1_FlagsUpdate(Username, Flags, Message, Ping, SimulatedEvent)
imma try workin on it but plz feel free to lend me some advice