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Started by R.a.B.B.i.T, July 17, 2003, 06:38 PM

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bah...it says that error message for a lot of the stuff i changed to CleanSlateBot1_
:\  im really confused now..


Quote from: R.a.B.B.i.T on July 18, 2003, 04:22 PM
ahhh a stupid oversight of me...i didnt read some of the posts...or maybe it was the lack of sleep...
:O ill try the CleanSlateBot1_event thing now...

oooo thers an error:
Procedure declaration does not match description of event or procedure having the same name

it highlights:
Private Sub CleanSlateBot1_FlagsUpdate(Username, Flags, Message, Ping, SimulatedEvent)
imma try workin on it but plz feel free to lend me some advice
First Double click on cleanslatebot  object
then under events go to flagsupdate
put this under flags update.
try this

AddChat vbYellow, Username & " " & Flags & " " & message & " " & ping & vbNewLine


one of my co-programmers got the login from skywing or yoni, im not sure which, he didnt tell me..


lol his post got deleted....thats posted all over the forum..in fact i was just looking for the direct link to the 1st topic or so about it.


ok..just to make sure its right and i dont screw up, when i double click the object it should say:
Private Sub CleanSlateBot1_BNLSAuthEvent(Success As Boolean)

End Sub



Quotelol his post got deleted....thats posted all over the forum..in fact i was just looking for the direct link to the 1st topic or so about it.
might i ask what ur talkin about?


Private Sub CleanSlateBot1_BNLSConnected()
   AddChat vbGreen, "Connected to BNLS." & vbNewLine
End Sub

i get a mismatch now :O


Quote from: R.a.B.B.i.T on July 18, 2003, 06:09 PM
Quotemight i ask what ur talkin about?
The guy that posted 'How Do You Obtain A BNLS ID' ...


Quote from: R.a.B.B.i.T on July 18, 2003, 06:09 PM
Quotelol his post got deleted....thats posted all over the forum..in fact i was just looking for the direct link to the 1st topic or so about it.
might i ask what ur talkin about?


Private Sub CleanSlateBot1_BNLSConnected()
   AddChat vbGreen, "Connected to BNLS." & vbNewLine
End Sub

i get a mismatch now :O
maybe its your addchat function thats getting a mismatch?


its always worked before.....
heres the code for my addchat

Public Function AddChat(ByVal txtOne As String, ByVal clrOne As Long, Optional ByVal txtTwo As String, Optional ByVal clrTwo As Long, Optional ww As Integer)
   Dim rtbchat1 As RichTextBox
    On Error Resume Next
   'Lock Screen If frmSetup.checklock = vbUnchecked Then
   If ww = 1 Then
       Set rtbchat1 = Form1.rtbChat
       Set rtbchat1 = Form1.rtbChat
   End If
   With rtbchat1
       .SelStart = Len(.Text)
       .SelLength = 0
       .SelColor = vbWhite
       .SelText = "[" & Format$(Time, "Hh:Nn:Ss") & "] "
       .SelColor = clrOne
       .SelText = txtOne
   End With

   If Len(txtTwo) > 0 Then
      With rtbchat1
          .SelStart = Len(.Text)
          .SelLength = 0
          .SelColor = clrTwo
          .SelText = txtTwo
      End With
   End If
End Function


It is your addchat fuction that is causeing the type mismatch.
Use Groks addtext function.


with groks it gives me a subor function not defined, but only for CleanSlateBot1_BnetConnected()
but thx for the link, i dont get mismatch now :)
oO...how do i have -5?


I have a problem with where i open the program then close it then the properties i gave to the program are erased :-S any idea what the hell is wrong? is the proper accept -65  , cause thats what the dcoument says...


Set the properties when you load the form containing the control.  Save the properties to a text file or the registry.  Next time the program loads, use those values to set the control properties.


how do you do that??? :-S lol sorry if this is a stupid question but im not sure how to save properties a to a txt then load them


Maybe you should learn the language you're programming in, then
