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SCGP Client (VB6 Open Source)

Started by Ringo, November 03, 2008, 08:20 AM

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Ask blizzard, dude.

If you convert it to wrong codepage, you'll get ???? instead of letters. You possibly have westeuropean or similar codepage and don't see any difference, am i right?


I set my system to German a while back to test some things, and my UTF 8 system in my bot worked just fine.


Lol man. What codepage use german locale?

Set it to east european / russian, then tell me.


bug found

can't enter 'localhost' as address.

And a question:
  UDP     *:*
Why is it bound to external ip, and not to INADDR_ANY (


localhost isn't an address, it's a redirect.
UDP isn't bound to an IP, it's bound to a port.


Quote from: Andy on January 14, 2009, 09:52 PM
localhost isn't an address, it's a redirect.
It's a DNS, like any other. You can have a name without a dot in you LAN.

Quote from: Andy on January 14, 2009, 09:52 PM
UDP isn't bound to an IP, it's bound to a port.
I think you are completely wrong. It's bound to port and interface.



write a program that corvertes a text file from ansi cp1252 to unicode and vice versa, and i'll test it. OK?



Ringo, can u answer my question in scgp protocol topic?



This is SCGP discussion, why did you kill this topic!!

anyways, warden's pain in the ass, I'm having same problems as paladin now, So i decided to take and use your packet handler, hm, same problem, I don't get as far as printing the functions from zlib nor actually saving the .bin oh well im still trying! =) 



omg, just why the hell did i installed your bot. Works only with battle.net, places a huge amount of shit into system32. And than disappeared when i closed it but it was still in process list, keepeng executable and dlls locked, preventing uninstall.

Can you just make a program that works with text files, as i wrote above?


Wow, you fail hardcore. I know a few hundred D1 noobs that have no problem with it.


I'm not paid as betatester. And i can't check it on bnet since all my friends are on pvpgn servers. So if you want me to check if your code works, make it as i said and i'll prove it...


Quote from: MyStiCaL on January 15, 2009, 06:22 PM
This is SCGP discussion, why did you kill this topic!!
Yeah :/ I think xpeh thinks this topic is a bot support  topic or somthing.

Quote from: MyStiCaL on January 15, 2009, 06:22 PM
anyways, warden's pain in the ass, I'm having same problems as paladin now, So i decided to take and use your packet handler, hm, same problem, I don't get as far as printing the functions from zlib nor actually saving the .bin oh well im still trying! =) 
Urg, I forget what problem paladin was having now, to much spam/ot posts to go through to find it :p

In the WardenOnData() sub, just below lngID = asc(mid(s,5,1)), can you put a:
Debug.Print "WARDEN 0x" & Right("0" & Hex(lngID), 2) & ", Len=" & lngLengh
Then post the prints?
Also post you're DataArrival event for BNCS packets (or the code that buffers/pass's data to ur parser) ?
