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SCGP Client (VB6 Open Source)

Started by Ringo, November 03, 2008, 08:20 AM

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Quote from: Ringo on January 16, 2009, 07:21 AM
Quote from: MyStiCaL on January 15, 2009, 06:22 PM
This is SCGP discussion, why did you kill this topic!!
Yeah :/ I think xpeh thinks this topic is a bot support  topic or somthing.

Isn't it? At least it's called  SCGP Client


New memory blobs for 1.16.1:

            If (A = &H41E22E) And (L = 16) Then R = HexToStr("CC CC A0 50 EF 6C 00 84 C0 74 38 A0 51 EF 6C 00")
            If (A = &H4A3247) And (L = 8) Then R = HexToStr("5B C3 CC CC CC CC CC CC")
            If (A = &H4BD4FF) And (L = 8) Then R = HexToStr("CC 57 8B F9 0F BF 47 10")
            If (A = &H4512D8) And (L = 5) Then R = HexToStr("8B DE A1 88 68")
            If (A = &H450230) And (L = 6) Then R = HexToStr("93 00 00 00 8B 03")
            If (A = &H46F8C8) And (L = 9) Then R = HexToStr("E8 63 F6 01 00 5E 5B 5F 8B")
            If (A = &H41E227) And (L = 4) Then R = HexToStr("CC CC CC CC")
            If (A = &H46F8CA) And (L = 9) Then R = HexToStr("F6 01 00 5E 5B 5F 8B E5 5D")
            If (A = &H41E24B) And (L = 10) Then R = HexToStr("00 0C 01 56 0F BF 35 56 EF 6C")
            If (A = &H41E23F) And (L = 9) Then R = HexToStr("BF 0D 54 EF 6C 00 0F BF 15")

Warden's still checking the same address's, altho the memory in those address is now differnt.
Silly blizzard forgot to disable warden when they patched, or just forgot to change the offsets.
Sending the old memory blobs probly won't get you banned, but who knows, maybe they didn't update the address, just to catch the bots. (unlikely)

The source code for SCGP bot has been updated.


is that all that needs to be changed?


yeah, those are the memory blobs starcraft 1.16.1 is now spitting out.
Better to be safe than sry, and change them.


I know I said I wouldn't, but Warden.DLL v1.0.2. I'm not going to help anyone with implementing this version. I think that was the main mistake last time.


Quote from: Andy on January 21, 2009, 01:31 PM
I know I said I wouldn't, but Warden.DLL v1.0.2. I'm not going to help anyone with implementing this version. I think that was the main mistake last time.

ohhh nooo =(

bad andy!


Don't worry, it's got a dependency and some strange implementation requirements. In fact, I don't even think it'll work unless you call it from an object module.


<3 Zorm
Quote[01:08:05 AM] <@Zorm> haha, me get pussy? don't kid yourself quik
Scio te esse, sed quid sumne? :P


From ripple chat bot, to warden.dll *sigh*
w/e next!



Andy, you fucking bot suck awesome! Even after deinstallation it makes problems - Stealth does not work properly. I really regret that moment as i decided to install this VB-gay-shit.


Quote from: Ringo on January 21, 2009, 02:58 PM
w/e next!
Anti andy bot and vb hater troll, I didn't see that one coming.
This forum has gone to shit ::) even the few remaining modorators have given up trying, which is understandable.


Ringo, i am not VB hater, i am only VB-gay hater. What should i think after another-crapy-bot hurt my system? So i needed to reinstall Stealth that previously worked. Such things that you write, i think that you never used bots except yours and a couple of stable other's.

And someone offtoped my topic, so we are quits :)


@Brew: Not unless the object module that instances it is made into an array.
@PunK: What?
@xeph: Whatever.

I updated it a bit (1.0.21), adding the option to set an EXEPath to Starcraft.exe to get the data for 0x02 manually. Blizzard probably won't repeat what they did today, but if they do, this DLL won't be affected by it if you use that feature.

@Ringo: It's just your code in a wrapper. I didn't spend much time at all on it. BTW, here's the addition to Get0x02Data:

   If LenB(m_EXEPath) > 0 Then
     nFile = FreeFile
     Open m_EXEPath For Binary Access Read As #nFile
     R = String$(L, 0)
     Get #nFile, A - &H3FFFFF, R
     Close #nFile
     Select Case A
       Case &H41E22E: R = HexToStr("CC CC A0 50 EF 6C 00 84 C0 74 38 A0 51 EF 6C 00")
       Case &H4A3247: R = HexToStr("5B C3 CC CC CC CC CC CC")
       Case &H4BD4FF: R = HexToStr("CC 57 8B F9 0F BF 47 10")
       Case &H4512D8: R = HexToStr("8B DE A1 88 68")
       Case &H450230: R = HexToStr("93 00 00 00 8B 03")
       Case &H46F8C8: R = HexToStr("E8 63 F6 01 00 5E 5B 5F 8B")
       Case &H41E227: R = HexToStr("CC CC CC CC")
       Case &H46F8CA: R = HexToStr("F6 01 00 5E 5B 5F 8B E5 5D")
       Case &H41E24B: R = HexToStr("00 0C 01 56 0F BF 35 56 EF 6C")
       Case &H41E23F: R = HexToStr("BF 0D 54 EF 6C 00 0F BF 15")
       Case Else:     R = vbNullString
     End Select
   End If


Quote from: Andy on January 21, 2009, 08:03 PM
@Brew: Not unless the object module that instances it is made into an array.
Might want to fix that. Really.
<3 Zorm
Quote[01:08:05 AM] <@Zorm> haha, me get pussy? don't kid yourself quik
Scio te esse, sed quid sumne? :P
