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Fun times with the reps

Started by Barabajagal, January 23, 2008, 05:55 PM

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Yesterday I asked a rep to disconnect me so I could packet log it. He turned me down. I asked again today.

Quote[03:46:38 PM] <MartyT.Support@Blizzard> RealityRipple@USWest: How may I help you today?
[03:46:40 PM] <RealityRipple> can you disconnect me from bnet?
[03:46:47 PM] <MartyT.Support@Blizzard> RealityRipple@USWest: yes
[03:46:50 PM] <RealityRipple> will you?
[03:46:53 PM] <MartyT.Support@Blizzard> RealityRipple@USWest: did you want me too?
[03:46:55 PM] <MartyT.Support@Blizzard> RealityRipple@USWest: why
[03:46:56 PM] <MartyT.Support@Blizzard> RealityRipple@USWest: ?
[03:46:58 PM] <RealityRipple> yes, i do
[03:47:10 PM] <MartyT.Support@Blizzard> RealityRipple@USWest: why first?
[03:47:15 PM] <RealityRipple> someone told me there's a packet that disconnects people and that it can be exploited
[03:47:21 PM] <RealityRipple> i want to prove them wrong
[03:47:28 PM] <MartyT.Support@Blizzard> RealityRipple@USWest: thought so, sorry, can't help you with that
[03:47:31 PM] <RealityRipple> aww
[03:47:38 PM] <RealityRipple> come on
[03:47:42 PM] <MartyT.Support@Blizzard> RealityRipple@USWest: you'll have to get disconnected through normal means
[03:47:59 PM] <RealityRipple> what, by bothering the crap out of you?
[03:48:02 PM] <RealityRipple> that's no fun
[03:48:06 PM] <MartyT.Support@Blizzard> RealityRipple@USWest: but tell ya what, I'll stick you in the void!  how's that?
[03:48:10 PM] <RealityRipple> ah
[03:48:11 PM] <RealityRipple> fine
[03:48:13 PM] <RealityRipple> -.-
[03:48:19 PM] RealityRipple was kicked out of the channel by a Battle.net representative.
[03:48:19 PM] a Battle.net representative kicked you out of the channel!
Joined Silent Public channel: The Void

I'm gonna keep asking until they do it.


To save you the time, and the risk of getting your account banned, there is no special "disconnect packet," it's just a regular connection close

People like you make customer service wait times longer for those that need *real* assistance


lol have fun wasting your time.. hell i can even give you the code straight from the bnet server:

Quote from: replaced on November 04, 2006, 11:54 AM
I dunno wat it means, someone tell me whats ix86 and pmac?
Can someone send me a working bot source (with bnls support) to my email?  Then help me copy and paste it to my bot? ;D
Já jsem byl určenej abych tady žil,
Dával si ovar, křen a k tomu pivo pil.
Tam by ses povídaj jak prase v žitě měl,
Já nechci před nikym sednout si na prdel.

Já nejsem z USA, já nejsem z USA, já vážně nejsem z USA... a snad se proto na mě nezloběj.


I know there isn't. But it's fun bothering them. And as for people who need assistance, there were two people after me and it took up two whole minutes... oh noes! I'm such a terrible person.

And I do love them thar time wasties!


Oh wow, you were able to get MartyT?
I find it interesting that they turned down your request for a disconnect.
When I asked them, I was disconnected no problem. me: "Hey rep can you say /disconnect brew" rep: "sure!" bot: "disconnected" No problem!
It depends on who the rep is :P
JamesK is a snot. Other then him, the rest are so-so.
<3 Zorm
Quote[01:08:05 AM] <@Zorm> haha, me get pussy? don't kid yourself quik
Scio te esse, sed quid sumne? :P


I'll be asking ChuckS today! Let's see what he says...

Curses, foiled again!
Quote[03:15:25 PM] <ChuckS.Support@Blizzard> RealityRipple@USWest: Hello how may I assist you today?
[03:15:42 PM] <RealityRipple> Will you disconnect me from Battle.net?
[03:16:14 PM] <ChuckS.Support@Blizzard> RealityRipple@USWest: Why are you requesting this?
[03:16:33 PM] <RealityRipple> I've asked reps yesterday and the day before
[03:16:43 PM] <RealityRipple> and they both turned me down
[03:16:58 PM] <ChuckS.Support@Blizzard> RealityRipple@USWest: Do you have an technical issue I can assist with?
[03:17:06 PM] <RealityRipple> nope
[03:17:12 PM] <RealityRipple> i just want to be disconnected
[03:17:15 PM] <ChuckS.Support@Blizzard> RealityRipple@USWest: Thank you and have a good day.
[03:17:18 PM] <RealityRipple> aww
[03:17:21 PM] RealityRipple was kicked out of the channel by a Battle.net representative (no issue).
[03:17:21 PM] a Battle.net representative kicked you out of the channel!
Joined Silent Public channel: The Void


Just sit in open tech support around the time the reps start doing tech support, on an account hinting at rep spying, you will get a account ban/ip ban almost guaranteed.
Why go to them, when the homophobes will come to you :p


I go to them because it's entertaining. Especially when they say things like "but tell ya what, I'll stick you in the void!  how's that?"


I can think of a few things that are far more entertaining


Ya, well, too much fun makes boring times even more boring.

Anyone ever seen NoSpam.Sysop@Blizzard before? That's not a name I'm familiar with, but in the blizz tech support channel he spoke while being hidden....

And today's:
Quote[04:22:03 PM] <PeterN.Support@Blizzard> RealityRipple@USWest: Good afternoon.
[04:22:05 PM] <PeterN.Support@Blizzard> RealityRipple@USWest: May I please have your email for tracking purposes?
[04:22:14 PM] <RealityRipple> [email protected]
[04:22:19 PM] <PeterN.Support@Blizzard> RealityRipple@USWest: Thank you, and what issue can I assist you with today?
[04:22:31 PM] <RealityRipple> can you disconnect me from battle.net?
[04:22:56 PM] <PeterN.Support@Blizzard> RealityRipple@USWest: Do you have a technical issue I can assist you with today?
[04:23:05 PM] <RealityRipple> i've asked the last three days in a row and none of you will do it
[04:23:08 PM] <RealityRipple> come on
[04:23:20 PM] <PeterN.Support@Blizzard> RealityRipple@USWest: I can kick you if you want.
[04:23:26 PM] <RealityRipple> that's boring
[04:23:31 PM] <RealityRipple> i want a disconnect!
[04:23:34 PM] RealityRipple was kicked out of the channel by a Battle.net representative (Fair enough).
[04:23:34 PM] a Battle.net representative kicked you out of the channel!
Joined Silent Public channel: The Void


Quote from: Andy on January 25, 2008, 06:10 PM

Anyone ever seen NoSpam.Sysop@Blizzard before? That's not a name I'm familiar with, but in the blizz tech support channel he spoke while being hidden....
Yes. Contrary to popular belief, the blizzard representatives do not have individual nospam accounts. They are actual people. NoSpam#2 is the most active, however I have seen NoSpam before. They do not register as being online. They cannot be /whois'd (although they can receive whispers). I think MartyT does have an administrator account, though.
<3 Zorm
Quote[01:08:05 AM] <@Zorm> haha, me get pussy? don't kid yourself quik
Scio te esse, sed quid sumne? :P


Quote from: brew on January 25, 2008, 07:11 PM
Quote from: Andy on January 25, 2008, 06:10 PM

Anyone ever seen NoSpam.Sysop@Blizzard before? That's not a name I'm familiar with, but in the blizz tech support channel he spoke while being hidden....
They do not register as being online. They cannot be /whois'd (although they can receive whispers).

Things might have changed, but I have cought nospam online a few times, via /where
I think they just logon/off really quickly, but I havent seen it in a few months, so idk.

Btw ripple, this is how you do it:
[18:22:43] <MartyT.Support@Blizzard> BinaryBrain@USWest: Hello BinaryBrain, How may I help you today?
[18:22:50] <BinaryBrain> hello
[18:23:00] <BinaryBrain> i have bug with my
[18:23:17] <BinaryBrain> can you help my?
[18:23:24] <MartyT.Support@Blizzard> BinaryBrain@USWest: with what?
[18:23:33] <BinaryBrain> i think im a homosexual
[18:23:38] <BinaryBrain> how can i remove this from my?
[18:24:00] <BinaryBrain> /
[18:24:00] Error: -2146818235. Connection is aborted due to timeout or other failure
Aside, I didnt go out to ask that question, I just joined and it was pretty much instantly my turn, so thoguht id fire a random question at him.
told you they were homophobes =)

edit: spelling


Wow... that's really fucking lame. They'll disconnect you over a sexual preference, bun they won't for asking nicely?

And today's:
Quote[04:26:54 PM] <KenD.Support@Blizzard> RealityRipple@USWest: How may I help you?
[04:26:58 PM] <KenD.Support@Blizzard> Koe-frank789@USWest: Have a good one
[04:27:05 PM] <RealityRipple> I want you to disconnect me from battle.net
[04:27:24 PM] <KenD.Support@Blizzard> RealityRipple@USWest: Nah,  how about out of the channel? =)
[04:27:29 PM] <RealityRipple> argh
[04:27:44 PM] <RealityRipple> you guys never disconnect me!
[04:27:47 PM] <RealityRipple> it's not fair
[04:27:49 PM] <RealityRipple> :(
[04:28:00 PM] <KenD.Support@Blizzard> RealityRipple@USWest: Lol,  thats generally a good thing
[04:28:11 PM] <RealityRipple> ya
[04:28:20 PM] <RealityRipple> but i want to be disconnected
[04:28:24 PM] <RealityRipple> and i've asked nicely
[04:28:27 PM] <RealityRipple> all last week
[04:28:32 PM] <KenD.Support@Blizzard> RealityRipple@USWest: Nah,  not today
[04:28:36 PM] <RealityRipple> damn
[04:28:41 PM] <RealityRipple> i'll try again tomorrow!
[04:29:13 PM] <KenD.Support@Blizzard> RealityRipple@USWest: Lol,  alright,  sounds good
[04:29:27 PM] <RealityRipple> oh, and tell sixen hi!
[04:29:40 PM] <KenD.Support@Blizzard> RealityRipple@USWest: <RealityRipple@USWest> oh, and tell sixen hi!
[04:29:45 PM] <RealityRipple> thanks
[04:29:47 PM] <RealityRipple> see ya!
Joined Public Product-Specific channel: diablo usa-1

At least Ken's nice about it.


Quote[02:13:55 PM] <MartyT.Support@Blizzard> Wonzy, stop yelling and wait until I call you....
[02:14:17 PM] <MartyT.Support@Blizzard> no, I'm not going to call your house, wait until I call your account name
I love being around when there's idiots in the channel.

After that, someone loaded a lot of SC bots which sat around for about 8 minutes... Guess 5E's been reversed finally?

Quote[02:31:52 PM] <MartyT.Support@Blizzard> RealityRipple@USWest: Hello RealityRipple, How may I help you today?
[02:32:04 PM] <RealityRipple> Hia
[02:32:10 PM] <RealityRipple> i think you know why i'm here!
[02:33:00 PM] <MartyT.Support@Blizzard> RealityRipple@USWest: How may I help you today?
[02:33:12 PM] <RealityRipple> Please disconnect me from battle.net?
[02:33:20 PM] <MartyT.Support@Blizzard> RealityRipple@USWest: why?
[02:33:27 PM] <RealityRipple> cause i asked nicely?
[02:33:36 PM] <MartyT.Support@Blizzard> RealityRipple@USWest: not a good enough reason
[02:33:41 PM] <RealityRipple> cause i've asked niceley
[02:33:44 PM] <RealityRipple> for the last week?
[02:33:58 PM] <MartyT.Support@Blizzard> RealityRipple@USWest: you want to examine the packets you get when I do, that's not a good thing.....
[02:34:06 PM] <RealityRipple> bah
[02:34:16 PM] <MartyT.Support@Blizzard> RealityRipple@USWest: but....  I can send you to the Void again??
[02:34:17 PM] <RealityRipple> are you saying
[02:34:27 PM] <RealityRipple> you don't have faith in bnet's security?
[02:34:54 PM] <MartyT.Support@Blizzard> RealityRipple@USWest: I have faith in it but I still wouldn't put my hand in a sleeping lion's mouth...
[02:35:07 PM] <MartyT.Support@Blizzard> RealityRipple@USWest: why tempt fate?
[02:35:21 PM] <RealityRipple> Because the lion's actually dead?
[02:35:44 PM] <MartyT.Support@Blizzard> RealityRipple@USWest: depends on your perspective
[02:36:41 PM] <RealityRipple> bah
[02:36:48 PM] <RealityRipple> can i just stay here, then?
[02:37:31 PM] <MartyT.Support@Blizzard> RealityRipple@USWest: no, you can rejoin, but I'll remove you if you stay at the top
[02:37:41 PM] <RealityRipple> i'm not at the top
[02:37:43 PM] <RealityRipple> kayla is
[02:37:52 PM] <MartyT.Support@Blizzard> RealityRipple@USWest: they don't count
[02:37:57 PM] <RealityRipple> psh
They're not even kicking me out anymore.


Trolls were a problem on Firefox live chat for a bit, which made wait queues longer than they need to be.  Thankfully it's not so bad now days

Unfortunately, for as long as I've been on Battle.net, Blizzard Tech Support was always trolled.  The good thing is customer service doesn't entertain it as much as they used to.  I find the wait times are better if you call in anyway.  People tend to troll call centers less

Not sure why this is posted here, I haven't seen anything fun™ yet