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Fun times with the reps

Started by Barabajagal, January 23, 2008, 05:55 PM

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Meh, I'm having fun.

In the beginning, there was 0.
Then Root said: "Let there be 1."
Root saw binary, and He saw that it was good.
Then Root created /. And He gave unto / all the directories, so that they may store 0 and 1.
And Root mounted peripherals. And He saw that they were good.
Then Root created GUI of the binary, and gave unto GUI all that he had created. And GUI was formless.
Root then gave GUI a host of settings, so that it may be formed howsoever the User wishes. And Root saw that it was User Friendly.

There, is it "Funny" now?


Quote from: Spht on January 29, 2008, 08:34 PM
I find the wait times are better if you call in anyway.  People tend to troll call centers less

I've found that to be true also.  I haven't needed tech support more than maybe 4 times in my time on battle.net but when I did I always just called instead of dealing with Blizzard Tech Support.
Say it with me:


Quote[10:17:35 AM] <MartyT.Support@Blizzard> RealityRipple@USWest: Hello RealityRipple, How may I help you today?
[10:17:38 AM] <RealityRipple> Hia
[10:17:45 AM] <RealityRipple> before I ask my usual question
[10:17:55 AM] <MartyT.Support@Blizzard> RealityRipple@USWest: you again?
[10:18:02 AM] <RealityRipple> yes me
[10:18:03 AM] <RealityRipple> :P
[10:18:11 AM] <MartyT.Support@Blizzard> RealityRipple@USWest: I'm not going to disconnect you....
[10:18:15 AM] <RealityRipple> do you know if bnet games will work on XP SP3?
[10:18:26 AM] <MartyT.Support@Blizzard> RealityRipple@USWest: why wouldn't they?
[10:18:29 AM] <RealityRipple> dunno
[10:18:37 AM] <RealityRipple> lots of things screwed up in sp2
[10:18:40 AM] <RealityRipple> you never know
[10:18:46 AM] <MartyT.Support@Blizzard> RealityRipple@USWest: didn't even know there was a SP3
[10:18:54 AM] <RealityRipple> it's not publicly out, yet
[10:18:59 AM] <RealityRipple> release candidate 1 is
[10:19:06 AM] <MartyT.Support@Blizzard> RealityRipple@USWest: nothing is wrong with our games and XP, any version, or Vista for taht matter
[10:19:08 AM] <MartyT.Support@Blizzard> RealityRipple@USWest: that*
[10:19:14 AM] <RealityRipple> alright then
[10:19:17 AM] <RealityRipple> and
[10:19:24 AM] <RealityRipple> PLEASE DISCONNECT ME?????
[10:19:25 AM] <MartyT.Support@Blizzard> RealityRipple@USWest: we're not able to support prelease or beta os issues
[10:19:29 AM] <RealityRipple begs>
[10:19:30 AM] <MartyT.Support@Blizzard> RealityRipple@USWest: no
[10:19:32 AM] <RealityRipple> aww
[10:19:47 AM] <RealityRipple> i thought for sure caps lock would do the trick
[10:20:04 AM] <RealityRipple> well
[10:20:08 AM] <MartyT.Support@Blizzard> RealityRipple@USWest: no, it will just make my squelch you
[10:20:14 AM] <RealityRipple> time to go install an unupported beta os!
[10:20:19 AM] <RealityRipple> see ya tomorrow!


Ok its pretty obvious they're not going to disconnect you, are you seriously that bored with that much free time?


It takes three minutes, it's not that big of a free time thing... I guess if I sat there waiting for them to call my name it would be, but that's the great thing about If InStr$(LCase$(strMessage), "realityripple") > 0 Then Beep.


Quote from: Andy on January 31, 2008, 08:15 PM
It takes three minutes, it's not that big of a free time thing... I guess if I sat there waiting for them to call my name it would be, but that's the great thing about If InStr$(LCase$(strMessage), "realityripple") > 0 Then Beep.

Cleaner code:

    If InStr(1, strMessage, "realityripple", vbTextCompare) Then Call Beep


TextCompare is slower, call is pointless, the InStr$(was a typo, and the 1 is pointless unless you're using vbscript.


Man, Marty's not even letting me say hi, anymore!
Quote[10:52:30 AM] <MartyT.Support@Blizzard> RealityRipple@USWest: still not going to disconnect you........
[10:52:38 AM] <RealityRipple> dammit
[10:52:41 AM] <RealityRipple> come on man
[10:52:49 AM] <RealityRipple> i don't even have WPE open
[10:52:56 AM] <RealityRipple> :P
[10:53:07 AM] <RealityRipple> i just came in to say hi today
[10:53:13 AM] <MartyT.Support@Blizzard> RealityRipple@USWest: just go into a private chanel and spam, Battle.net swll disconnect you
[10:53:19 AM] <MartyT.Support@Blizzard> RealityRipple@USWest: will*


you're a moron.  nothing special happens when they disconnect you.



Quote from: Andy on February 05, 2008, 01:19 AM
Uh, duh...

so why do you insist on getting a packet log of it ?



Quote from: Spht on January 29, 2008, 08:34 PM
Unfortunately, for as long as I've been on Battle.net, Blizzard Tech Support was always trolled.  The good thing is customer service doesn't entertain it as much as they used to.  I find the wait times are better if you call in anyway.  People tend to troll call centers less
Gotta laugh at blizzard tho, they ask for it in away. It would take me less than a day to write a little AI to answer all the questions and link ppl to support pages on the site, given there support file with the problem/links.
If stupid old me can do it, i cant see why stupid old blizzard cant :(
You only need to sit in BT for a few mins and see how easy it would be to make somthing that could detect questions and answer them, in all languages to.
A support worker would only need to be there to catch the problems that the AI cant answer (IE when somone makes it to the top of the channel unhappy with the way the bot answerd there questons) which could then very easyly be added to the robot by the rep.
If they did somthing like that (and i dont mean commands in techbot, im talking full convo holder AI's) then 90%+ of the people with problems could get answers with out needing to wait at all.

Pretty sure tho, if somone made a 3rd party bot that does that, and sat it in blizzard tech, they would simply disconnect/close account/ip ban it. Blizzard always have been a little bit retarded.

Im guessing they have big back logs of chat/support that goes on in blizzard tech anyway. Wouldnt be hard to run that through some code and bam, you have a robot rep.


No Brew you're actually retarded.  Marty's tools account is administrative along with Seniors and Management.  Nospams can't be whispered while hidden.  They can talk and whisper all they want.  Only Seniors/Management/NoSpam can be /hidden.  Nospam#'s mean nothing.  They change every time each individual person logs off.  Need to know anything else?

Also Techbot can weakly answer some questions.


Quote from: Kayla on April 20, 2008, 10:48 PM
No Brew you're actually retarded.
It's not much coming from you
<3 Zorm
Quote[01:08:05 AM] <@Zorm> haha, me get pussy? don't kid yourself quik
Scio te esse, sed quid sumne? :P
