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marijuana: to be legal or not?

Started by UserLoser, January 12, 2008, 03:49 AM

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Legal, I think it'd probably bring down crime rates more than anything. Marijuana is probably one of the most less dangerous drugs out there. Yet it's illegal? That's just dumb. It's been proved to have many wonderful affects that come from it, as well as it does have some bad ones. But what doesn't? Cigarettes are legal and they're proved to be addictive, and cause cancer for the most part. Alcohol as well has been known to cause liver cancer, and it can be additive if over used. I know there are more alcoholics and people addicted to cigarettes and prescription drugs then marijuana users.


ofc :)
It should be ones free choice what they do with there own health, so long as the effect on others is at a minimal.
I think research currently points to alcohol being more damaging to ones health (And probly modern society) than marijuana and ecstasy. MP's just dont have the balls to stand up and say it.
I mean who really has a right to say if somone can or cant use marijuana in there free time, unless that persion is property, be that property of modern society or otherwise.

Lets take some basic side effects into consideration and compare them:
    marijuana converts phisical energy into mental energy giving the effect of lazzyness.
    All this energy going into thought, is not mentaly healthy for some.
    This is seen as bad for a goverment that wants a large percent of the population to do hard labor. :)

General paranoia:
    Picture this, you buy some hash, you know its illegal, you have never smoked it before.
    You put the hash in your pocket and start walking home.
    You become paranoid that you may get spot checked by the police and get arrested.
    (Yep, short term freedom down the shitter)
    When you get home, you smoke some hash, your thoughts (which already consists of paranoia) start to amplify.

Social paranoia:
    Does it even exist, other than for natural reassions, when in the company of people who smoke it, dont judge or careless?

    Nature has blessed us with ignorance and false sences of reality, to deal with the vast complexity of life.
    When over-riding that with thought, one should respect it and take note that, reall truth is normaly somthing that induces dislike.
    You can find your self with a whole new out look on reality and all its complexitys you care or find your self trying to figger out.

I persionaly dont think i would be here now if it wasnt for hash.
I soon got into hard drugs as a teenager, after jacking school at 12 years old (with ADHD, dislexic and some other stuff i cant spell), but soon made the wise chose of settleing for the softest one as it had the most therapeutic effect, with minimal side effects.
When i smoke it, my ADHD turns to ADD as I no longer rage with phisical enery, which then turns to DD as i can then foces my mind/attention on anything i chose.
DD is basicly nothing :)
I also self thought my self how to use a PC, the writen english language in away people could understand me, program and tons of other things.
Many things I could have NEVER done and still cant, with out hash.
My lap times when me and m8s go gokarting are always 1.5+ seconds average alap faster than when I go stoned. (on a 16 - 18 second round lap)
My 3rd driving lession went totaly flawless compared to all the other times, as i forgot about the lession and was high by the time i rememberd. My driving instructor couldnt work it out :)
I drive like a total nut case on the road when im not stoned, but when i drive stoned, im alot more calculating when it comes to risk taking and general safty for me and other road users.
Anything i do that requires mental power, i seem to do alot better why stoned.
I got into drugs as a no hoper, and came out the other end as a scientist with vast knowlage of my self and how my mind functions. Drugs were/are just my scientific machinery/masureing tools/probes or w/e :)

Hash also makes you type out really long posts ranting on about shit :P
Just a small fraction of my to many views on this subject :(
It normaly rolls down to "who has ownership of you?"

I say make it legal, tax it, use the tax to educate kids.
In the UK, my generation was high, but the new generation is much much worse.
Its just a matter of time i think, untill the old generations die and the new generations inherit power.
It would stop some of the econemy from the tricking into crime world, thats for sure.


Quote from: Ringo on January 12, 2008, 12:22 PM
ofc :)
It should be ones free choice what they do with there own health, so long as the effect on others is at a minimal.
I think research currently points to alcohol being more damaging to ones health (And probly modern society) than marijuana and ecstasy. MP's just dont have the balls to stand up and say it.
I mean who really has a right to say if somone can or cant use marijuana in there free time, unless that persion is property, be that property of modern society or otherwise.

Lets take some basic side effects into consideration and compare them:
    marijuana converts phisical energy into mental energy giving the effect of lazzyness.
    All this energy going into thought, is not mentaly healthy for some.
    This is seen as bad for a goverment that wants a large percent of the population to do hard labor. :)

General paranoia:
    Picture this, you buy some hash, you know its illegal, you have never smoked it before.
    You put the hash in your pocket and start walking home.
    You become paranoid that you may get spot checked by the police and get arrested.
    (Yep, short term freedom down the shitter)
    When you get home, you smoke some hash, your thoughts (which already consists of paranoia) start to amplify.

Social paranoia:
    Does it even exist, other than for natural reassions, when in the company of people who smoke it, dont judge or careless?

    Nature has blessed us with ignorance and false sences of reality, to deal with the vast complexity of life.
    When over-riding that with thought, one should respect it and take note that, reall truth is normaly somthing that induces dislike.
    You can find your self with a whole new out look on reality and all its complexitys you care or find your self trying to figger out.

I persionaly dont think i would be here now if it wasnt for hash.
I soon got into hard drugs as a teenager, after jacking school at 12 years old (with ADHD, dislexic and some other stuff i cant spell), but soon made the wise chose of settleing for the softest one as it had the most therapeutic effect, with minimal side effects.
When i smoke it, my ADHD turns to ADD as I no longer rage with phisical enery, which then turns to DD as i can then foces my mind/attention on anything i chose.
DD is basicly nothing :)
I also self thought my self how to use a PC, the writen english language in away people could understand me, program and tons of other things.
Many things I could have NEVER done and still cant, with out hash.
My lap times when me and m8s go gokarting are always 1.5+ seconds average alap faster than when I go stoned. (on a 16 - 18 second round lap)
My 3rd driving lession went totaly flawless compared to all the other times, as i forgot about the lession and was high by the time i rememberd. My driving instructor couldnt work it out :)
I drive like a total nut case on the road when im not stoned, but when i drive stoned, im alot more calculating when it comes to risk taking and general safty for me and other road users.
Anything i do that requires mental power, i seem to do alot better why stoned.
I got into drugs as a no hoper, and came out the other end as a scientist with vast knowlage of my self and how my mind functions. Drugs were/are just my scientific machinery/masureing tools/probes or w/e :)

Hash also makes you type out really long posts ranting on about shit :P
Just a small fraction of my to many views on this subject :(
It normaly rolls down to "who has ownership of you?"

I say make it legal, tax it, use the tax to educate kids.
In the UK, my generation was high, but the new generation is much much worse.
Its just a matter of time i think, untill the old generations die and the new generations inherit power.
It would stop some of the econemy from the tricking into crime world, thats for sure.



Quote from: Ringo on January 12, 2008, 12:22 PM
I got into drugs as a no hoper, and came out the other end as a scientist with vast knowlage of my self and how my mind functions. Drugs were/are just my scientific machinery/masureing tools/probes or w/e :)

Posting in an epic thread. LOL.
- Newby

Quote[17:32:45] * xar sets mode: -oooooooooo algorithm ban chris cipher newby stdio TehUser tnarongi|away vursed warz
[17:32:54] * xar sets mode: +o newby
[17:32:58] <xar> new rule
[17:33:02] <xar> me and newby rule all

Quote<TehUser> Man, I can't get Xorg to work properly.  This sucks.
<torque> you should probably kill yourself
<TehUser> I think I will.  Thanks, torque.


Quote from: Spht on January 12, 2008, 05:46 PM
Found a video of ringo
Ringo does have a few good points. But yes, this is true. Drug users tend to believe that they are oh-so much smarter then they really are, for the most part. See: my topic on overestimation of one's own skills. Nobody expects much from people who drop out of school at 6th grade, but Ringo did a good job imo. He's a software developer, and a huge pothead at the same time. You've gotta hand it to him.
<3 Zorm
Quote[01:08:05 AM] <@Zorm> haha, me get pussy? don't kid yourself quik
Scio te esse, sed quid sumne? :P


Drugs can theoretically do amazing things and are mysterious at times. I have a friend who's a wicked huge pot head and at the same time he's an alcoholic (but won't admit it) But he's a total genius...At like every subject really. He's street smart, and logically smart.


if we were to legalize weed and start taxing it, that would cause another problem. From the viewpoint that weed is the "gateway drug",  that would mean the gateway would be more easy to get to now if it were legal.

vb6, something about that combination of numbers and letters is sexy


Quote from: MysT_DooM on January 12, 2008, 10:34 PM
if we were to legalize weed and start taxing it, that would cause another problem. From the viewpoint that weed is the "gateway drug",  that would mean the gateway would be more easy to get to now if it were legal.

But it' already been stated with factual proof that Marijuana isn't a gateway drug.

I'll post the source if I can find it again.

EDIT: This isn't exactly, what I read before in another article on gateway drugs, but this should sum it up.

Isn't marijuana a gateway drug?
Doesn't it lead to use of harder drugs?

This is totally untrue. In fact, researchers are looking
into using marijuana to help crack addicts to quit. There
are 40 million people in this country (U.S.) who have smoked
marijuana for a period of their lives -- why aren't there
tens of millions of heroin users, then? In Amsterdam, both
marijuana use and heroin use went *down* after marijuana was
decriminalized -- even though there was a short rise in
cannabis use right after decriminalization. Unlike
addictive drugs, marijuana causes almost no tolerance. Some
people even report a reverse tolerance. That is, the longer
they have used the less marijuana they need to get `high.'
So users of marijuana do not usually get bored and `look for
something more powerful'. If anything, marijuana keeps
people from doing harder drugs.

The idea that using marijuana will lead you to use heroin or
speed is called the `gateway theory' or the `stepping stone
hypothesis.' It has been a favorite trick of the anti-drug
propaganda artists, because it casts marijuana as something
insidious with hidden dangers and pitfalls. There have
never been any real statistics to back this idea up, but
somehow it was the single biggest thing which the newspapers
yelled about during Reefer Madness II. (Perhaps this was
because the CIA was looking for someone to blame for the
increase in heroin use after Viet Nam.)

The gateway theory of drug use is no longer generally
accepted by the medical community. Prohibitionists used to
point at numbers which showed that a large percentage of the
hard drug users `started with marijuana.' They had it
backwards -- many hard drug users also use marijuana. There
are two reasons for this. One is that marijuana can be used
to `take the edge off' the effects of some hard drugs. The
other is a recently discovered fact of adolescent psychology
-- there is a personality type which uses drugs, basically
because drugs are exciting and dangerous, a thrill.<p>

On sociological grounds, another sort of gateway theory has
been argued which claims that marijuana is the source of the
drug subculture and leads to other drugs through that
culture. By the same token this is untrue -- marijuana does
not create the drug subculture, the drug subculture uses
marijuana. There are many marijuana users who are not a
part of the subculture.

This brings up another example of how marijuana legalization
could actually reduce the use of illicit drugs. Even though
there is no magical `stepping stone' effect, people who
choose to buy marijuana often buy from dealers who deal in
many different illegal drugs. This means that they have
access to illegal drugs, and might decide to try them out.
In this case it is the laws which lead to hard drug use. If
marijuana were legal, the drug markets would be separated,
and less people would start using the illegal drugs. Maybe
this is why emergency room admissions for hard drugs have
gone down in the states that decriminalized marijuana during
the 70's.


Quote from: Spht on January 12, 2008, 05:46 PM
Found a video of ringo
Shit! My true identity has been revealed! :D

In all honestly tho, I hate the idea that i maybe smarter than most.
My inner beast feeds off of it. :(
I like to think its in are nature to have ignorance geneticly harcoded within are selfs, but just because i like to think that, doesnt make it so. :P
The day I let my self believe im smart, is the day my arrogantness reconnects me back to the animal kingdom.
As much of a battle it is, I try my hardest to not let that happen :)

For along time now, I have been considering taking up quantum machanics but i fear my own arrogants will be used to compete with the vastness of arrogants I seem to see in the scientific comunity.
I saw a shrink only a few weeks ago and he asked me a few times, what books i have read to learn how my mind functions. He really struggled to grasp the fact that I dont read books, and worked most of it out my self. (My responce was, "you mean to say im making sence?")
Nore did he understand that hash is the driving force behind my desire to go into quantum machanics and almost all other things come to think of it.

Aside, my orginal post, is how i like to see it, and for that reassion alone, I advise not taking me so seriously :D
We all understand the consept of "seeing what you want to see" right? :P

Quote from: MysT_DooM on January 12, 2008, 10:34 PM
if we were to legalize weed and start taxing it, that would cause another problem. From the viewpoint that weed is the "gateway drug",  that would mean the gateway would be more easy to get to now if it were legal.
I was gonner mention this in my orginal post, but thought I was ranting on to much about 1 line in a large scope of potential.
I can only/am only speaking of my own experiance.
The drug pusher in my experiance, was me. If anything, I was told not to go down that road by, what the school would call, "the drug pusher/dealer".
After over coming the fear of droping down dead or become hooked, smoking hash as my 1st drug (besides getting totaly drunk rather often) it soon became clear to me that the school were working with fear monger tactics.
Then it kinda goes with out saying, If they can be so wrong about hash then there whole consept kinda falls apart, leaving you nothing to do other than to go and find out these things for your self.
As i said before tho, I soon found my self backing away from harder drugs, including drinking mainly because somthing inside of me really liked them.
If anything, the shit schooling/facts on drugs was the gateway for me.

And im ranting again arnt I >_<
Easy to do when I seem to spend more time thinking about things than i do sleeping or anything else.

I often think, "why the hell did i get into this shit", but i dont think i would be who i am today if i didnt.
I dont really like my life, but there is no gain with out pain, right? :p I will keep telling my self that anyway.
As i said to my shrink, "if i stop smoking hash, will the world stop being shit?"

Language is nothing more than poetry when it comes to expressing thoughts.
If tryiung to express my thoughts comes across as trying to be smart, thats because im struggleing to find the words that best explain what im thinking.

shit im ranting again, im gonner go get high, sorted.

Back to business tbh ;)


Quote from: brew on January 12, 2008, 09:26 PM
Drug users tend to believe that they are oh-so much smarter then they really are, for the most part.

I see what you did there.
Quote from: brew on April 25, 2007, 07:33 PM
that made me feel like a total idiot. this entire thing was useless.


Quote from: Joex86] link=topic=17260.msg175801#msg175801 date=1200332075]
Quote from: brew on January 12, 2008, 09:26 PM
Drug users tend to believe that they are oh-so much smarter then they really are, for the most part.

I see what you did there.

lol :)

Brew: Why do athletes risk being banned for taking drugs, Is it because they think they can perform better on drugs than they do off drugs, or do they really perform better on drugs, both or none?
I think dale already understands effects of drugs very well :)

Anyway im very interested in hearing other peoples views, experiances good or bad, effect on every day life or any other changes or effects you/somone you know has gone through because of marijuana. Im simperphetic of all views.
I posted my experiances to give a view point to those who have little or no experiances of marijuana, in the hope I could get a better insight my self.
As UL bluntly put it, "discuss" :)

As for all the mind stuff im on about, you could put it like this:
The sub conscious throws the ball and the conscious mind smacks it.
If you start to really think about how your thoughts are generated and change the way you smack the ball, it will slowly change the way your sub conscious mind throws it.
Are brains deal with 4 billion bits of infomation every second (3 inchs@speed of light), yet are conscious mind only intercepts around 2000 bits of infomation a second. There is alot we can improove on. I see are conscious mind as little more than an observer of are sub conscious.
We all have quantum computers in the back of are heads, right?
Useing drugs can help you better your own mind, and at the same time, can also unlock crazzyness. However you dont need drugs, but it does help.
Its abit of a pandora's box, probe and change at your own risk. Are heads are full of "mother natures fire walls" that allow you to open/close your mind to new ideas/infomation coming in from your sences, based on pre-experiance and genetics, conscious or otherwise.
I have been trying to emulate the functions of are minds in vb6, but its slow ongoing progress, making the software generate, learn and test many algorithms to compare new infomation with old, as well as learning/testing its own way of storing them. Basicly working on making software able to self-smarted its self. ;)

hm anyway im drifting off topic here and working on mostly theory, but all links in with my marijuana useage.

What are you views and experiances?


IMO I have seen way worse effects from alcohol than marijuana. I'm all for legalization, but I also think a stupid amount of control should be put on it and it should be taxed the hell out of.

I don't know about Ringo's quantum mechanics, but I find I do some things better while stoned, like making music or doing homework. Whenever I was stoned doing homework I would always go into some sort of reverse apathetic "I really don't care, so I'll do my homework" mode.

I know for a fact not being able to smoke in the Navy is going to be hard for the next 4 1/2 years. :(