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Started by brew, May 06, 2007, 10:24 AM

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Quote from: Banana fanna fo fanna on May 09, 2007, 12:59 AM
RealityRipple, until you actually master LISP, you aren't the hot shit that you think you are. We'll accept Haskell and Prolog as well.
Lisp was written by an idiot who thought he was on the edge of Artificial Intelligence back in the late 50's early 60's.

Banana fanna fo fanna

Quote from: R?alityRippl? on May 09, 2007, 01:08 AM
Quote from: Banana fanna fo fanna on May 09, 2007, 12:59 AM
RealityRipple, until you actually master LISP, you aren't the hot shit that you think you are. We'll accept Haskell and Prolog as well.
Lisp was written by an idiot who thought he was on the edge of Artificial Intelligence back in the late 50's early 60's.

HAH. Quick question...what's a lambda?


Greek letter?

Edit: Λ <- that Greek letter.

Banana fanna fo fanna

Hmm, you are pretty dumb. You going to school?


Λ is lambda... how is that dumb? And no, standardized education is a failure.

Banana fanna fo fanna


Douches like you wear black nailpolish and act like you're the smartest shit on the planet. How about I throw on my popped polo and CALL YOU OUT on having an inflated ego with no skill to back it up.


I don't have an ego, I just have no respect for the human race as a whole, or in parts (including myself). What the hell does conforming have to do with anything? I aced every test in high school and ended up with a GPA of 0.4 because I never did homework. I tested out in 10th grade because I was sick of their incompetence. The US's school system is one of the worst in the world (I think it's the worst of first world countries, but I forget), and I sort of wish I had been born in Japan (except for the whole population density thing).

Banana fanna fo fanna

"I don't have an ego" => "Sick of their incompetence"? I hated public school just as much as the next guy, but I didn't have to be a raging douche about it. Just because someone's way of thinking doesn't fit your own doesn't mean that he or she is incompetent. I'd take it a step further and say that being "sick of their incompetence" is merely a cop-out for not being able to cope with a certain situation and trying to justify one's situation rather than trying to fix it.

And your attitude to what seems to be your chosen niche (computer science) is absolutely ridiculous. There's a guy I know who calls himself the "music guy." He listens to everything, goes to every local and national act that comes through town, and started a band, goes "on tour," and has a producer. And guess what? HE SUCKS. He's all about being the image of a "music guy" rather than being a real musician.

Just as you are being in this situation. You're the "code poet:" you don't need no stinkin' comments to explain to you what's going on in any given piece of code. You're a natural; you know everything...except that you demonstrate a complete lack of true knowledge of computer science (complete lack of any clue whatsoever regarding LISP and lambda calculus, arguably the foundation of CS), lack of true knowledge about software engineering (comments!?!?!?), and the industry (they're stupid if they don't hire me!!!!!!). In essence, you are rocking the 0.4 GPA and bragging on online forums for no other reason than image, which is kind of ironic. At least my friend could use his music image to talk to girls.

Feel free to call me out on any of this. I'll gladly back it up.

Oh, and Arcade Fire sucks.


You said "A" lambda, as in a single noun called lambda. I tried to help the school. I corrected teachers whenever they made mistakes, I helped them upgrade their computers, their network, and their security (unfortunately, they then brought in some idiot who went on a web-blocking rampage, blocking sites like BBC's news site on the grounds of "entertainment"). Code poet's a long story involving the word Universe (uni-verse, one verse, one line, line of code, "On Error Resume Next", code poetry... the story behind it's a bit funnier, but I'm not gonna go into detail). I never said the industry was stupid for not hiring me, I said the industry was stupid because it was based on the very things it's now fighting against (freeware, no copyrights, etc. Get yourself a copy of a great book called What the Doormouse Said). I'm not bragging, and I don't care about my image or girls (would someone please explain the whole deal behind the apparent importance sex bullshit?). As for your music tastes, I could not care less.


Just out of my own personal curiousity, if you have such a disdain for other people such that you seek relative solitude, why do you seek to differentiate yourself among other "virtual" people on an online message board?

Oh, and we like commented code at work so that we don't need to spend time (which costs money) deciphering what code does.

@Banana: come on.  There are applications in which it's appropriate.  But often not, too.  I thought that this section on Wikipedia was particularly interesting: "...functional programs tend to emphasize the composition and arrangement of functions, often without specifying explicit steps."  The sad fact is, we don't typically think of how to solve a problem by the way the problem is composed.  We think in steps.  My second class was "Data Structures and Algorithms."

The example is interesting too:

# imperative style
target = []               # create empty list
for item in source_list:  # iterate over each thing in source
    trans1 = G(item)      # transform the item with the G() function
    trans2 = F(trans1)    # second transform with the F() function
    target.append(trans2) # add transformed item to target

# functional style
def compose2(F, G):       # FP-oriented languages often have standard compose()
    def C(item):          # here we create utility-function for composition
        return F(G(item))
    return C
target = map(compose2(F,G), source_list)

I noticed the "we create a utility function" comment.  Then I looked - C isn't going to be usable elsewhere because it's dependent on the closure of F and G.  Realistically it's no more useful than an imperative program, since it relies on F and G being defined outside the function anyway. 

I've not yet seen a good argument or example of a large-scale application being developed exclusively in a strictly functional paradigm.  And until it asserts itself as something viable for these applications, I don't expect that I'll be using them as the yardstick by which to measure someone's "hot shit" quotient.
QuoteEvery generation of humans believed it had all the answers it needed, except for a few mysteries they assumed would be solved at any moment. And they all believed their ancestors were simplistic and deluded. What are the odds that you are the first generation of humans who will understand reality?

After 3 years, it's on the horizon.  The new JinxBot, and BN#, the managed Battle.net Client library.

Quote from: chyea on January 16, 2009, 05:05 PM
You've just located global warming.


In all honesty, I don't know why i've been ranting for so long. Just trash all my posts.


Quote from: Banana fanna fo fanna on May 09, 2007, 01:40 AM
"I don't have an ego" => "Sick of their incompetence"? I hated public school just as much as the next guy, but I didn't have to be a raging douche about it. Just because someone's way of thinking doesn't fit your own doesn't mean that he or she is incompetent. I'd take it a step further and say that being "sick of their incompetence" is merely a cop-out for not being able to cope with a certain situation and trying to justify one's situation rather than trying to fix it.

And your attitude to what seems to be your chosen niche (computer science) is absolutely ridiculous. There's a guy I know who calls himself the "music guy." He listens to everything, goes to every local and national act that comes through town, and started a band, goes "on tour," and has a producer. And guess what? HE SUCKS. He's all about being the image of a "music guy" rather than being a real musician.

Just as you are being in this situation. You're the "code poet:" you don't need no stinkin' comments to explain to you what's going on in any given piece of code. You're a natural; you know everything...except that you demonstrate a complete lack of true knowledge of computer science (complete lack of any clue whatsoever regarding LISP and lambda calculus, arguably the foundation of CS), lack of true knowledge about software engineering (comments!?!?!?), and the industry (they're stupid if they don't hire me!!!!!!). In essence, you are rocking the 0.4 GPA and bragging on online forums for no other reason than image, which is kind of ironic. At least my friend could use his music image to talk to girls.

Feel free to call me out on any of this. I'll gladly back it up.

Oh, and Arcade Fire sucks.

if i were going to reply, this is exactly what i'd say. if there were a karma system on this forum, if give you +100.


a lambada is that thing from Halflife. k

also wtf I just read all of realityripple's posts, you need some prozac man.
Quote from: effect on March 09, 2006, 11:52 PM
Islam is a steaming pile of fucking dog shit. Everything about it is flawed, anybody who believes in it is a terrorist, if you disagree with me, then im sorry your wrong.

Quote from: Rule on May 07, 2006, 01:30 PM
Why don't you stop being American and start acting like a decent human?

Banana fanna fo fanna

Quote from: MyndFyre[vL] on May 09, 2007, 02:49 AM
@Banana: come on.  There are applications in which it's appropriate.  But often not, too.  I thought that this section on Wikipedia was particularly interesting: "...functional programs tend to emphasize the composition and arrangement of functions, often without specifying explicit steps."  The sad fact is, we don't typically think of how to solve a problem by the way the problem is composed.  We think in steps.  My second class was "Data Structures and Algorithms."

The example is interesting too:

# imperative style
target = []               # create empty list
for item in source_list:  # iterate over each thing in source
    trans1 = G(item)      # transform the item with the G() function
    trans2 = F(trans1)    # second transform with the F() function
    target.append(trans2) # add transformed item to target

# functional style
def compose2(F, G):       # FP-oriented languages often have standard compose()
    def C(item):          # here we create utility-function for composition
        return F(G(item))
    return C
target = map(compose2(F,G), source_list)

I noticed the "we create a utility function" comment.  Then I looked - C isn't going to be usable elsewhere because it's dependent on the closure of F and G.  Realistically it's no more useful than an imperative program, since it relies on F and G being defined outside the function anyway. 

I've not yet seen a good argument or example of a large-scale application being developed exclusively in a strictly functional paradigm.  And until it asserts itself as something viable for these applications, I don't expect that I'll be using them as the yardstick by which to measure someone's "hot shit" quotient.

Absolutely agreed. I'm not a functional programming nazi. Lambda calculus is one model of computer science that seems to fit a large set of problems. I was merely setting a little trap for him to expose the small knowledge to ego ratio that he has. Admit it: whether you like LISP or not, McCarthy wasn't an "idiot."

And please don't trash his posts, they're hilarious. In fact, all online flame wars are hilarious.


He spent his entire life trying to write artificial intelligence on a computer with a processor that ran under 1 megahertz, and he actually believed he was on the edge of it. He was an idiot.
