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How Would I make a Command Queue?

Started by TriCk, May 26, 2003, 01:48 AM

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How would i make a working command queue?
Like when Channel LockDown is on sometimes my bot will flood out from banning username too many times, with this thought i would also like to know how to smartban like if someone joins 9 times ban once.... but i'd like queue first.
I've asked this question a few times but noone has given me much help with it... i need to know how to add them to a queue to be banned and send them every couple of seconds instead of like 10 at a time when my bot fails to ban a flood or mass joins...


sigh....im just gonna shut up now.


The thing is ive looked over most of the other ones... and they use Winsocks
And im using csb...
so some of the stuff doesnt work...


Most of the time it doesnt matter.


is SendQueue transferrable to CSB ?


go there i gave some code

just change the list view into a list box and change listitsms(i).text to  .list(i)

and Remove(i)  when removing them and it should work.

Edit: it should give you an idea of how to do this.


OK 1 question what was easy to fix ???
And something about sending more than 1... Thats not what i want i want it to wait ...


Make a list box name lquemsg
make a timer named que1 give it an interval of 1800

Private Sub Que1_Timer()

Dim quetick1 As Integer
Dim queinterval1 As Integer

queinterval1 = 1800

If LQueMsg.ListCount >= 1 Then
quetick1 = quetick1 + 1
If quetick1 >= queinterval1 Then
Send LQueMsg.List(0), True 'cleanslatebot1.send LQueMsg.List(0)
LQueMsg.RemoveItem (0)
quetick1 = 0
End If
End If

End Sub

thats how i que them  when a command is issued like !ver
Lquemsg.additem "version"

but so far as i know of this is not a good way of queueing messages becasues it slower but i dont care it works fine for me.


So i'll need two timers and to Call it in a command like this ban code ...

If Username = Form2.txtMaster Then
 If Left((LCase(Message)), 5) = (Form2.txtTrigger.Text & "ban ") Then
  Dim bannedname As String
  banned2name = Right(Message, (Len(Message) - 5))
  Text1.Text = Text1.Text + 1
  Dim banCount As String
  banCount = Text1.Text
   If ProtectedUsers.IsOnList(Username) = True Then
   'Don't Ban
   CleanSlateBot1.Send "/ban " & banned2name & " Jew #" & banCount
   End If
  End If
End If

Where would it go ???


instead of saying cleanslatebot use  Lquemsg.additem "/ban " & banned2name & " Jew #" & banCount

and i said u only need 1 timer for my lquemsg


Would where CleanSlateBot1.Send "/ban " etc....


CleanSlateBot1.Send LQueMsg.AddItem   then something here i dont know what though ....   :-X


oh that last post was sent before i read ur last one...
but then how does the Que1_Timer() send the Item ??


under this

Private Sub Que1_Timer()

Dim quetick1 As Integer
Dim queinterval1 As Integer

queinterval1 = 1800

If LQueMsg.ListCount >= 1 Then
quetick1 = quetick1 + 1
If quetick1 >= queinterval1 Then
cleanslatebot1.send LQueMsg.List(0)
LQueMsg.RemoveItem (0)
quetick1 = 0
End If
End If

End Sub

and on your !ban code replace cleanslatebot with lquemsg.additem "ban " etc.


Its triggering an error on this...
CleanSlateBot1.Send LQueMsg.List(0), True


Quote from: TriCk on May 26, 2003, 02:25 AM
Its triggering an error on this...
CleanSlateBot1.Send LQueMsg.List(0), True
of course get rid of ,true