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How Would I make a Command Queue?

Started by TriCk, May 26, 2003, 01:48 AM

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i did that ...
but i was wondering if i use & in commands will it still add it all to the list ??


if you mean like
lquemsg.additem "you are " & username & "using " & product  

then yes


Its enqueueing the commands
CleanSlateBot is not sending them....
i made the ListBox visible and its adding them to queue but its not actually sending through csb...


what do u have under Private Sub Que1_Timer()


Private Sub Que1_Timer()

Dim quetick1 As Integer
Dim queinterval1 As Integer

queinterval1 = 1800

If LQueMsg.ListCount >= 1 Then
quetick1 = quetick1 + 1
If quetick1 >= queinterval1 Then
CleanSlateBot1.Send LQueMsg.List(0)
LQueMsg.RemoveItem (0)
quetick1 = 0
End If
End If

End Sub


And ____ do u have AIM or MSN so i dont have to be waiting ages for a reply ...?


2 things   1  did u set the que interval in its proerties to 1800?  

2nd put

if cleanslatebot.connected then  'added

If LQueMsg.ListCount >= 1 Then
quetick1 = quetick1 + 1
If quetick1 >= queinterval1 Then
cleanslatebot1.send LQueMsg.List(0)
LQueMsg.RemoveItem (0)
quetick1 = 0
End If
End If

Endif    ' added

End Sub

Edit:   put this right above cleanslatebot.send
Addtext vbBlue, txtName.Text & ": ", vbWhite, LQueMsg.List(0)
so you can see it

txtname.text is my username on logon change it to whatever fits.


First thing its not removing them...
And its not banning them...


And i just read some of the comments on the other post u gave me earlier it says u used a ListView... I'm using a listbox... should i change to listview ??


Then the way your checking the user is prob somewhat off, this code works fine. for cleanslate bot and winsocks.

' you 5's seem they should be 4's if u have only 1 letter trigger
If Username = Form2.txtMaster Then
 If Left((LCase(Message)), 5) = (Form2.txtTrigger.Text & "ban ") Then
 Dim bannedname As String
 banned2name = Right(Message, (Len(Message) - 5))
 Text1.Text = Text1.Text + 1
 Dim banCount As String
 banCount = Text1.Text
   If ProtectedUsers.IsOnList(Username) = True Then
   'Don't Ban
   lquemsg.additem "/ban " & banned2name & " Jew #" & banCount  ' this has been added, this hsould work if it worked for cleanslatebot
   End If
 End If
End If

hmm on ur form2.txtmaster   you dont have form2txtmaster.text
shouldnt bancount be dim'ed as an integer?


well they're 5's because i made it "$ban " the space is there because i havent added if User types.. "$ban" then nothin happens coz "$ban" on its own causes the bot to crash ... ??? and it still doesnt work  >:(


nvm about the 4's your right about the 5 i missed the space...
the only thing i could see wrong with this is that

If Username = Form2.txtMaster Then

make it

If lcase(Username) = lcase(Form2.txtMaster) Then


nvm i found the problem....
CleanSlateBot1.Send LQueMsg.List(1)
LQueMsg.RemoveItem (0)

u gave me

CleanSlateBot1.Send LQueMsg.List(0)
LQueMsg.RemoveItem (0)

I only just realised that then because i know for a fact that List(0) would select the Zero on the List... which there is none 1 selected Item 1 and RemoveItem(0) removes Item(1)
Thanks ____ for all the help
PS: We got a Very Hot Topic hehe  ;D



______ ****
i been callin u ____ soz  :P
