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Google IM & Google Talk

Started by Falcon[anti-yL], August 23, 2005, 11:11 PM

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Quote from: Invert on August 24, 2005, 07:11 PM
Quote from: quasi-modo on August 24, 2005, 06:07 PM
Oh yes they would.

It's a trap.

If they do that it would be poor marketing for a company like Google that has multiple products.

I would know. I am in Marketing Development.
I was trying to be funny....
Quote(00:04:08) zdv17: yeah i quit doing that stuff cause it jacked up the power bill too much
(00:04:19) nick is a turtle: Right now im not paying the power bill though
(00:04:33) nick is a turtle: if i had to pay the electric bill
(00:04:47) nick is a turtle: id hibernate when i go to class
(00:04:57) nick is a turtle: or at least when i go to sleep
(00:08:50) zdv17: hibernating in class is cool.. esp. when you leave a drool puddle


spht.vl cat gmail.com


I think this is google's belated attempt to rule the world that's already been conquered. That clean interface will only hold so long because you know damn well there will be ads, that's one of the major methods through which it earns revenue I believe. It's basically the same way hotmail does their messanger (by email). My two cents: I think it's a cheap and crappy attempt to do what's been done to death, the email service is great, the IM service is shit. I wish google good luck in even earning 1/4 of the users AIM has, truth is people don't like change.


I think they're relasing it to boost popularity for their second public offering, considering the losses Google has suffered in the last month ($30 or so from its peak.)

Oh, also Yahoo is doing VoIP, so of course Google has to do that to keep up with compeition. The 4 billion 2nd offering might be for them to buy Skype or maybe Baidu. Probably the former.


Google just wants to keep up and be better than yahoo at all times, being their major competetition. Google IM will never have the support that AIM has, it's been around too long and is just too good.


A lot of you misunderstand what Google does and why it's so successful. The people at Google do not invent or create things, they just make them better. When the IM goes public I have no doubts in my mind that it will be better than any other IM out there. Just like all the other things that Google made that is now public. The consumers should thank Google for doing what it does, they force competition and if you have taken a basic business class you know that competition is always a good thing for the end user. For example if Google did not set the bar so high for how much space you should get with your free e-mail account Microsoft and Yahoo would have never budged on the limit they had once before for their free e-mail account.


I just got Google Talk, google's IM client. Unfortunately, not many of my friend's use gmail/google talk. Can any of you who have the client post your gmail accounts here?


Quote from: Ender on December 09, 2005, 11:02 AM
I just got Google Talk, google's IM client. Unfortunately, not many of my friend's use gmail/google talk. Can any of you who have the client post your gmail accounts here?

Just use a more mainstream instant messenger. Do you expect many of us to give you our accounts just so you can talk with us?


I looked @ it, but then decided that there are too many IM clients now :(
rebundance - having or being in excess of sheer stupidity
Quote from: Spht on June 22, 2004, 07:32 PMSlap.
Quote from: Adron on January 28, 2005, 09:17 AMIn a way, I believe that religion is inherently evil, which includes Christianity. I'd also say Christianity is eviller than Buddhism (has more potential for evil).
Quote from: iago on April 19, 2005, 01:06 PM
CrAz3D's ... is too big vertically, at least, too big with ... iago ...


Quote from: Yegg on December 09, 2005, 11:04 AM
Quote from: Ender on December 09, 2005, 11:02 AM
I just got Google Talk, google's IM client. Unfortunately, not many of my friend's use gmail/google talk. Can any of you who have the client post your gmail accounts here?

Just use a more mainstream instant messenger. Do you expect many of us to give you our accounts just so you can talk with us?

Hm, so I see you're not a friendly person...
And btw, Gaim or w/e clients you use right now were once not mainstream.


My biggest problem with Google Talk is that it's too Big-Brothery.  I hate the feeling that Google is constantly spying on me, my searches is enough for me :)
This'll make an interesting test for broken AV:


Quote from: Spht on December 09, 2005, 11:25 AM
Sorry, my bad.
Quote from: iago on December 09, 2005, 11:30 AM
My biggest problem with Google Talk is that it's too Big-Brothery. I hate the feeling that Google is constantly spying on me, my searches is enough for me :)
Yeah, I found Google's desktop searcher to be a bit intrusive. But I love gmail, so I'm willing to give Google's IM a try.

LOL, now that I posted in the Google IM thread, my thread and that thread are right next to eachother, makes me look so bad... my apologies :)
