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Random, funny in-class moments

Started by Joe[x86], November 04, 2005, 08:03 PM

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School, a favorite past time. No. Anyhow, sometimes people (usually me) can do stupid stuff that makes everyone laugh.

Intro to Econ

Mr. Scherk: This will be on the test, so listen carefully.
Joe: Tru dat yo.
Class: LOL.

Computer Literacy
* Joe starts spinning
* Joe starts to get dizzy
* Joe gets really dizzy
* Joe falls down
Class: LOL.
Joe: Mr. Bergs, its time you considered padding this floor.
Mr. Bergs: LOL.
Quote from: brew on April 25, 2007, 07:33 PM
that made me feel like a total idiot. this entire thing was useless.


Are you sure this isn't just an extension of your "LOL game"...


Female Student: Why are you so cranky today Mrs. Orcales?
Mrs. Orcales: I'm pregnant you moron!
[The teacher had been pregnant for several months]


Wow Joe seems to love the attention.



QuoteAre you sure this isn't just an extension of your "LOL game"...

Actually, no, its not.

Pretty funny..funny thing there. =)
Quote from: brew on April 25, 2007, 07:33 PM
that made me feel like a total idiot. this entire thing was useless.


Me: *passing a note to a hot chick*
Hot chick: *receives the note*
Literature teacher: Give me that!
Literature teacher: *reads the note, sees that it is signed "- Yoni"*
Literature teacher: Yoni! Get out of my class!
The other Yoni in my class: HUH?! What did I do?!
Literature teacher: Now!

Nobody ever found out.


Thing [vL]


English Teacher: If you were on an island, and you could bring 4 things, what would they be?
Me: A wal-mart, a water distillization(sp?) plant, a power plant, and three veitnamese kids to staff these establishments.
Teacher: That's six things.
Me: Then all that, without the kids, but with a Civic full of Mexicans.
Class: LOL
Teacher. That's inappropriate.
Some kid: That's funny.
Me = kicked out


Calc Teacher: Sean, your late.
Me: DeLorme, your bald.


Me (in computer lab): God damn computer keeps crashing! Peice of shit! Argh fuck I lost my paper!
Cop: Thats a disorderly conduct. *Sees a packs of smokes in my pocket* And thats a possestion of tobacco on school grounds.


I was very close to getting expelled for this one. It was 8th grade.

Me: Um, how do I do (something that I forgot)
Teacher: I just explained it!
Me: Yeah, a half hour ago. I missed 2 days and need to catch up a little. (my grandfather died)
Teacher: Thats your responsibility to catch up.
Me: I know, I am just asking for help.
Teacher: Don't give me attitude, figure it out.
Me (as she was walking away): Well, if you knew anything about how to teach, I would'nt be in this possition.
Teacher: It's your fault you missed school, maybe if you wern't such a (some word I forgot)
Me: It's your fault your a fat old balding dumb-as-rocks women. Go fuck yourself.
Teacher: Get out of my class room!
Me: No. Fuck you.
Teacher: I'm calling the principal!
Me: Good. Maybe he will fuck you, you ex-husband sure didn't. (she just got divorced).
At this point I get up, throw the notebook and textbook at the back wall of the class room, walked to the door, opened it, and slamed it shut as hard as I could, then left. I got a bunch of tickets but the judge dropped all of them except one. (Disorderly conduct)


That's not funny, it's terrible.
Come on, some funny ones. You know. Funny ones?


I'm thinking this should be re-named the, "you had to be there" thread...


Shout: The only semi-funny one there was the first one. The others were stupid. Try again.


The second one was funny. I guess you had to be there. Me and the Calc teacher get along.

Calc teacher: Do this problem: *writes on board*
Me: Lim with a x and a pointer derefrenceing operator to member 0? You can't have a member that starts with a number.
Nerds: *Snicker*
Class: WTF?


My mate made me see a porno movie of a triple cock penetration, so i start doing the actions of the women getting POONED! :D in class ;)