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Price of gasoline

Started by UserLoser., August 18, 2005, 03:09 AM

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Arta: Actually they would stop driving them, there are a lot of SUVs for sale around here now. I found it funny though, how my grandpa was driving me home from sailing in his SUV and he was talking about a comic this morning of a Hummer with the license plate 'Dummer' and how it is showing how people that buy gas hogging SUVs are dumb.


QuoteOh, I'm not saying it does. I was just pointing out that gas is actually much cheaper now than it was in the 50s
Right after world war 2  everyone came home and bought houses and cars. A temporary increase untill we started drilling for more oil.

QuoteMm, gas here just spiked to $4.16/gallon.  UserLoser, I wish I had cheap gas like you.  In my entire life, I don't remember it EVER being below $2.40, and $2.40 is considered cheap+++ here. 

And yeah, in Europe it's much, much more expensive. 
It was < $1.00 2 years ago.

My SUV was given to me as a gift, I couldn't sell it if I tryed.  Not for enough money to warrant the trouble anyway.  a 5.0L v8 that gets ~14mpg, who the hell would buy that right now?
QuoteI wish my grass was Goth so it would cut itself


Quote from: hismajesty[yL] on August 18, 2005, 03:42 PM
Arta: Actually they would stop driving them, there are a lot of SUVs for sale around here now. I found it funny though, how my grandpa was driving me home from sailing in his SUV and he was talking about a comic this morning of a Hummer with the license plate 'Dummer' and how it is showing how people that buy gas hogging SUVs are dumb.

I'm not sure I follow. Are you claiming that SUVs have good mileage?


Quote from: UserLoser on August 18, 2005, 12:49 PM
But nobody has really explained why the prices have gone way up compared to what they were a few years back.

Oil is more expensive and corporations are greedy.


Quote from: Arta[vL] on August 18, 2005, 05:10 PM
Quote from: hismajesty[yL] on August 18, 2005, 03:42 PM
Arta: Actually they would stop driving them, there are a lot of SUVs for sale around here now. I found it funny though, how my grandpa was driving me home from sailing in his SUV and he was talking about a comic this morning of a Hummer with the license plate 'Dummer' and how it is showing how people that buy gas hogging SUVs are dumb.

I'm not sure I follow. Are you claiming that SUVs have good mileage?

I think he means that people are trying to get rid of them
This'll make an interesting test for broken AV:


Yeah, gas prices are terrible.  Regardless of what anyone says. 

And I hear that if the gas prices get way to bad, we can always use our extras, which I don't even know if we have any, and how much we have.  So hopefully, we don't get over $3.50, or I will get very angry.

Quote from: iago on August 18, 2005, 11:24 AM
Mm, gas here just spiked to $4.16/gallon. UserLoser, I wish I had cheap gas like you. In my entire life, I don't remember it EVER being below $2.40, and $2.40 is considered cheap+++ here.

And yeah, in Europe it's much, much more expensive.

Learn to ride a bike? :P
Ron, I would hate to live where you live.. I don't think I could afford that.
"They say that I must learn to kill before I can feel safe, but I rather kill myself then turn into their slave."
- The Rasmus



Quote from: Arta[vL] on August 18, 2005, 05:10 PM
Quote from: hismajesty[yL] on August 18, 2005, 03:42 PM
Arta: Actually they would stop driving them, there are a lot of SUVs for sale around here now. I found it funny though, how my grandpa was driving me home from sailing in his SUV and he was talking about a comic this morning of a Hummer with the license plate 'Dummer' and how it is showing how people that buy gas hogging SUVs are dumb.

I'm not sure I follow. Are you claiming that SUVs have good mileage?

Nope. I was responding to this:

QuotePeople won't stop driving stupid cars that get 10mpg until gas is $6/7/8/gal.

I was saying that people are starting to stop driving "stupid" cars.


Ah. I see. Good :)

What are they starting to drive now?


Less stupid cars?

I don't know, I don't know anyone selling their car. I've just seen a lot more on the side of the road and stuff than I used to.


I just filled up for $2.73 in South San Francisco, CA.


Put $15 in at $2.85 a gallon.  Was $2.77 this morning?! Argh.  Suburbs of Chicago, IL.


1: Powered by nissan - Get a new signature, that one is fucking annoying.

2: I do indeed recall the times of Gas being under a dollar/gallon.

3: I really wish we did have smarter cars but there aren't any solutions at all available right now.

So basically, right now were using technology in our cars thats 100 years old. Electric cars are even damn near that old (too lazy to look up a date). Hybrid is the only real new technology, which utilizes two old technologies depending on the situation available. That and aerodynamics... I'm bored so I'll go over the alternatives to current Petrol and low powered Electric.

Hydrogen: 100% the most promising, but you have to be an arrogant tree hugger to think this is perfect. We all know the basics.

The Hydrogen comes from water. It can only be extracted from the water via electrolysis(Yes, the same we get our "clean burning propane") Electrolysis requires electricity. Electricity is made via Coal or Nuclear. Both pollute but are the only productive solutions.

Things we could do at current technology state but aren't:
Build many nice Hydrogen cars, put in widescaled Hydrogen refueling stations. (Currently, teh Ubernator Governor of CA signed something to put in a few points along the highway so that someone could actually refuel their hydrogen cars, but its hardly as convienent as every other corner 7/11.)

Don't take me wrong however, as Hydrogen is still actually much better then Petrol but we still need clean energy solutions yet for that to be the ultimate answer here. Also, as for the Electrolysis part of getting the Hydrogen, and pollution caused from the power plant where ever can be much better controlled then our little cars can. Fuel cell cars themselves however, are totally awesome. Hydrogen doesn't waste nearly as much as gas does, so even though it doesn per say have any, the "exhaust" of it would be almost nothing. Hydrogen also allows high horsepower.

The change to Hydrogen would be worth it, buts not perfect, and the entire industry would have to change for it. That, IMO is no excuse to not start changing now, since it would take years to conform to this. Having a President who personally benefits from the oil industry won't help much either.
- Hostile is sexy.

Banana fanna fo fanna

Quote from: powered by nissan on August 20, 2005, 11:02 AM
how is my sig annoying does it not fit your screen because you have a shitty monitor thats not big enough

You're annoying.


I think your signature is annoying because it's so dull, and it doesn't really mean anything.. Furthermore, it's just a crappy car...

Also, lets try not to be complete assholes..

But, back on subject.. It seems that the gas prices where I live go up like 10 cents a week..  And I live in Kansas City, Missouri.  Last time I checked, it was like $2.59/g
"They say that I must learn to kill before I can feel safe, but I rather kill myself then turn into their slave."
- The Rasmus
