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To move out or not?...

Started by CrAz3D, July 19, 2005, 05:28 PM

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Quote from: Hazard on July 19, 2005, 11:27 PM
I was not impressed with FSU's campus, classroom facilities for my courses, people, or atmosphere. I'm not impressed with their track record as far as campus security goes. I hate Tallahassee, partly because if its location near the Redneck Riviera.

Florida State, north till ya smell it and west until ya finally step in it.

Yeah, because you've been here for so long and know everything about the people and atmosphere.  I guess you didn't know a lot of South and Central Floridians also attend.  I guess they're rednecks too.  Campus Security?  Did you notice that you can call SAFE and they will pick you up and drop you off where you need to go?  Did you know that there is a Police Station on campus?  The 'security officers' that are on most campuses are actually police officers here.  Did you notice the SAFE emergency poles located on and even off campus in proximity?  "Redneck Riviera"?  Are you nuts?  Gainesville is "Redneck Riveria" if anything!  It's a nowhere town in the middle of nowhere!  Although, I guess you didn't know that Tallahassee is the capital of Florida and that its an actual city, that many of the people here are from elsewhere.  Classroom facilities?  Most classrooms have projectors and computers and they also have infrared sensors so large classes can participate using special remotes!  FSU also has a campus-wide Wi-Fi network with optional use with Blue Socket.  As for research, FSU is a research-1 institute and has a nationally renowned Magnetics Laboratory and a particle accelerator.  (Edit: Not to mention but many programs have research oppurtunity for undergraduates).  FSU was the home of 2 of the world's most renowned cryptographers (Now only 1 is left, the other was transferred).  Actually, if you were studying information security, the graduate program here is excellent from what I understand...go figure, they work closely with the NSA!  Classroom facilities?  Oppurtunities?  Just because you came for the 2 day tutorial of the campus doesn't mean you seen and know it all.

Edit: Well, if the classroom facilities I mentioned above aren't in your classroom, then its a legitimate reason.  However, "redneck riviera," is bogus...a lot of "rednecks" are among the nicest people I've known.  You make claims about people and atmosphere that you have really no clue about.  Campus security looks fine to me, I do know in the past there have been problems (I don't know, like 20 years ago?).

Back on Topic please.


Uh, back on topic, I think living on your own, whether it's in dorms or in an apartment is the way to go.  I lived in the dorms for a year, am living in an apartment now, and will be renting a house come august.  Living in the dorms was definently one of the best years of my life -- meeting new people, being close to people of similar age and interest, all the while being able to roll out of bed 5 minutes before class starts.  Living in an apartment is also fun, although the number of (interesting) people you meet is nowhere near as large. 

JTN Designer

Move out. It is much better then living with your parents, trust me. :)
(advertising deleted by forum administrator)


dorms + food plan is more expensive than an apartment so an apartment is more realistic.

I've figured about $360 a month for electric, apartment (including water), cable tv/cable internet, gas, cell phone

I'll be making MAYBE $310 a month while in school.  My parents can't help me because my dad is going back to school for a master's degree.

I know I could afford it with a 2nd job but I would have very little hang out time.

I know I could use my savings & be totally cool & have WAY enough, but then I'd be spending what I have saved up ($65k ish) & I'd rather save to buy my own house later on.

Experience vs. cost, I think cost will win in the long run...its alot of money just to get an 'experience' for life, I can experience things later & worry less about money
rebundance - having or being in excess of sheer stupidity
Quote from: Spht on June 22, 2004, 07:32 PMSlap.
Quote from: Adron on January 28, 2005, 09:17 AMIn a way, I believe that religion is inherently evil, which includes Christianity. I'd also say Christianity is eviller than Buddhism (has more potential for evil).
Quote from: iago on April 19, 2005, 01:06 PM
CrAz3D's ... is too big vertically, at least, too big with ... iago ...


Quote from: nslay on July 19, 2005, 11:42 PM

Yeah, because you've been here for so long and know everything about the people and atmosphere.  I guess you didn't know a lot of South and Central Floridians also attend.  I guess they're rednecks too.  Campus Security?  Did you notice that you can call SAFE and they will pick you up and drop you off where you need to go?  Did you know that there is a Police Station on campus?  The 'security officers' that are on most campuses are actually police officers here.  Did you notice the SAFE emergency poles located on and even off campus in proximity?  "Redneck Riviera"?  Are you nuts?  Gainesville is "Redneck Riveria" if anything!  It's a nowhere town in the middle of nowhere!  Although, I guess you didn't know that Tallahassee is the capital of Florida and that its an actual city, that many of the people here are from elsewhere.  Classroom facilities?  Most classrooms have projectors and computers and they also have infrared sensors so large classes can participate using special remotes!  FSU also has a campus-wide Wi-Fi network with optional use with Blue Socket.  As for research, FSU is a research-1 institute and has a nationally renowned Magnetics Laboratory and a particle accelerator.  (Edit: Not to mention but many programs have research oppurtunity for undergraduates).  FSU was the home of 2 of the world's most renowned cryptographers (Now only 1 is left, the other was transferred).  Actually, if you were studying information security, the graduate program here is excellent from what I understand...go figure, they work closely with the NSA!  Classroom facilities?  Oppurtunities?  Just because you came for the 2 day tutorial of the campus doesn't mean you seen and know it all.

Edit: Well, if the classroom facilities I mentioned above aren't in your classroom, then its a legitimate reason.  However, "redneck riviera," is bogus...a lot of "rednecks" are among the nicest people I've known.  You make claims about people and atmosphere that you have really no clue about.  Campus security looks fine to me, I do know in the past there have been problems (I don't know, like 20 years ago?).

Look, don't try and start shit then use the "Back on topic" line as a cop out.

I've lived in Florida my entire life. I've been to FSU's campus half a dozen times for football games and twice on visits. On all of those visits, I found the atmosphere, campus, classrooms, or people desireable. You don't have to quote me about all of the things that FSU has because guess what? University of Florida has all of the same things. Leafing through your student handbook to tell me all these great programs FSU has is something I don't really care about, I've got the same handbook. Unlike University of Florida, they do not have a set program in place in Washington D.C. for internships like UF has. The opportunities at UF are, quite simply, better for me.

Dude, how long have you lived in Florida? I've been here 18 years. Ask any local that lives in the panhandle what they call the Pensacola - Panama Beach region, they'll tell you "the Redneck Riviera." I don't want to live with a bunch of tourists.

You point to Gainesville being the middle of nowhere like its a bad thing. I want to live in a College town. I don't want to be stuck in Tallahassee, which is not a great city anyway. My choices for school were places such as Auburn, in Auburn/Opelika, Alabama, about an hour and a half from a MAJOR city. University of Florida, in Gainesville. Not as far from major cities with the proximity of Jacksonville or Daytona. Why in the world would I want to have to deal with city life? If I wanted that I would have signed up for like... Boston College. I'd like to point out to you that there isn't much to do in Tallahassee anyway except protest at the state capital building.

Quote from: CrAz3D on July 20, 2005, 02:06 AM
dorms + food plan is more expensive than an apartment so an apartment is more realistic.

I've figured about $360 a month for electric, apartment (including water), cable tv/cable internet, gas, cell phone

I'll be making MAYBE $310 a month while in school.  My parents can't help me because my dad is going back to school for a master's degree.

I know I could afford it with a 2nd job but I would have very little hang out time.

I know I could use my savings & be totally cool & have WAY enough, but then I'd be spending what I have saved up ($65k ish) & I'd rather save to buy my own house later on.

Experience vs. cost, I think cost will win in the long run...its alot of money just to get an 'experience' for life, I can experience things later & worry less about money

Now, to speak to the topic as well:

Crazed... I understand where you're coming from with the cost. It is more expensive. But your experience vs. cost analysis is pretty bad. Its like the cliche, "There are some things money can't buy." The college experience is one of those things. Arta agrees with me (amazing isn't it?) that its a critical part of growing up, getting out on your own that is. When you get in the real world and get a job, after college, you will be far too tempted to use the same argument to live at home if you cop out with it now. It will always be cheaper to live with your parents, but you have to grow up sometime.

"Courage is being scared to death - but saddling up anyway." --John Wayne


I can't live at home after college, with my undergrad degree I won't get a job I like so I plan to attend law school straight after undergrad...the closest law school is 250 miles away.  I'm cheap, I figure that I can find out about enough things through friends, I may move out in a year or so when I have a better job & am settled into everything.
rebundance - having or being in excess of sheer stupidity
Quote from: Spht on June 22, 2004, 07:32 PMSlap.
Quote from: Adron on January 28, 2005, 09:17 AMIn a way, I believe that religion is inherently evil, which includes Christianity. I'd also say Christianity is eviller than Buddhism (has more potential for evil).
Quote from: iago on April 19, 2005, 01:06 PM
CrAz3D's ... is too big vertically, at least, too big with ... iago ...


On a related note, my brother is 19, unemployed, chose not to go to college, and I continue to have to share a room with the bastard. Go away! Yes, you to the left of me!


the army for him I spose?
rebundance - having or being in excess of sheer stupidity
Quote from: Spht on June 22, 2004, 07:32 PMSlap.
Quote from: Adron on January 28, 2005, 09:17 AMIn a way, I believe that religion is inherently evil, which includes Christianity. I'd also say Christianity is eviller than Buddhism (has more potential for evil).
Quote from: iago on April 19, 2005, 01:06 PM
CrAz3D's ... is too big vertically, at least, too big with ... iago ...


Quote from: Hazard on July 20, 2005, 09:24 AM
Quote from: nslay on July 19, 2005, 11:42 PM

Yeah, because you've been here for so long and know everything about the people and atmosphere.  I guess you didn't know a lot of South and Central Floridians also attend.  I guess they're rednecks too.  Campus Security?  Did you notice that you can call SAFE and they will pick you up and drop you off where you need to go?  Did you know that there is a Police Station on campus?  The 'security officers' that are on most campuses are actually police officers here.  Did you notice the SAFE emergency poles located on and even off campus in proximity?  "Redneck Riviera"?  Are you nuts?  Gainesville is "Redneck Riveria" if anything!  It's a nowhere town in the middle of nowhere!  Although, I guess you didn't know that Tallahassee is the capital of Florida and that its an actual city, that many of the people here are from elsewhere.  Classroom facilities?  Most classrooms have projectors and computers and they also have infrared sensors so large classes can participate using special remotes!  FSU also has a campus-wide Wi-Fi network with optional use with Blue Socket.  As for research, FSU is a research-1 institute and has a nationally renowned Magnetics Laboratory and a particle accelerator.  (Edit: Not to mention but many programs have research oppurtunity for undergraduates).  FSU was the home of 2 of the world's most renowned cryptographers (Now only 1 is left, the other was transferred).  Actually, if you were studying information security, the graduate program here is excellent from what I understand...go figure, they work closely with the NSA!  Classroom facilities?  Oppurtunities?  Just because you came for the 2 day tutorial of the campus doesn't mean you seen and know it all.

Edit: Well, if the classroom facilities I mentioned above aren't in your classroom, then its a legitimate reason.  However, "redneck riviera," is bogus...a lot of "rednecks" are among the nicest people I've known.  You make claims about people and atmosphere that you have really no clue about.  Campus security looks fine to me, I do know in the past there have been problems (I don't know, like 20 years ago?).

Look, don't try and start shit then use the "Back on topic" line as a cop out.

I've lived in Florida my entire life. I've been to FSU's campus half a dozen times for football games and twice on visits. On all of those visits, I found the atmosphere, campus, classrooms, or people desireable. You don't have to quote me about all of the things that FSU has because guess what? University of Florida has all of the same things. Leafing through your student handbook to tell me all these great programs FSU has is something I don't really care about, I've got the same handbook. Unlike University of Florida, they do not have a set program in place in Washington D.C. for internships like UF has. The opportunities at UF are, quite simply, better for me.

Dude, how long have you lived in Florida? I've been here 18 years. Ask any local that lives in the panhandle what they call the Pensacola - Panama Beach region, they'll tell you "the Redneck Riviera." I don't want to live with a bunch of tourists.

You point to Gainesville being the middle of nowhere like its a bad thing. I want to live in a College town. I don't want to be stuck in Tallahassee, which is not a great city anyway. My choices for school were places such as Auburn, in Auburn/Opelika, Alabama, about an hour and a half from a MAJOR city. University of Florida, in Gainesville. Not as far from major cities with the proximity of Jacksonville or Daytona. Why in the world would I want to have to deal with city life? If I wanted that I would have signed up for like... Boston College. I'd like to point out to you that there isn't much to do in Tallahassee anyway except protest at the state capital building.

Quote from: CrAz3D on July 20, 2005, 02:06 AM
dorms + food plan is more expensive than an apartment so an apartment is more realistic.

I've figured about $360 a month for electric, apartment (including water), cable tv/cable internet, gas, cell phone

I'll be making MAYBE $310 a month while in school.  My parents can't help me because my dad is going back to school for a master's degree.

I know I could afford it with a 2nd job but I would have very little hang out time.

I know I could use my savings & be totally cool & have WAY enough, but then I'd be spending what I have saved up ($65k ish) & I'd rather save to buy my own house later on.

Experience vs. cost, I think cost will win in the long run...its alot of money just to get an 'experience' for life, I can experience things later & worry less about money

Now, to speak to the topic as well:

Crazed... I understand where you're coming from with the cost. It is more expensive. But your experience vs. cost analysis is pretty bad. Its like the cliche, "There are some things money can't buy." The college experience is one of those things. Arta agrees with me (amazing isn't it?) that its a critical part of growing up, getting out on your own that is. When you get in the real world and get a job, after college, you will be far too tempted to use the same argument to live at home if you cop out with it now. It will always be cheaper to live with your parents, but you have to grow up sometime.

First of all, I was born and raised in Florida and for lived here for the full 21 years of my life.  I've lived in Tallahassee for 2 years which is more than the "half-a-dozen" times you've been here.  You came to football games, what do you expect the atmosphere to be?  First Tallahassee is near "redneck riviera" and you wanted to attend university in Alabama?  Give me a break!  Gainesville is a redneck riviera if you ask me.   Nobody ever said UF didn't have a better political science program.  If UF has the oppurtunities you're looking for, that's wonderful.  On the other hand I refuted everything you claimed about FSU's dorms, security, people, admosphere because you simply you have no clue what you are talking about.  You came to football games here and assumed that everyday is a football game, you came on your 2 day campus tour and assumed that what you saw was all FSU.  Oh and by the way, FSU is more than just a stadium.

University of Florida doesn't have the same things...ugh!  University of Florida doesn't even have half of what FSU has an offers.  Give me a break and while you're at it read about both on Wikipedia.  Now, really, back on topic because you're wasting both our time by making all these claims about FSU.  Not once had I ever made a claim about UF's dorms, classrooms, people, atmosphere, security or anything that I'm not sure of.  However I drove through Gainesville and it was a bunch of nothing, a "redneck riviera."

As for things to do in Tallahassee...You'll soon learn there isn't much to do anywhere haha.  You'll realize its who you know and not what to do because every city is a composed of restaurants, clubs, bars, gas stations, stores and etc...all of these are "your things to do," right?  Well plenty of those here and anywhere else you go.


QuoteFirst Tallahassee is near "redneck riviera" and you wanted to attend university in Alabama?

*Sigh* You're not a very good Floridian. You were raised in Orlando or something weren't you. So I guess I'll have to connect the little dots for you to understand.

QuoteGainesville is a redneck riviera if you ask me.

Didn't quite get the joke about the Redneck Riviera I see... maybe you should ask somebody who has a clue?

QuoteOn the other hand I refuted everything you claimed about FSU's dorms, security, people, admosphere because you simply you have no clue what you are talking about.

And its not possible that you only think that FSU is so wonderful because you're so in love with a) FSU itself and b) Tallahassee? Thats typical Seminole behavior, another great argument against FSU.

QuoteYou came to football games here and assumed that everyday is a football game, you came on your 2 day campus tour and assumed that what you saw was all FSU.

Well... yea. I went on a recruiting trip and was around for several days. Didn't like the atmosphere. Was around for a campus tour for 2 days. Didn't like that atmosphere then either. From two seperate trips, with two seperate groups, and the same negative vibe, I think I'm capable of making a decision.

QuoteUniversity of Florida doesn't even have half of what FSU has an offers.

HOW THE FUCK DO YOU KNOW THAT? FROM A TWO DAY TOUR HUH? Sound familiar? It should, because thats you.

QuoteGive me a break and while you're at it read about both on Wikipedia.

So all of the time that I've spent on UF's campus doesn't count?

QuoteHowever I drove through Gainesville and it was a bunch of nothing, a "redneck riviera."

Ah so you drove through Gainesville once, well I guess thats pretty extensive experience. You're right nslay, FSU MUST be better than UF. Because you're SO experienced when it comes to FSU and you EVEN drove through Gainesville once! I mean jeez! You've seen it all!

All in all, college visits, experiences, and visitation with students have taught me a few things: University of Florida outclasses FSU both in facilities and in the liberal arts, not to mention the medicinal sciences, but the atmosphere is among the best in the nation. You are living proof that FSU does not have the quality student body the University of Florida has. You have personally succeeding in soldifying in my mind that I made the right decision to pass on FSU and go straight to the top, UF.

"Courage is being scared to death - but saddling up anyway." --John Wayne


A lot of colleges require you stay in a dorm for the first two years (at least, the ones I've looked at do) so I'll have no choice. I think it's better though, because you're going to have to move out sooner or later and at least you'll get some experience.


Moving out costs about $9k-$10k a year here (we have an inexpensive society in Las Cruces).  I just don't understand how people worked their way through college (no scholarships & no parnetal help)....sounds like they must've been uber dedicated & went to cheaper schools & everything was MUCH less expensive then
rebundance - having or being in excess of sheer stupidity
Quote from: Spht on June 22, 2004, 07:32 PMSlap.
Quote from: Adron on January 28, 2005, 09:17 AMIn a way, I believe that religion is inherently evil, which includes Christianity. I'd also say Christianity is eviller than Buddhism (has more potential for evil).
Quote from: iago on April 19, 2005, 01:06 PM
CrAz3D's ... is too big vertically, at least, too big with ... iago ...


Living in a dorm is a huge step, in fact I'd definetly consider that 'moving out' because you really sever. I mean you've got to get out sometime and traditionally, now is that time.

"Courage is being scared to death - but saddling up anyway." --John Wayne


Quote from: Hazard on July 19, 2005, 06:26 PM
My plans just changed, and I'd like to share with everyone that I will in fact not be attending Auburn University in the Fall semester, I will instead be at the UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA!!!!!!!!!!! WOHOOO!

Long story short, I think its important to move out when you hit college. For one thing, my parents aren't requiring me to pay living expenses, as long as I stay enrolled in school full time and maintain a 3.0 GPA, if I get a 3.5 I will actually get more income. With all 4 years of school and housing paid for and a 75% Bright Futures scholarship, not only do I have the income from the state from my scholarships but the income my parents choose to give me to live on.

Its too difficult, in my opinion, to become more independent when you're still living in the shelter of your parents wings. I'm not talking about how this would make it easier to get away with things, but your much less ersponsible for your own wellbeing under your parents roof. Its important to get out on your own... its a must.

Unfortunately, people who don't have wealthy parents can't live as you are going to.  I know that I couldn't move out when I am ready to go to college and expect my parents to support me and I'm sure this is true for most people (and perhaps Crazed ;)).


Quote from: Mephisto on July 20, 2005, 06:27 PM
Unfortunately, people who don't have wealthy parents can't live as you are going to. I know that I couldn't move out when I am ready to go to college and expect my parents to support me and I'm sure this is true for most people (and perhaps Crazed ;)).

Maybe you should start saving now then. That's one reason I'm getting into investing, so that I'll have my own money when I get out of college. Luckily my parents thought ahead and set me up with a trust fund, but that won't be enough to live comfortably without working while I'm in graduate school (3 years of school + 1 year internship.) It's in my best interest to have my own source of liquid assets, in my name, that I can use when I'm of age (21). My family is paying for my four-year unless I totally screw up my life, but I'm doubting they'll pay for my whole graduate school (law school, especially ivy, is inredibly expensive.) You should probably start thinking about that too, even if it's just putting money in the bank. A new computer game now is really nothing compared to having to struggle when you're in your early twenties. Not that I know from experience, as I'm not 20+, but I'm assuming.

Edit: Added quote, to avoid confusion.
