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Terrorism in the London

Started by Lenny, July 07, 2005, 04:52 AM

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Quote from: Banana fanna fo fanna on July 10, 2005, 10:25 PM
OK. How about this one:

dxoigmn, or any of your compadres, give me a concrete, documented example OTHER than the Gulf Wars in which the US severely meddled in Middle Eastern affairs, that does not involve copious usage of subjective opinions disguised as facts.

Seriously, please provide this. I'd like to know.

Playing devil's advocate:

1953 Iran
1958 Lebanon
1979 Afghanistan
1980-1990 Iran again (on the side of Iraq)
1981-1986 Libya
1982-1984 Lebanon again
1991 Gulf War (sorry, had to include it)
1998 Afghanistan again
1998 Sudan
1998 Kabul
2001 Afghanistan...yet again

I'm sure there's more


Quote from: hismajesty[yL] on July 10, 2005, 10:34 PM
All this is really unrelated (beach houses, etc.) The entire point of my post was that regardless of who is giving the money, people had to work hard for it. You shouldn't be saying "well, just because the US has more people they should be giving more than they already are." The US could simply hold all of the money back and not give any out in foreign aid, how would you like that? I mean, we have plenty of problems within the country (homeless children, poverty, etc.) that the money could be used for. Why don't you, iago, write letters to your government and request that they appropriate more funds to foreign aid? Same for you Adron. Don't criticize the United States for donating less than could if you're going to ignore the fact that most countries that donate do donate less than what they could afford. It's obvious that you're supposed to be looking out for your own above all.

What I'm saying is that the US isn't a great donor for world aid. Other countries are already giving more. Every country has plenty of problems within that they could use money for.

Sure, you could start giving less, and that'd mean less money for the people in need. Yes, you do give some. Just don't pretend that you're this generous world supporter. You're not. The way you say "you're supposed to be looking out for your own above all" really gives a good hint about what you're like.


Quote from: PiaNKA on July 11, 2005, 12:43 AM
Quote from: Banana fanna fo fanna on July 10, 2005, 10:25 PM
OK. How about this one:

dxoigmn, or any of your compadres, give me a concrete, documented example OTHER than the Gulf Wars in which the US severely meddled in Middle Eastern affairs, that does not involve copious usage of subjective opinions disguised as facts.

Seriously, please provide this. I'd like to know.

Playing devil's advocate:

1953 Iran
1958 Lebanon
1979 Afghanistan
1980-1990 Iran again (on the side of Iraq)
1981-1986 Libya
1982-1984 Lebanon again
1991 Gulf War (sorry, had to include it)
1998 Afghanistan again
1998 Sudan
1998 Kabul
2001 Afghanistan...yet again

I'm sure there's more
You missed at least 1 Iraq in there

Maybe the mid east should get their attack together then?
rebundance - having or being in excess of sheer stupidity
Quote from: Spht on June 22, 2004, 07:32 PMSlap.
Quote from: Adron on January 28, 2005, 09:17 AMIn a way, I believe that religion is inherently evil, which includes Christianity. I'd also say Christianity is eviller than Buddhism (has more potential for evil).
Quote from: iago on April 19, 2005, 01:06 PM
CrAz3D's ... is too big vertically, at least, too big with ... iago ...


Quote from: PiaNKA on July 11, 2005, 12:43 AM
Quote from: Banana fanna fo fanna on July 10, 2005, 10:25 PM
OK. How about this one:

dxoigmn, or any of your compadres, give me a concrete, documented example OTHER than the Gulf Wars in which the US severely meddled in Middle Eastern affairs, that does not involve copious usage of subjective opinions disguised as facts.

Seriously, please provide this. I'd like to know.

Playing devil's advocate:

1953 Iran
1958 Lebanon
1979 Afghanistan
1980-1990 Iran again (on the side of Iraq)
1981-1986 Libya
1982-1984 Lebanon again
1991 Gulf War (sorry, had to include it)
1998 Afghanistan again
1998 Sudan
1998 Kabul
2001 Afghanistan...yet again

I'm sure there's more

Kabul is not a country, its a capital city.

"Courage is being scared to death - but saddling up anyway." --John Wayne


Quote from: iago on July 10, 2005, 08:59 PM
Quote from: Hazard on July 10, 2005, 08:56 PM
Beach houses are nice. Anybody here is welcome to rent out our beach house (I'll even give you the 'friends' rate) if they're ever in the Tampa Bay area.*

*NOTE: Offer only applies to Republicans and Americans, so Adron and that British guy can take a hike.  :P

What if I live in America Junior?

Eh... I'll tell you what. The family and friends discount is usually around 50%, I'll give you 25%.

"Courage is being scared to death - but saddling up anyway." --John Wayne


Quote from: Adron on July 11, 2005, 01:27 AM
Quote from: hismajesty[yL] on July 10, 2005, 10:34 PM
All this is really unrelated (beach houses, etc.) The entire point of my post was that regardless of who is giving the money, people had to work hard for it. You shouldn't be saying "well, just because the US has more people they should be giving more than they already are." The US could simply hold all of the money back and not give any out in foreign aid, how would you like that? I mean, we have plenty of problems within the country (homeless children, poverty, etc.) that the money could be used for. Why don't you, iago, write letters to your government and request that they appropriate more funds to foreign aid? Same for you Adron. Don't criticize the United States for donating less than could if you're going to ignore the fact that most countries that donate do donate less than what they could afford. It's obvious that you're supposed to be looking out for your own above all.

What I'm saying is that the US isn't a great donor for world aid. Other countries are already giving more. Every country has plenty of problems within that they could use money for.

Sure, you could start giving less, and that'd mean less money for the people in need. Yes, you do give some. Just don't pretend that you're this generous world supporter. You're not. The way you say "you're supposed to be looking out for your own above all" really gives a good hint about what you're like.

I'll conceed that the US gives less than it could at a mere 0.16% it's the lowest ouf of any G-8 country. However, Canada, for example, only gives between .2 and .3 percent of it's total income. That still means that the US is giving more money, because we have a lot more of it. Reaching the standard that G-8 leaders want of .7% would probably not be beneficial for the United States. Besides, foreign aid allotment has been doubled to $50billion by 2010, which is a substantial increase.

I don't see how that comment would reflect negatively on me? I'm sure you care more about the security of Sweden than the United States, or the security of your family over mine, etc.


The only group that would be beneficial to is the G-8 unit itself. They aren't talking about all contributing an equal share, they're basically hobo-ing off of us, as per the usual agreement.

"Courage is being scared to death - but saddling up anyway." --John Wayne


Quote from: PiaNKA on July 11, 2005, 12:43 AM
Quote from: Banana fanna fo fanna on July 10, 2005, 10:25 PM
OK. How about this one:

dxoigmn, or any of your compadres, give me a concrete, documented example OTHER than the Gulf Wars in which the US severely meddled in Middle Eastern affairs, that does not involve copious usage of subjective opinions disguised as facts.

Seriously, please provide this. I'd like to know.

Playing devil's advocate:

1953 Iran
1958 Lebanon
1979 Afghanistan
1980-1990 Iran again (on the side of Iraq)
1981-1986 Libya
1982-1984 Lebanon again
1991 Gulf War (sorry, had to include it)
1998 Afghanistan again
1998 Sudan
1998 Kabul
2001 Afghanistan...yet again

I'm sure there's more
You got the part about 1980-1990 a tad wrong.  We supplied weapons and money to both Iraq and Iran, but officially backed Iraq.  That way no matter what happened we got a lot of people indebted to us.


Quote from: rabbit on July 11, 2005, 11:20 AM
You got the part about 1980-1990 a tad wrong.  We supplied weapons and money to both Iraq and Iran, but officially backed Iraq.  That way no matter what happened we got a lot of people indebted to us.

I'm unaware of any support of Iran in the first Persian Gulf War, got an article on it?


No, but I'll try to find one.  I remember it from the Daily Show though.  I'll see what I can find.


Quote from: rabbit on July 11, 2005, 12:18 PM
No, but I'll try to find one. I remember it from the Daily Show though. I'll see what I can find.

What a great source of serious information.



Quote from: hismajesty[yL] on July 11, 2005, 12:24 PM
Quote from: rabbit on July 11, 2005, 12:18 PM
No, but I'll try to find one. I remember it from the Daily Show though. I'll see what I can find.

What a great source of serious information.

They don't usually report things that are completely untrue, I love the Daily Show.

"Courage is being scared to death - but saddling up anyway." --John Wayne


Quote from: hismajesty[yL] on July 11, 2005, 10:23 AM
I'll conceed that the US gives less than it could at a mere 0.16% it's the lowest ouf of any G-8 country. However, Canada, for example, only gives between .2 and .3 percent of it's total income. That still means that the US is giving more money, because we have a lot more of it.

Because you have a lot more of it, yes. That's the important point here. You can't compare the absolute monetary amounts donated. An example of how to make it wrong the other way would be to compare the donations of all countries in the world except the USA vs the USA. World vs USA, anyone?

Or compare the donations of the old country Yugoslavia to the donations of the current three countries. The people living in each of the three parts are suddenly only a third as generous as they used to be because each country is only donating one third of the total they donated when they were one country? :P

Quote from: hismajesty[yL] on July 11, 2005, 10:23 AM
I don't see how that comment would reflect negatively on me? I'm sure you care more about the security of Sweden than the United States, or the security of your family over mine, etc.

Consider volunteers travelling to dangerous countries, risking their lives to help others. They could all just stay at home, relax, and have people click links to pay their bills? There are actually many people who put the wellbeing of others before their own.


So, by what you've said, Sweden should be held to a lower standard than the United States?

"Courage is being scared to death - but saddling up anyway." --John Wayne
